
Chapter 1763 Shuangmang

Chapter 1763 Shuangmang
Looking at the figure in the void, Lin Huang's heart trembled.

What's the situation.

After Tian Shura and the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body were restored to qi, the power that erupted from the fusion could even hunt and kill gods.

And Xiao Yishan...

As if nothing happened?
Lin Huang was very helpless, he stood in the abyss and didn't want to go out.

He really didn't know how to get Xiao Yishan back.

The latter is now heartless and righteous, and he will be beaten as soon as he goes out, why bother?


Seal the master in the Langjuxu God Realm by himself?

Lin Huang began to think, anyway, Xiao Yishan is not possessed by demons, and there is no great danger.Let him be alone in the Langjuxu God Realm, and continue to fall into his ruthless way of heaven.


Before Lin Huang could think about how to do this, Xiao Yishan in the void had already fallen from the sky and plunged into the abyss.

Lin Huang drilled directly into the ground!

Out of the ground from the other direction.



Just as Lin Huang rushed out of the ground, he felt severe pain all over his body, as if he was about to fall apart!
The whole person was also completely blown away.

Lin Huang frowned suddenly, his whole face twisted together in pain, Xiao Yishan's strength was too strong.

Obviously only in the realm of a demigod, but has extremely powerful might.

"That's it... you are invincible under the gods?"

Xiao Yishan mocked Lin Huang.

"You don't know anything about the real strong. That's not only the strength in the realm, but also the strength in the understanding of Dao!"

Xiao Yishan said, "In the long river of hundreds of millions of years, in every realm, there are eternal unique husbands! Some of them may not make it to the end! But...Through the ages and ages, in that realm, they are the real ones. invincible!"

"And the only husband of all ages in the realm of the Great Shen Wanfu who was born before the fifth tide! His most glorious record is to suppress and kill the gods of the three realms with the Great Emperor!"

In the void, Xiao Yishan looked disdainfully, staring at Lin Huang indifferently.

Below, Lin Huang's expression froze.

In the realm of the great emperor, suppress and kill the gods of the three realms? !
Are you sure this isn't a joke?

How can this be? !
Lin Huang couldn't believe it.

There is a chasm between the emperor and the gods.

And there is also a natural gap between each realm of the gods...

From the great emperor to the gods of the three realms, there are three heavenly moats!

Shen Wanfu!
It is another existence that can strike across the ages, and can suppress the gods of the three realms with the realm of the great emperor.

I've tried my best, but I'm a god of war.

But if you go further up, you will only be crushed to death.

Lin Huang was thinking...even if he thoroughly comprehended the profound meaning of the origin and flow of the body, it would be difficult to suppress the gods of the three realms with the Great Emperor Realm.

Afterwards, Lin Huang frowned suddenly and let out a cold snort.

He looked up at Xiao Yishan, " state of mind is not that fragile!"

Xiao Yishan raised his knife and directly killed him, "This is the truth!"

Lin Huang's figure jumped in the void, and his left and right palms began to accumulate strength again...

This time, it wasn't Tian Shura and the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body.

But a snow-white flame!
There is also heavy snow flying all over the sky.

"Master, if you can't get rid of the shackles of the ruthless heaven, then only disciples can help you, but...maybe it will cause irreversible damage to you!"

"By you?"

Xiao Yishan laughed loudly, and as he flapped his sleeves, the entire sky turned blood red, and the bloody thunder and lightning danced wildly, heading towards the forest wasteland.

Lin Huang didn't hesitate anymore, the snow-white flames in his palm began to sweep, turning into a sea of ​​flames!
Afterwards, the sea of ​​fire collapsed silently, turning into streaks of special light.

The light flowed and shone towards Xiao Yishan.

At the same time, Lin Huang's body began to swell, and he turned into a ten thousand zhang, punching towards Xiao Yishan with his fist like a mountain.

Lin Huang punched directly on Xiao Yishan's knife, blood dripping immediately.

However, Lin Huang didn't slow down at all, and started to kill Xiao Yishan with countless punches!
Keng Keng Keng Keng...

Between heaven and earth, there was a sudden collision sound.

Xiao Yishan withdrew his knife and stared at Lin Huang with incomparable coldness, no matter how Lin Huang's fist fell, he shook his body forcefully.

Not only that.

Xiao Yishan also punched at the same time, heading towards Lin Huang.

The two people who could ascend to the sky and enter the earth with martial arts supernatural powers, now they are like two giant reckless men, shaking their bodies hard.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lin Huang's mouth. He was carrying multiple sacred bodies. The thunder that couldn't directly kill him would only become the nourishment for his physical strength.Similarly, Xiao Yishan's fists are nothing more than his means of tempering his body!

On the other side, Xiao Yishan also sneered.

"You think you can see through my essence and suppress me with flames?"

There was disdain in Xiao Yishan's voice, "You don't even understand the so-called steel that can be tempered a hundred times?"

"Naturally understand!"

Lin Huang laughed loudly, "However, if I strike too hard, it will break naturally!"

"It's up to you if you have the ability!"

Xiao Yishan snorted coldly, and suddenly became crazy. With a big wave of his hand, the entire sky was covered by his fist shadow.

Lin Huang was not to be outdone, his whole body turned into a glazed golden color, and rushed towards Xiao Yishan crazily.

Keng Keng Keng Keng...

The entire void... no, the entire Langjuxu God Realm is filled with the sound of weapons colliding.

Far away, Lord Grim and the others had just broken out of the siege when they heard the sky-shattering sound.Turning his head, he saw only two peerless figures criss-crossing the sky, they were all insane!


After half an hour.

Two bodies fell from the sky and smashed into a puddle of mud directly on the ground!
cough cough...

Lin Huang coughed violently, sat up like a piece of paper, then stood up, and walked towards Xiao Yishan.

At this time, he can't give up.

Xiao Yishan must be beaten back to his original form.


Before Lin Huang had reached three steps, he backed up directly.

Then run away!
I saw that the place where Xiao Yishan was was emitting a lot of precious light at this moment, and the surrounding aura became incomparably fierce.

Lin Huang's heart skipped a beat.

it's over...

All the hard work just now was in vain, it has been tempered into steel!

Then Lin Huang quickly sat down cross-legged, and began to recover his strength and blood.Xiao Yishan's tempering of him just now also made his strength a lot stronger.

He must recover before Xiao Yishan, otherwise he will be the one who dies!

Lin Huang sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, his body buzzing like a drum beating.



But within a quarter of an hour, bell-like sounds rang out in the void one after another.

In the next instant, two beams of light collided towards each other.

"Master... have you forgotten Princess Yu?"

Lin Huang began to engage in psychological tactics.

"Pink Skull!"

Xiao Yishan snorted coldly, and punched Lin Huang on the shoulder.

The two flew out immediately!

Lin Huang shook his palm, Xiao Yishan's head was too hard now, it hurt his hand.

"Have you forgotten that you have been with her life after life? The world is lonely, and the years are ruthless... Everyone is a light and shadow in the long river of time, but she is not! Do you want to forget her too?"

Lin Huang spoke.

"is it?"

Xiao Yishan snorted coldly, "Pink Skull, still wants to occupy a corner of my heart! I also want to be with me for generations... Wouldn't it be enough to make it into a sculpture?"

(End of this chapter)

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