
Chapter 1730 Pursuit

Chapter 1730 Pursuit
All worlds.


Five rays of light flew across the sky and earth like meteors, heading towards a certain direction.

"Qin Zheng, are we really going to the Shenyou clan?"

The remote god asked.

"The result drawn out before, isn't this?"

Qin Zhengdao.

"But... the strength of this family is stronger than that of the sea anemone and the sky fox combined. The five of us are not sure!"

The distant gods said.

"I remember that before you, didn't you want to attack the Blazing God Clan? Why... now you feel unsure?"

Qin Zheng laughed.

"We're talking business!"

Yaotian felt that Qin Zheng was playing around the corner.

"Don't think about it. Wherever we go, we can kill wherever we go! Is it that important if we are from the Shenyou clan?"

Zhan Tianshen Zun now speaks very arrogantly again.

"That's a good sentence!"

The Great Wilderness nodded in rare approval.

Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows, "At this time...we should have been expelled from the human race, everyone should understand what this means!"

"No reinforcements!"

Zhou Tianshen spoke very calmly.

"What are you afraid of? Without reinforcements, I can still break through the sky!"

Zhan Tianzun became more and more arrogant.

"Attacking the Shenyou clan, is it... forget about it, who knows if it is really going to attack the Shenyou clan!"

Yaotian God gave up asking, but turned around and said, "I'm still curious, how did you lead us through the sea of ​​ruins?"

"You want to spy on my Daoji?"

Qin Zheng asked Yaotian God back, which made the latter not know how to answer the question for a while, peeping at Daoji, which is the root of the Dao involving the gods.

It's like a woman standing in front of you with no clothes on.

"In the heavens and worlds, is there a more essential power?"

Zhou Tianshen asked, his brows knit together.

Qin Zheng glanced back at the latter and nodded slightly.

Zhou Tianshen has been stuck in the current state for a long time, and he has fallen into confusion.But he has been comprehended in the current state for too long, and he may have discovered some clues, so he asked Qin Zheng like this.

"Have you seen that power?"

The Great Desolation Lord hurriedly asked, "No, you have already controlled that kind of power?"

"It's hard, but the fur!"

Qin Zheng replied, no longer hiding it, "We call it the power of the original rule, and I have never realized it, but I have been deriving the power of the original rule for these years!"


Yao Tianshen frowned suddenly.

"When we were in the chaos and confusion, Emperor Jintian and I saw the great formation of stars in the sky! At that time, Emperor Jintian once strayed into a dark river!"

"Star array? A dark river?"

Everyone was a little confused.

"It shouldn't be the star formation, but a broken world of our human race. In that broken world, Emperor Jintian firmly established his own way. He embarked on a different road. At the same time, he felt a trace of The power beyond time and space was dragged into that black river!"

"Emperor Jintian told me these things back then. He was born in a special family and could sense the power of stars since he was a child, so he saw the clues of chaos and obscurity!"

"At the beginning, I was dubious about what he said!"

At this time, Zhou Tianshen said, "I remember, when you two walked out of the chaos and confusion, Jhin gradually became invincible!"

Qin Zheng nodded, "The first time I came into contact with Heihe was when the Alliance of Nine Races attacked the Human Race! The Human Race opened the [-] Realm Guardian Array!"


Zhou Tianshen frowned suddenly, "That catastrophe and rebellion almost wiped out the entire army of the Nine Clans. Is it because you came into contact with Heihe?"

Qin Zheng nodded, "At that time, I almost collapsed in Heihe... But at the last moment, I was kicked out by a mysterious strong man, and at the same time, I also knew Heihe's name!"

Everyone stared at Qin Zheng intently.

"The silence of the heavens, the silent river!"

Zhou Tianshen frowned, he had lived an incomparably long time, but he had never heard of this name.

"That alien space possesses mysterious power that can erase the memory of gods. In fact, it didn't take long before I couldn't remember the silence of the sky and the river of silence... But some time ago, I entered the black river for the first time. My memory has been restored. It is estimated that I will forget it soon; and you will no longer remember these two names!"

"This is simple, won't it be over after writing it down?"

Zhan Tianzun said.

Everyone immediately looked at Zhan Tian Shenzun like a foolish roe deer.

This is the obliteration of the mysterious rules, and it will also disappear when it is written down.I really don't know how Zhantian Shenzun broke through the realm of gods and is still alive and kicking.

"You just said that there is a mysterious strong man?"

The Great Wilderness Lord is more interested in this.

"Well... only when I saw him for the first time, when I entered the Silent River a few times later, I was able to control my desire and walked out by myself!"

"Is it my human ancestor?"

Zhou Tianshen spoke.

In the human race, he is already considered a very ancient existence.Before him, there was indeed an existence longer than him...

But those existences are the real hidden guardians of the human race.

He knows some things, but he doesn't know any ancestors in Heihe!

Qin Zheng frowned, as if hesitating, "Before the tide!"


Everyone was shocked when they heard Qin Zheng's words.

What Qin Zheng meant was that the person who blasted him out of the Silent River was a strong human race before the tide... that was extremely ancient.

The original world of the human race has been passed down for tens of millions of years.

And before the tide...

Even if it is the closest era to the current human world.But for everyone, it is also extremely far away.

The reason why the predecessors before the tide still exist.I'm afraid that that person is the pathfinder and founder of the current human race world, the origin of the human race tens of millions of years ago.

"You may have touched another area that we don't know!"

The Great Wilderness Lord sighed, with a little envy in his voice.

Being able to perceive another unknown area may represent the correctness of talent and Taoism from a certain aspect.

This kind of thing is too rare.

You know, even Zhou Tianshen knows nothing about these things now.At the beginning, Zhou Tianshen was the giant pillar of the human race, the protector of Qin Zheng and Emperor Jintian... He was an era earlier than Qin Zheng, but he had no chance of the more mysterious and powerful power of rules.


Zhou Tianshen suddenly frowned, looked at Qin Zheng, "Jin..."

Zhou Tianshen only said one word, but everyone understood what he meant and turned to Qin Zheng.

"If he is still there, then there is only one possibility!"

Qin Zheng lowered his voice.

"The Silence of Heaven and the River of Silence... What kind of place is that?"

Zhan Tian Shen Zun looked at the sky, and seemed to have a new goal in his heart.

"Don't yearn, don't yearn!"

Qin Zheng's voice suddenly rose, and it was deafening in everyone's ears. "Here, there are his brothers, his confidante, his parents and mentors, and the memories of his battles."

"This is his hometown!"

"He never returned, it only means that he cannot return!"

"Perhaps, that is a more tragic and sad world!"

Zhou Tianshen frowned and looked at Qin Zheng: "What about you?"

Qin Zheng raised his head with his hands behind his back, and looked at the endless sky of hundreds of millions of miles. His black hair was flowing, his back was broad and stalwart, his voice was firm after years of polishing, but there was a smile on his face:
"When the new Optimus Pillar of the human race appears, I will step into the Silent River, enter the silence of the heavens, look for his trace, and fight side by side with him!"

(End of this chapter)

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