
Chapter 1753 Fireworks of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1753 Fireworks of Myriad Realms
Shen Cangqiong was surprised by the sudden change.

It's just to feel the birth of myriad worlds, why such a change occurred.


In the next moment, Lin Huang's expression gradually calmed down, and Ni Luan's blood also returned to calm.

Everything just now... as if it never happened!
After an hour, Lin Huang slowly opened his eyes, and let out a long breath, "One flower, one world, one leaf, one universe. With thoughts, mountains and seas can be shaped, universe can be shaped, and time can be messed up!"

Shen Cangqiong hummed again.

What nonsense is this talking about.

Lin Huang stood up, frowning slowly.

The power of Ten Thousand Realms is really strong...

What makes it powerful is not that it can be born into the myriad realms, and cultivate the beliefs and opportunities of the myriad realms.Rather... a world is like a drop of blood, or like a trembling of a soul.

And the physical body of the human many worlds can it hold?
Where is the limit of the human race?

Where is the end of martial arts?
Lin Huang suddenly felt ancient and vast.

It's ancient, there is no reason.

It is vast and has no roots.

An extremely inexplicable feeling... If he could really touch and describe it, perhaps at the moment when Wanjiesheng was completely condensed, he would have a kind of confidence.

A feeling of being able to slay gods and cross the Silent River... No, not crossing the Silent River, but the feeling of destroying the silence of the heavens with one foot!

This feeling is very unreal.

But it did give Lin Huangping such confidence.

"What happened just now? Why did your qi and blood go against the chaos?"

Shen Cangqiong frowned, and asked a question that he was extremely confused about.

This time, it was Lin Huang's turn to be a little surprised, "Haven't you felt it before, it is an extremely ancient picture!"


Shen Cangqiong couldn't believe it.

He has studied the extremely long years of life in the world, but... where is there any picture?
"Since you don't know, it means that you are not destined to be born in the world, so return it to me as soon as possible!"

Forest Road.

"You don't talk about martial arts now... The aura of life from all worlds you feel is the territory I have worked so hard to build from the beginning of my cultivation to now!"

Shen Cangqiong was furious.

Unexpectedly, Lin Huang was not grateful at all.

Lin Huang shook his sleeves, but he didn't continue to push Shen Cangqiong:
"I saw the fall of a peerless powerhouse!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth, with a hint of exclamation in his voice, "At the moment of his fall, myriad worlds gathered, blooming like fireworks in an instant, illuminating the endless river of time!"

"That's it?"

Shen Cangqiong frowned, he would do this too, "Isn't it just blowing up a world and setting off fireworks, it's a trivial matter!"


Lin Huang let out an annoying laugh, "The years illuminated by the splendid fireworks lasted at least millions of years!"


Shen Cangqiong's complexion changed immediately, "The fireworks are fleeting, and there is only a moment of beauty, and the rest is just the cold and dark night sky!"

"And the fireworks that shine for millions of years..."

"This must be the power of supernatural powers!"

Shen Cangqiong said firmly.

"As you said, that should be the power of supernatural powers, and the power of the embers of supernatural powers. But, can you do it?"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and looked at Shen Cangqiong.

The latter shook his head very simply, admitting that this is not ashamed.

"Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng can do it?"

Lin Huang asked again.

"This one……"

Shen Cangqiong hesitated a little, then shook his head again.

Lin Huang lowered his brows, and murmured, "I'm afraid Jiang Chen, the god king in his heyday, may not be able to do it!"

Although Lin Huang didn't know what kind of power a peak god king would have.

But the scene he saw just now was too shocking!

In an instant, the world exploded.

The resulting storm collapsed the endless icy universe, and instantly annihilated countless gods in all directions...

The figure that ignited the myriad worlds was too stalwart, too domineering, and too decisive!
He actually destroyed the gods with his life.

Such an ancient and stalwart figure... It seems that it is not weaker than the... Rage God he once glimpsed...!
However, he was unable to describe these, so that Shen Cangqiong could clearly perceive them.

But he understood clearly.

Myriad Realms... It's terrifying!
The tidal ancestral land, which even the gods of the human race have never heard of, is even more terrifying.

There are ten thousand world students in it, but there are others?

The ancestors of the human race who were able to enter the tidal ancestral land must be so powerful, and how many feats they have made that have shocked the ages.


Even such gods were killed and extinguished.

So how terrible are the enemies that the human race encountered?
Is it just the heavens and worlds?
Or the silence of heaven?

The human race... still experienced several tides.

What a bumpy and tragic journey in these boundless years!
Lin Huang was a little absorbed, his thoughts were racing, and he was a little dazed.

It's not madness... but some emotion.

Feel the tragic death of the ancestors of the human race, and also feel the twists and turns of the inheritance of human civilization!In my heart, there is even a soaring fighting spirit.

The human race will never fall!
The light never goes out.

Generations of ancestors have fallen, and tides have appeared again and again, but the human race still exists!The latecomers stand on the torrent of the times one by one, leading the human race to explore the darkness ahead.


Just when Lin Huang was thinking of getting excited, Shen Cangqiong kicked Lin Huang in the face directly, "Are you stupid?"

Lin Huang raised his legs, wanting to make a big fuss in that tiny place, but was avoided by Shen Cangqiong.

"It's almost God Realm, be more serious!"

Shen Cangqiong said seriously.

Lin Huang sent Shen Cangqiong flying with an uppercut.

"who am I?"

Lin Huang suddenly asked.


Shen Cangqiong was dumbfounded, where did these words come from.

"Forget it, it seems that you don't need to know!"

Lin Huang shook his head, and ended the question just now, "Let's go, I'm going to the center of Langjuxu God Realm, you are ready!"

"It's not half a month yet!"

Shen Cangqiong quit.

"I have to close my eyes and rest for a few days?"

Lin Huang snorted coldly, "What ghosts and snakes dare to dominate my human territory?"

After saying that, Lin Huang left the spot directly, ignoring Shen Cangqiong.

Shen Cangqiong looked at Lin Huang's somewhat arrogant figure, and suddenly became a little unhappy. He dared to belittle himself, to see that I would smear you when you were not fighting.


Time flies.

Half a month has passed.

The periphery of the entire Langjuxu God Realm is already a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Several people have already stained their robes with blood, and their faces are full of ferocity and murderous aura.

On the top of the magic mountain, Lin Huang also slowly opened his eyes, he let out a long sigh of relief, and glanced at the sky above his head.

Then he waved lightly.

Afterwards, several figures turned into streamers and headed towards the center of Langjuxu God Realm...

(End of this chapter)

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