
Chapter 1779 Supervising the Heavenly God

Chapter 1779 Supervising the Heavenly God

Only at the moment when Lin Huang's voice fell, thunder suddenly rose above the sky and the earth.

The blood-red catastrophe suddenly descended, directly covering the entire Langjuxu God Realm.

Lin Huang's complexion changed drastically, and he watched an ancient blood-colored demon god be born from the sea of ​​blood and thunder above the void, and suddenly flew up.

His expression was dignified, this intruding catastrophe was even greater than the pressure that Saint Moye put on him.

Lin Huang's vitality rose like a vast sea, and he rushed straight into the sky, trying to stop him.

A loud bang.

Lin Huang entered the sea of ​​catastrophe, and before he could make a complete move, he was punched back by the bloody demon god of catastrophe.

Lin Huang's complexion changed.

He turned his head and glanced at Qin Xuance... knowing that the two of them might have triggered a big taboo this time.

Otherwise, the Heavenly Tribulation could not be so terrifying, it was completely to kill the existence of the two people.

"Lin Huang, what are you doing?!"

Above the heaven and the earth, Shen Cangqiong suddenly roared.

Because... with the coming of the Heavenly Tribulation, the Sky Continent is facing an unbearable risk, and cracks are rapidly appearing in the walls of the entire world.

Shen Cangqiong appeared and glared at Lin Huang.

This bastard can really do things, and it's only been a few days since it stopped?

"It's nothing, you don't want to tell me, I'll figure it out myself!"

Lin Huang snorted coldly, looked up at the bloody Heavenly Tribulation Demon God, gearing up, and Tian Shura and Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body appeared in the left and right palms respectively.

However, Shen Cangqiong snorted coldly, rolled up his sleeves, and with a roar, lifted the Heavenly Calamity Sea away, away from the Sky Continent.

Afterwards, there were only crackling sounds in Taixu.

In the void below, Lin Huang frowned.

Didn't expect Shen Cangqiong to be so generous this time, to take the initiative to help him solve his troubles, did he change his temper?
But Lin Huang also felt that something was not simple.

About two quarters of an hour later, Shen Cangqiong's figure appeared, "I don't care what you're deducing, some things come out of your mouth! It's a game of chess, don't be the one who overturns the chessboard!"

Lin Huang frowned.

"That Bloody Heavenly Tribulation Demon God... is there a problem?"

Lin Huang asked, thinking that he could try to resist this catastrophe by himself.

"Is that the Scarlet Heavenly Tribulation Demon God... that is the Supervising God of the Life Clan! Do you think you can defeat it?"

"When it was born because of you, the Ming Clan might have known the big secret. If I hadn't acted quickly, the Sky Continent would have been directly exposed to the Ming Clan's chessboard!"

"Don't mess around anymore, I'll ask Master Qin Zheng to erase the karma of the God of Supervising God, I hope it's still too late, you fucking don't make people worry!"

Shen Cangqiong was so angry that he cursed, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

In the void, Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, spreading his hands like a child who made a mistake.

Shen Cangqiong didn't tell himself, and he didn't know it would be like this... But Lin Huang didn't refute Shen Cangqiong either.

It seems that he is indeed messing around a bit.

Messing around with Qin Xuance.

Afterwards, Lin Huang returned to the Black Mountain, sat in front of Qin Xuance again, and said, "It's really unexpected!"

Qin Xuance was still a little surprised at the moment, then shook his head in relief, and drank a cup of tea slowly.

Lin Huang did not continue to speak, but tapped the tea tray with his fingers, and asked Qin Xuance in a special rhythm, "So you were deducing your past and present lives before!"

Qin Xuance nodded.

"Don't be so cautious!"

Qin Xuance spoke directly, and looked up at the sky, "It seems that he also has a lot of things he doesn't know!"

Lin Huang frowned, "What do you mean!"

Qin Xuance shook his sleeves, and said: "It's nothing... I was deducing my past and present lives, but I was stopped by a strong resistance! But that resistance can kill me, but it doesn't hurt me. Why do you think this is? "

Lin Huang frowned and thought, "Is it related to your previous life?"

"As it should be!"

Qin Xuance nodded.


Qin Xuance drew his voice, as if he wanted to whet Lin Huang's appetite, but Lin Huang slapped him in the end.

"Say it now!"

Lin Huang was impatient, just being scolded by Shen Cangqiong, his heart was on fire.If you hadn't seen so many clues and made me say something wrong, would you have attracted the God of Supervision?
Qin Xuance shook his head, "The god of supervising heaven should have been wiped out!"

"Isn't it obvious that Shen Cangqiong wiped it out?"

Lin Huang said coldly, "Oh, I forgot that you can't peek into Taixu, and you can't see the battle between high-level people!"

"But he left again, which means that Shen Cangqiong couldn't erase the message sent by the Supervising God, but..."

Qin Xuance shook his head, and was about to make an old mistake, but was stared back by Lin Huang, so he could only honestly say:

"At the moment when the Supervising God appeared, the stars in the sky became disordered...but in just two breaths, the disordered stars were corrected!"

"What do you mean?"

Lin Huang was a little puzzled.

"It's very simple... because there is still a mysterious force that is restricting the existence of the Supervising God. When it appeared, the karma it carried was completely wiped out, and there was no way to transmit the message."

"So, there is no need for Shen Cangqiong to go to Qin Zheng?"

Forest Road.

"Don't forget... Ye Liang came out of that place, maybe we set up that eternal chess game!"

Qin Xuance said.

"are you crazy!"

Without even thinking about it, Lin Huang said, if it was really a game set up by the two of them, can they still be a marionette in this game?

"Maybe... maybe..."

Qin Xuance spread his hands, he was not sure, so he just guessed randomly.

"That is to say, someone is indeed laying out the layout? Killing the karma of the Supervising God also touched the defense mechanism in the overall situation?"

Lin Huang asked.

Qin Xuance blinked, agreeing with Lin Huang's statement.

"Be good..."

Lin Huang gasped, and sighed in his heart.Such a big situation, I am afraid that it is not something that Emperor Jintian can arrange.

Even if Emperor Jintian shines on the world, he is astonishingly talented.

But he probably didn't have such a big hand, prying the tide ancestral land, using Xiao Yishan and Qin Zheng as pawns!

" it's time to forget about it!"

Qin Xuance gave Lin Huang a cup of tea, "Even Emperor Jin, who entered the silence of the heavens, is just a pawn in the big chessboard, which shows that there are some things that we cannot touch now. Even knowing it is a mistake behavior, there will be a risk of exposing the overall situation!"

Lin Huang frowned.

Now he is like a person who knows the gossip, even if he doesn't say it, he still feels superior to others in his heart.

Now Qin Xuance wants to forget this?


"It's useless, why deceive yourself and others... We have walked through the long river of time, and everything has been confirmed. Unless this long river of time is erased, it will be meaningless!"

Lin Huang brightly said.

Qin Xuance raised his eyebrows, sipped his tea, and pretended to think for a while, "What you said makes sense!"

Perhaps reason made Qin Xuance want to erase his suggestion.But Lin Huang didn't want to, and he couldn't resist Lin Huang's intentions.

"Is he all right?"

Qin Xuance pointed to the sky.

"What you and I deduce by our own ability can be deduced even if the memory is erased, so erasing the memory has no meaning... unless you kill us both!"

Lin Huang got up, and the loud voice rolled into the sky.

In the sky, there was a voice of incompetence and rage!
(End of this chapter)

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