
Chapter 1801 The world is boiling

Chapter 1801 The world is boiling
When all the great emperors of the four ancient clans were extinct, there would be no suspense in the entire battlefield situation.

Even though there are 30 troops of the four clans below, the Ming Cult also has 30 troops.

Coupled with the fighting power of the Great Emperor of the Ming Cult, it is impossible for the four races to make a comeback without a leader.

And at the moment of Lu Yaoxian's death, Jun Qingcheng, who was in a slightly better condition, had already begun to massacre the rest of the powerful people of the four clans.

Not all quasi-emperors are Lin Huang.

Therefore, Jun Qingcheng is like a wolf among sheep.

And Lord Grim was still a puddle of mud, Lin Huang didn't bother to care about him.

But Lin Cangxue, for some reason, recovered very quickly.

Below the battlefield, the shouts of killing soared to the sky, but there was no longer any feeling of being equal.The aura of the army of the four clans blew thousands of miles away, and was crushed by the Mingjiao army.

However, the 30 army was not so easily massacred.

Qin Xuance looked down and frowned slightly.


Lin Huang asked, "Do you think... the 30 troops shouldn't be wiped out?"

Qin Xuance raised his head and smiled, "It's nothing. Whether or not all of them will be slaughtered depends on Lu Han and Jun Moxiao. They are now the direct commanders of the army!"

Lin Huang nodded, but didn't say anything.

No matter how you deal with it, it's not good.

If they were not slaughtered, the remaining army of the four clans would not be influenced by Mingjiao, and they would eventually return to the arms of the four clans.

But the massacre is too much.

Maybe thousands of years later, there will be remnants of the four clans who cannot forget today's hatred and want to overthrow the tyranny of Mingjiao.

History will always repeat itself!
"The matter of the Langjuxu God Realm is almost done!"

Lin Huang said.

Qin Xuance nodded, "It's not that fast, it will take at least two months. It's not easy to wipe out the 30 army. What's more, it will take longer to sweep such a large area!"

"But attention can indeed be diverted to the outside world!"

"The Twelve Great Emperors, together with an army of 30, is enough to put the Ming Cult in danger or even be destroyed. But for the four ancient clans, it is not a serious injury! One clan only lost three great emperors , less than [-] troops!"

Qin Xuance analyzed, "However, after experiencing the battle in the Langjuxu God Realm, the four clans will definitely pay more attention to the Zuojia Mingjiao!"

"so what?"

Lin Huang asked Qin Xuance, "Do you want 30 troops to stay in the Langjuxu God Realm?"

"That's not necessary!"

Qin Xuance shook his head, "It's just to remind you and myself. At any time, the enemy's threat must be raised by two levels!"

"After Lord Grim and Lu Han have recovered a bit, let's start the next plan!"

Lin Huang said.

"You don't need to say it!"

Qin Xuance opened his mouth, and then looked at Lin Huang, "But, don't you feel that you are a little free? You look like you have nothing to do all day long!"

"You've already looked at me like this, the strong men of the four ancient clans, shouldn't you look at me like this even more?"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Makes sense!"

Qin Xuance said, "Don't mess around... Although you don't want to make a move. But the four ancient clans also understand that you are the key to Mingjiao, so they will definitely kill you!"


Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, his eyes moved slightly, "If that's the case, why don't you just use me as bait and catch seven or eight great emperors?"

"let me see!"

Qin Xuance was also moved.


The Sky Continent suddenly experienced turmoil in a day, whether it was the streets, or the ancient clans of the Zongmen, there was an uproar against the sky.

An army of 30 from the four tribes is on an expedition to the Wolf Juxu God Realm!

"I didn't expect that... Zuojia Mingjiao actually cooperated with the evil clan to strangle the armies of the four clans together. The entire army of 30 was wiped out, and there are still twelve great emperors. They hate the world!"

There was an old man leaning on a cane, crying out in grief and indignation.

He doesn't understand...

They are both human races, why did the Zuojia Mingjiao betray the human race and join forces with the evil race!

Can kill.

Sure enough, it was the demon sect that slaughtered without limit thousands of years ago.

It's a pity that the 30 heroic souls of the four clans were buried in the loess for a long time, and it was difficult to return to their hometown.

It's a pity that those twelve great emperors guarded the mainland for so many years, but within a few days, their souls returned to Huangquan.

After they died, there was no place to live in their robes, no place to support their corpses!

How sad.

"History will never forget the grief, the Zuojiaming church is nailed to the pillar of shame forever!"

A young man spoke out filled with righteous indignation. He was full of bookishness, with the arrogance and unyielding soul of a scholar, "Let the hundreds of millions of people of our human race work together to defeat the traitors of the clan, and correct the style of our human race!"

"My generation of literati should use the pen as a knife to crusade against the demon sect, and cultivate the righteousness of our world; warriors of mountains and rivers, should stand up and set up swords, and correct the chivalry of our human race!"

The Confucian youth was impassioned, and waved his sleeves to make a statement, "Above the four clans, they will suppress our vast expanse of heaven; below, there will be hundreds of millions of white men, who will hunt down the devils and thieves together! Given time, the Ming religion will be punished, and my human race will be Haiyan and Heqing!"


When the news of the defeat of the four clans was transmitted back to the four clans, what the whole world heard was the above version.

The Ming Cult colluded with the evil clans and destroyed the armies of the four clans.

All of a sudden, thousands of people were excited and began to attack many places of Mingjiao, such as Shence Mansion and Haoran Academy.

"The brain is a wonderful thing!"

Qin Xuance and Lin Huang had already left the Langjuxu God Realm, looking at the scenes in the mountains and rivers, Qin Xuance couldn't help laughing.

"Isn't it cute?"

Lin Huang rolled up his sleeves, "It doesn't matter how it is written in the history books! What do merits and demerits matter?"

"But look at them, at least they can still yell at Mingjiao. They know to dig the grave of my Mingjiao hero, which shows that they are not numb yet, and they have blood in their hearts!"

"We can't ask them to see history as clearly as we do, because they don't have the opportunity to see history. We can't ask them to be rational, because you and I understand human nature!"

"But there is blood, that's enough! When one day they become numb, it means that our human race is about to perish!"

Lin Huang said what was in his heart.

"You speak like a saint!"

Qin Xuance said contemptuously.

"Then what can I do?"

Lin Huang said, "I reflected on the mainland and told them that the four ancient tribes are fooling them? What I say is not as good as what I do!"

"I don't need them to understand. The big deal is to teach them slowly after they succeed in Mingjiao. If they can't be educated, wait for them to die of old age and then educate their offspring!"

Qin Xuance frowned, "They're going to dig up the graves of those Mingjiao people!"

"That can't be done!"

Lin Huang was suddenly furious, "My Mingjiao carries the burden for the entire human race, not to let the group of guys behind dig their graves!"

"Isn't it cute?"

"Fuck you!"

Lin Huang snorted twice, "I leave this matter to you. If they dig up the grave again, I'll dig up your Qin family's ancestral grave!"

(End of this chapter)

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