
Chapter 1777 On the Inference

Chapter 1777 On the Inference
Facing Qin Xuance's words, Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and did not refute.As the latter said, although I saw more things.

However, he is not good at how to lay out the layout.

Maybe it's similar to Huangfu's world... Don't look at him walking a dark road, but he is also fighting with himself as the only pawn.

Respectable, but not brilliant.

Afterwards, Lin Huang sat down and told Qin Xuance about the outside world in detail.

From Qin Zheng to Emperor Jintian.

From the original world of the human race to the heavens and all races.

From the land of chaos to the god king Jiang Chen.

Lin Huang knew it himself, and didn't hide anything.

Even some of my own speculations have been said.

Even the tidal ancestral land of the human race, Lin Huang secretly informed Qin Xuance, and with the latter's intelligence, it is not difficult to understand.

It took a full two hours before Lin Huang finished talking about everything.

And Qin Xuance digested it for another hour.


"What are you thinking?"

Lin Huang waited anxiously, and couldn't help asking.

"I didn't expect that the Firmament Continent actually existed like this!"

Qin Xuance smiled and shook his head.

"It's just a small world under the original world!"

Forest Road.

"Is it really just a small world?"

Qin Xuance picked up a cup of tea and tasted it carefully.

Lin Huang immediately raised his eyebrows, wondering what kind of perspective Qin Xuance would have.

"If it's really just a small realm, why did Emperor Jintian take so much effort to let Shen Cangqiong incarnate into the Sky Continent when everyone thought he died in battle?"

Qin Xuance raised his head and asked Lin Huang back.

"And you have to know that in this Sky Continent, you are here, Qin Changsheng is here, Xiaoxiao is here, Xiao Yishan is here... and Jun Xingshi can walk out of the Sky Continent just like opening the door. This is an original world. The normal small world below?"

Qin Xuance's words seemed to hit the key point.

Back then, when Lin Huang faced Shen Cangqiong, he also had this doubt, but Shen Cangqiong didn't say anything useful.

"So, I can't mess with the Sky Continent?"

Lin Huang asked.

"It's not!"

Qin Xuance shook his head, "Qin Zheng should be an insider in the overall situation, at least part of the insider. He can let you mess around in the Sky Continent, which means you can!"

"This means that even if Sky Continent is not simple, it is not that important?"

Forest Road.

"Not necessarily, maybe you are more important than Sky Continent?"

Qin Xuance looked at Lin Huang with a smile.

"I still want some face!"

Lin Huang is very self-aware.

"I was serious!"

"I'm serious too!"

Lin Huang did not accept Qin Xuance's inference, and continued, "You came up with these after thinking for an hour?"

"You think I'm you? You're out of your mind?"

Qin Xuance snorted coldly.

"We don't have the perspective of the sky, so we can only reverse the entire structure! And the landing point of the entire structure is today's Sky Continent!"

Qin Xuance clasped his fingers together, and a illusory pawn appeared on his fingertips.

"One of the key points is whether the birth of the Sky Continent only carried the purpose of Emperor Jintian!"

Qin Xuance settled down and began to analyze, "Assuming that this was born for the purpose of Emperor Jintian, then what is his plot? Now, you are not the reincarnation of Emperor Jintian. This inference is actually very difficult to hold! Because Qin Zheng will not commit crimes. Such a low-level mistake, let God King Jiang Chen pretend to be Emperor Jintian, Emperor Jintian will not leave his body to God King Jiang Chen!"

"In this way, can't we not find the purpose of Emperor Jintian to create the Sky Continent? Could it be that... Shen Cangqiong really died in battle and transformed into the Sky Continent by himself? During the time, everyone thought that he was the reincarnation body of Emperor Jintian, so he turned into the Sky Continent and guarded the return of the reincarnation body?"

Lin Huang guessed.

"It's possible, but the probability is too small!"

Qin Xuance nodded and shook his head again, "If that's the case... your reincarnation appeared too late. Tens of millions of years have passed in the long history of Sky Continent, why is it now?"

"Also, if this is really the only reason, why would Shen Cangqiong hide his clumsiness? It doesn't make sense!"

Qin Xuance analyzed slowly.

"What should be the reason..."

Lin Huang didn't understand.

"I have some ideas, but they can only be speculations!"

Qin Xuance dipped his fingers in the tea, and smeared it on the table indiscriminately, which had nothing to do with what he wanted to say, "The first one, maybe the Sky Continent is a position, a position that guides Jintian Emperor back from the silence of the sky, and this Positioning should be more critical, that's why the Sky Continent was born in a special way!"

"But this cannot explain what you said before, why Qin Changsheng, Xiao Yishan and the others all appeared in the Sky Continent!"

Lin Huang still shook his head.

"Then there is another possibility, which is cultivation!"

Lin Huang frowned.

"Nurture the birth and rise of a strong man!"

Qin Xuance seems to be somewhat sure of this statement.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Huang was puzzled, but found that Qin Xuance was staring at him straightly, as if saying that he was the strong man who was cultivated.

"This... is a bit nonsense!"

Lin Huang shook his head, "My talent potential, in all fairness, is not bad in the original world of the human race. But if I say it is absolutely top-notch, I don't dare to guarantee it. And... looking at the long history of the original world, I can There are not a few peerless geniuses who have surpassed me!"

"Today, compared to Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng of the same period, perhaps I can only be said to be evenly matched!"

Forest Road.

"But...Xiao Yishan is your master! The master of three generations of god kings, why did you come to the Sky Continent to be your master? Just because you followed Princess Mi's past life?"

Qin Xuance continued, "If it wasn't you, could it be Qin Changsheng? He is inextricably linked with Qin Zheng, and he also relies on Qin Zheng behind him. Why must he be born in the Sky Continent and walk the road of the Great Emperor again? Or Xiaoxiao? Xiaoxiao exists because of Qin Changsheng, so there is no explanation. Or do you think it is because of Xiao Yishan?"

Lin Huang frowned and said nothing, his thoughts were chaotic, and he didn't know where to start.

Anyway, he thinks it's a little nonsense... Emperor Jintian created a sky continent just to shape himself?
"I don't have that much face yet!"

Forest Road.

Even though what Qin Xuance said seemed reasonable, his rationality made him refuse. It is impossible for anyone to become the center of the whole world.

"So... I'm curious who you are!"

Qin Xuance stared at Lin Huang earnestly, as if he wanted to see through Lin Huang, "You have nothing to do with Emperor Jintian, so why did he create the Sky Continent to attract your existence? Does this mean that Emperor Jintian is not The person behind the layout. Is he... just a pawn?"

"If so, then who are you?"

Qin Xuance frowned tightly, as if he wanted to see through this problem.

(End of this chapter)

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