
Chapter 1711 Cultivation Road

Chapter 1711 Cultivation Road

For Lin Huang's sudden words, Ju Mu was extremely puzzled.

What the heck, he was reborn once with a drop of blood, and made himself go wrong?

However, Lin Huang guessed the general thoughts in Qin Zheng's mind.

If Jumu hadn't said anything about the changes in the Chaos Obstacle, maybe he still couldn't think of it, but now he can roughly guess it.

For Emperor Chu Bai!
Perhaps entering the land of chaos and obscurity is to repay the debt, to return Tyrant Wushuang and Tianxia Domineering, to Emperor Chu Bai.

And Qin Zheng may also have some hesitation in his heart, so he reminded himself not to enter the chaos and confusion.

Because entering inside... Maybe it means that I don't have any choice.

In fact, on the other hand, if Lin Huang entered Baoshan, if he had the opportunity to explore the land of chaos and obscurity, then he would naturally not give up.

Even though it was just a guess in his heart, Lin Huang had already figured out all the sevens and eighties.

After all, that was Emperor Chu Bai!

If the latter was only from the Sky Continent, it would be nothing.However, Emperor Chu Bai walked out of the land of chaos and obscurity, and has inextricable relationship with the gods of Hongtian.

Then Emperor Chu Bai, for the human race, may be of great importance.

But Emperor Chu Bai walked out of the land of confusion and confusion as a domineering and all-spirited god.So this should be a very important existence for him.

But now that the domineering power of the world is all on him, Emperor Chu Bai was afraid that after his rebirth, his life would not be very good.

Only then did he have his own matter of entering the land of chaos and obscurity.

Lin Huang slowly figured out the key point, but smiled helplessly.

Returning Tianxia Domineering and Tyrant Wushuang back is nothing to him now.

It's just a little uncomfortable to think about it.

First of all, I have to walk into the fifth layer of chaos and confusion, and then I may not get anything, just to pay off the debt.

What a sad story.

"Let's go, let's go shopping on the third floor first!"

Lin Huang waved his hand and wandered around the third floor with the giant tree.

After thinking this through, Lin Huang's mood calmed down.At least, Qin Zheng should not have died, but was making trouble outside.

Moreover, Emperor Chu Bai may return again soon.

This is a good thing for the human race.

As far as he is concerned... it is not considered a loss, because his purpose of leaving the Sky Continent this time is not to become stronger, or to become stronger now.

He did it to get acquainted with the heavens and all races, so as not to make himself a frog at the bottom of the well.

Even though Qin Zheng fooled people every day and didn't take him through a few races, he had already learned a lot... this ancient world of ten thousand races.

those powerful races.

The human race... is not considered weak.

But in front of the heavens and all races, there is always the danger of subversion.

Only by becoming stronger as soon as possible and letting the human race have a few more giant pillars, the human race will have more capital to cope with the future situation.

The right to speak in the heavens and the world is still in the hands of some top clans.And the development of the clan is also controlled by some high-level gods.

If you want to grow, you have to improve your realm first.

Speaking of the most essential...strength is king.Whether it is Qin Zheng or Emperor Jintian, the reason why they can be remembered by the heavens and all races for tens of thousands of years is because of their strength.

As Lin Huang walked, he broke off another branch from the giant tree and waved it indiscriminately... This time walking out of the Sky Continent made him understand a lot of things.

As early as in the Evil Clan's Catacombs in the Sky Continent, Lin Huang had already determined the path of cultivation.

He smelted everything that could be smelted, hoping that the future path would be based on the Holy Body and the divine body as the future.Carrying several great gods, they finally merged and walked out of an invincible road.

But after leaving the Sky Continent, several battles made him change his mind.

Not only the human race has the holy body and the divine body, but there are also many terrifying holy bodies in the heavens and all races.Just like Chi Shenying, after evolving into a fallen angel or a sinful angel, the physical strength is also very terrifying.

As a last resort, I still split the smelted ones to reproduce the Overlord Wushuang, and then use the Overlord's treasure technique of the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body to fuse them together to suppress Chi Shenying.

and so……

Lin Huang has been thinking about what is the strongest power.

Except people's hearts!

He believed that there would definitely be an invincible path if he walked the path of the flesh, but he seemed to have never grasped the key.

And Emperor Jin's Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor has indeed created a different path, but from his own point of view now, Emperor Jin is playing tricks.

Because what the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body needs for cultivation is not vitality, but the power of stars.This is a completely different cultivation system, and the strong men of the heavens and all races will be a little confused when facing this kind of power.

It's like someone is waiting for you to draw a knife, but you staggered and spilled a bottle of poison.

But on the other hand, this is not a completely unfamiliar force.Because among the heavens and all races, there are also races that can control the stars.

It's just that Emperor Jin used his body to contain the stars, which is very different from the path taken by those races.

But now that he came to Lin Huang's place, he was a little confused, but he also had some insights.

The reason may be that there is unwillingness in my heart.

He wants to be the strongest existence, and wants to control the strongest power.

He was able to draw a lot of insights from the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body, from the Heavenly Shura, from the Buddha Dharma Golden Body in his body, etc., allowing him to move forward step by step, but...

He has a feeling, but the way forward is not very clear.


Lin Huang shook his head with a long sigh of relief, maybe it's time to find a time to retreat!

One person and one tree are wandering around the third floor of the Land of Chaos. Now with the strength of the two of them, they can almost walk sideways on the third floor without much danger.

Lin Huang has been thinking about the issue of cultivation, and most of the gods he met were giant trees.

With the passage of time, the realms of giant trees and forests have slowly improved, but it is not so easy to break through both.

After all, Jumu is going to step into the fourth realm.

And the resources needed to improve the forest shortage are massive every time.

"Tell me about the fourth floor!"

Three days later, Lin Huang calmed down and began to focus on the chaos and confusion.

At this moment, his realm is also stuck at the peak of the second realm, only one step away from the gods of the third realm.

"Didn't I say it before... I still say it!"

Ju Mu was very dissatisfied with Lin Huang's lazy performance in the past three days, so he didn't have a good temper when he spoke.

"The fourth floor can actually be counted as a land of chaos and obscurity!"

However, Jumu still opened his mouth and explained to Lin Huang.

"In the first two floors, there is no danger from the maze except for being lost and unable to get out. And on the third floor, there is nothing else except spirit beasts!"

"But the fourth floor is different!"

Jumu's expression became a little more serious.

"Because of the Guardian?"

Lin Huang asked.

"No... not only because of the guardians, but also because the fourth floor itself is very evil! I have experienced it many times. In my perception, the fourth floor should be regarded as a secret place with great danger. !"

(End of this chapter)

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