
Chapter 1761 Bloody Xiao Yishan

Chapter 1761 Bloody Xiao Yishan
Seeing Huangfu Tianxia's forced smile, Lin Huang frowned slightly.

"You've done it to yourself!"

Lin Huang couldn't help cursing.

"Forget it, stop talking about it!"

Huangfu shook his head, "Why talk about meaningless things!"

"How is master now?"

Huangfu Tianxia frowned, and then pointed in a direction, "In that direction, it should be... It's not that I can't ignore it, but that I can't stop him at all now!"

"Master, it was his fault that he didn't become a demon back then. Once he became a demon... the evil clan and the four ancient clans would have been wiped out by him long ago!"

Huangfu Tianxia laughed.

"If that's the's estimated that even Sky Continent won't be able to grow any grass now!"

Lin Huang frowned.

He has had the experience of becoming a demon, so he understands that once becoming a demon, his relatives will not recognize him. This is a double-edged sword.

Therefore, Xiao Yishan was able to become a demon in the Langjuxu God Realm.

But you must not be possessed outside the Langjuxu God Domain.

"Are you with me?"

Lin Huang asked Huangfu Tianxia.


Huangfu waved his hands all over the world, "Except for your brain problem, who can say a few words to me, who in this world would like to see me?"

"then you……"

Lin Huang asked Huangfu Tianxia.

"Go to the Xie Clan for a walk, and first use the Xie Clan's luck to step into the realm of the gods!"

Huangfu Tianxia laughed.

"But you are still a human race after all!"

Forest Road.


Huangfu Tianxia raised his voice, he looked at his hands, "Is there really human blood flowing in my body... It doesn't matter anymore, anyway, the evil clan can tolerate me, after all, it is my human race's backstab!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything.

"You don't have much time. When they step into the Great Emperor Realm, I will go on an expedition to the Fusang God Realm!"

Lin Huang spoke.

"Then we will see you on the battlefield!"

Huangfu Tianxia laughed.

"What else do I need to do?"

Forest Road.

"What would you like to do for me?"

Huangfu Tianxia's eyes suddenly turned dark, "If I can carry your head to the Xiezu, then my starting point in the Xiezu will be much higher!"

"You can take it yourself!"

"Then it's okay to change to another person, such as Master? Or Xiao Hanqing's is also fine, but it's really not good... It's not bad to give it to the Great Emperor of the Human Race!"

"Try moving them!"

Lin Huang threatened.

"It's better for me to kill myself, you are useless!"

Huangfu shook his head, very disappointed with Lin Huang.

"However, I advise you to be cautious about the expedition to the Fusang God Realm! Although I have never gone out, I know with my ass that the evil race is not so easy to destroy!"

Huangfu Tianxia reminded Lin Huang.

"I know, Blazing God Clan!"

Lin Huang raised his sleeve robe, and said lightly, "So the Xiezu will be a good bait!"

"You're crazier than me!"

Huangfu Tianxia shook his head.

"You are a self-inflicted pervert, I'm just crazy!"

Lin Huang didn't want to join forces with Huangfu.

"It's almost..."

Huangfu Tianxia snorted coldly, "Those who practice martial arts are all out of their minds. Isn't it good to live an ordinary life?"

Lin Huang spread his hands, unable to refute.

It seems that he also somewhat misses the days of fighting crickets with Bai Xiaopang when he was a child!

"Look ahead!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Don't kill all the evil clans in the Langjuxu God Realm, I suggest you raise Gu to fish!"

Huangfu said to the world.

"It depends on the situation, I have to go back and clean up the four ancient clans!"

Lin Huang hadn't thought it through yet.

"Be careful of the Xuantian God Clan... They are not simple, maybe they have something to do with the Ming Clan. At least the Emperor Tianshu has something to do with it, I don't know the details!"

Huangfu Tianxia reminded Lin Huang.

"rest assured!"

Lin Huang smiled, then turned around and looked in the direction where Xiao Yishan was.

Lin Huang glanced at Lord Grim and the others in the distant battlefield again, and then said without caring:
"I'm leaving, big brother!"

As he spoke, Lin Huang rose up from the ground and disappeared suddenly.

"...Elder brother?"

Huangfu Tianxia frowned, then snorted coldly!
In the next instant, Huangfu Tianxia also disappeared.


Dark night.

bright red blood.

It was a vast sea dyed red!
Really reddened.

On the surface of the sea, there are thousands of corpses of evil races floating, and many of them are strong in the Great Emperor Realm.

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the sea.

Lin Huang tapped the sea with his toes, looked ahead, and frowned slightly.

The mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood!
The law of death comes from the immortals of the heavens.

They were all killed by Xiao Yishan alone.

And in the distance... the vast sea is surging, and there are wind and waves sweeping and spreading rapidly, causing a tsunami.

In just a few dozen breaths, the tsunami surged, carrying many corpses of the evil race, and smashed into the forest.

Lin Huang slashed out with a palm, directly splitting a canyon in the center of the tsunami.

Afterwards, Lin Huang stepped up the waves and headed into the distance.

The figure only flashed a few times, and Lin Huang appeared at the source of the surging sea!
Indistinctly, the turbulent vast sea below sounded like a dragon's chant and a baby's voice.


From the voice, Lin Huang could distinguish the great terror below the vast sea.


In just two breaths, a blood-red figure exploded into the vast sea, rushing straight out of it!

I saw the man was red all over.

Holding Tianying's head like a mountain in his hand.

His eyes were red, like a blood moon, with endless coldness.

A knife!

The baby's head was split to pieces by the latter.

After that, the man raised his knife and continued to rush towards the vast sea...


Before Lin Huang finished speaking, the blood-red figure suddenly turned his head and looked at Lin Huang.

A pair of icy blood pupils shone with a piercing cold light, as if seeing prey!
In an instant!
Xiao Yishan appeared in front of Lin Huang, and a sword fell from the sky.

Lin Huang immediately resisted with Shan Na Dao.

In an instant, Lin Huang was directly dropped from the sky by the majestic force and fell into the vast sea.

This made Lin Huang's complexion change.

Xiao Yishan's current strength is beyond his imagination.

It has the power of a demigod.

It is not weaker than the Holy Devil!

How much power does the Fusang God Realm penetrate to the Langjuxu God Realm, and it can carry the power of him, Sheng Moye, and Xiao Yishan at the same time.

It can't be that the doggy Shen Cangqiong is hiding his clumsiness.

Lin Huang began to doubt with reason.

At the moment of thinking, Xiao Yishan had already descended from the sky and entered the vast sea, stabbing one after another, trying to hack Lin Huang to death.

Without further ado, Lin Huang just wanted to dominate the world with one move!
What respect for teachers!
Let's see how strong Xiao Yishan is first... Besides, he doesn't know how to wake Xiao Yishan up!

So Lin Huang reasoned rationally, hitting Xiao Yishan to the bottom first might make him wake up.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang said nothing!
Heroes dominate the world.

The heavens are forever.

Star Treasure Art.

God Shura.

The Dharma Body of the Emperor of Heaven.


In just a few breaths, all the things in the Linhuang Society greeted Xiao Yishan, at least let the master, Xiao Yishan, test the cultivation results of the disciples.


No matter how you look at it, Lin Huang has never been so manic when fighting a holy demon!
(End of this chapter)

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