
Chapter 1799 Death Battle

Chapter 1799 Death Battle
In the void scene, the situation became tense again.

Lu Yaoxian was as fast as light, and instantly appeared on top of Lord Grim...

Just take a palm shot.

"You really fell for it!"

In Lu Yaoxian's ear, Lord Grim's voice sounded again.


Lu Yaoxian was furious, it was enough to be humiliated by Lord Grim once, how could he be deceived for the second time.

Even Lord Grim in his heyday, he was not afraid at all, let alone now... Unless Lin Huang takes action, Lord Grim is hard to save.

Lu Yaoxian took a very domineering palm.


When the giant palm fell, it was discovered that Lord Grim had disappeared.

Under the palm of the latter, there is only the long river of time that was annihilated by the terrible power...

There is also Jun Qingcheng who took advantage of the trend and killed it with a sword.


Lu Yaoxian reacted very quickly, and grabbed Jun Qingcheng's long sword with his hands.

Immediately, blood flowed profusely from Lu Yaoxian's palm.

But... that's all.

The latter grabbed the long sword, and Jun Qingcheng had no chance of attacking Lu Yaoxian.

But Jun Qingcheng didn't seem to think about attacking, and the figure disappeared into the void again.

However, Lu Yaoxian did not give Jun Qingcheng a chance to escape.His Heaven Punishing Sword swept across the void, no matter how old he was, everything around him was annihilated by him.

The next moment, Jun Qingcheng escaped from another crack in the void, spitting blood.

There was a cold look in Lu Yaoxian's eyes.

Ants are just ants after all.

No matter how powerful it is, it can't change the fate of being trampled to death.

Afterwards, he gave up Jun Moxiao and killed Jun Qingcheng.

"Old thief!"

However, Lord Grim's voice once again appeared in Lu Yaoxian's ear.

He stepped on the long river of time and appeared at the other end.

At this moment, Lord Grim wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and he was no longer in a state of embarrassment.He dragged the spear in his hand, his eyes were like gods, and he exuded a sharp aura around him.

"I gave you two chances just now, and you didn't cherish it yourself. Now that I'm back in full bloom, it's the day you will die!"

Lord Grim opened his mouth arrogantly.

Lu Yaoxian turned his head and glanced at Jun Qingcheng in the distance, and snorted coldly, he understood Jun Moxiao's intention, he just wanted to keep himself from attacking and killing Jun Qingcheng.

"To make a fool of yourself!"

Although he understood Lord Grim's plan, Lu Yaoxian also went towards Lord Grim.

He believed in his Heaven Punishing Sword, no matter how powerful Lord Grim was, it was impossible for Lord Grim to recover in such a short period of time.

He was just holding on, serious injuries are still serious injuries.

In the void, Lu Yaoxian tore through the void again and charged towards Lord Grim.

At the same time, he held the Heaven Punishing Sword upside down, waiting for other people to attack and kill him. He knew... Lord Grim was just a cover, he couldn't resist his own move.

Then the other ants, if they want to defeat themselves, they are waiting for themselves to relax, waiting for the opportunity to relax when they kill Lord Grim.

Isn't that what Jun Qingcheng did just now?

However, such a mistake, he will not make a second time.

He knew that Jun Moxiao was waiting for him, and he was also waiting for Lin Cangxue or Lu Han. He wanted to teach these young people a painful lesson.

But the big fart emperor dared to compete with himself.

Lu Yaoxian was as fast as thunder, and quickly approached Lord Grim.He fluttered his sleeves, like a fairy in the sky, descending from the sky.

With one foot down, Lord Grim must be completely suppressed.


Between the heaven and the earth, there are sword chants, like nine heavenly dragon chants.

I saw Lin Cangxue's sword descending from the sky, carrying the mighty power of heaven, and killing Lu Yaoxian.

The next moment, Lu Yaoxian turned around and killed Lin Cangxue. He had been waiting for a long time...

In an instant, Zhu Tianjian appeared in front of Lin Cangxue.

With a loud bang, Lin Cangxue's Heavenly Dao Sword couldn't sustain two breaths before it was completely shattered.

However, the remaining prestige of the Tianzhu Sword was not extinguished, and continued to kill Lin Cangxue.

"The Emperor of Xuanwu!"

At the critical moment, Jun Qingcheng appeared in front of Lin Cangxue, with basalt phantoms all over her body, resisting the power of Zhutian Sword.

However, with a bang, the Xuanwu defense suddenly shattered.


The next moment, Lu Han descended from the sky with a spear in his hand.

The moment he appeared, he blocked the Tianzhu Sword with his body, and grabbed the blade of the Tianzhu Sword with his hands.

The Tianzhu sword penetrated Lu Han's body instantly, and was about to penetrate the latter's chest, and killed Lin Cangxue again.

Lu Han roared sharply, his bulging body firmly grasped the Tianzhu Sword, which made him fly towards Lin Cangxue by the Tianzhu Sword.

However, because of Lu Han, the power of the Tianzhu Sword was greatly reduced, and Lin Cangxue was no longer afraid.

Lu Yaoxian, who flew over, sneered, "You can hide from the power of the Heavenly Punishing Sword, but you can hide from the Taoism of this emperor!"

Lu Yaoxian's big sleeves fluttered, and he waved out his palm, asking the immortal to touch his head and break his longevity!

"Spirit Eighteen Guns..."

At this moment, Lord Grim's voice sounded in Lu Yaoxian's ear.

That voice was cold and cold, full of the madness of an ancient madman and the domineering of an ancient general:

"Full of the eternal hatred of the common people, sit down and fight endlessly!"

——Eternal Enmity!

As Jun Mo's joke fell, all directions were bleak, the void was cracked, the years were cut off, and the mountains and rivers were annihilated.

Between heaven and earth, there is still a beam of light.

Open up the light from the dark night, illuminating the broken and messy mountains and rivers.

The light is soft, but at the moment of appearance, it wipes out the darkness.

At this moment, Jun Moxiao also turned into a beam of light, and killed Lu Yaoxian.

Lu Yaoxian's back felt cold, and his expression was shocked... It's been a long time since he felt this tingling feeling in his scalp.

He immediately withdrew his palm and turned his head, recalled the Heaven Punishing Sword with a single thought, and shot towards Lord Grim's light to kill.


The sky is shaking, and the void is frightening.

Endless storms swept away from the place where the two met, instantly destroying the mountains and rivers and continents below, and Lu Han was completely blown away.

At the moment of confrontation, Lord Grim and Lu Yaoxian flew upside down at the same time.

Jun Moxiao broke the spear in his hand, his whole body was cracked and he was seriously injured.

On the other side, a crack appeared in Lu Yaoxian's Tianzhu Sword, and he flew out of his hand.His robe was completely shattered, and cracks appeared on his body, and he no longer looked like an immortal.


Lord Grim waved his hand, recalled a sun and moon embroidered dragon flag from the battlefield below, and roared sharply.

The next moment, Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue raised their swords to kill Lu Yaoxian at the same time.

Not to be outdone, Lu Han rushed into the battlefield again dragging his seriously injured body.

On the other side, Lord Grim held up the Sun Moon Splendid Dragon Banner, and rushed to kill Lu Yaoxian like a bright sun.

"Presumptuous and presumptuous!"

Lu Yaoxian was furious, even talking presumptuously, his whole body erupted with terrifying energy and blood, his clothes rolled up, and his eyes became violent and red.

Between the two hand seals, the whole person undergoes earth-shaking changes, as if demonized, giving people a sense of despair.

However, Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue were not afraid.

Jun Qingcheng was the first to kill, but he didn't do it directly, but laid dozens of rivers of time in the void in an instant.

Lin Cangxue's figure disappeared.

Lu Han's figure disappeared.

Lord Grim's figure disappeared.

"A group of little thieves who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth!"

Lu Yaoxian sneered in anger, he flipped his palms up, and slapped the river of time all around him.

Boom boom boom.

The long river of time exploded in an instant, leaving Jun Qingcheng and others with nowhere to hide.

However, the four of them don't need to hide.

Because they all appeared around Lu Yaoxian, less than three feet away...

(End of this chapter)

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