
Chapter 1806 1 Kinds of Guess

Chapter 1806 A Guess

In that ancient border country, a fierce battle broke out.

The headless witch is like a walking meat grinder, starting to crush the evil army.There are also many old witches who appeared, they sacrificed, summoned, and cursed the evil race, and guarded the ancient land.

Above Taixu, Lin Huang was a little dumbfounded.

This is just a small country with a length and width of one hundred thousand miles, and at most it has some years of inheritance.But the combat power displayed is somewhat...


Even if the frontier side is still at a huge disadvantage, it must be known that the evil race has an army of 300 million.

Lin Huang thought to himself that if 30 members of the Mingjiao were placed here, it might not last long.

Lin Huang couldn't help shaking his head, when a very strange name suddenly sounded to him.

Qi Heng song!
It appeared from a grain of sand at the beginning, but its strength is extremely strong.

Sky Continent...

It's not that simple.

The battle below quickly entered a white-hot state.

The evil clan suffered heavy losses. Compared with the ancient border country, the battle loss ratio can reach a terrifying one to ten!

It's just that, after all, the ancient border country is only a tiny place, unable to support the 300 million army of the evil race, so it is still firmly suppressed.

And that headless witch was surrounded by dozens of top powerhouses of the evil race.

He is unparalleled in fighting spirit, brave and invincible, and has earth-shattering might!But at this moment, because of the relationship between the border and the country, the hands and feet are tied, and they are not allowed to kill freely!
Above Taixu, Lin Huang's gaze narrowed slightly.

He did not find the new king!

Lin Huang rolled his sleeves slowly, not knowing what he was thinking about.

If there is no ancient witch who was summoned by the holy witch with a sacrifice of life, Lin Huang would naturally take action.

But now...

It seems that Wu Guo is not without the possibility of a comeback.

In this way, he can consider what Qin Xuance thought before...

If the new king did not appear, then the significance of his own appearance might not be too great, at least for the four ancient clans.

Lin Huang hesitated a little, but then he kicked down from the sky.

A loud bang.

Lin Huang rushed out from the void, and the air wave that landed directly sent hundreds of thousands of troops flying around.

He rolled up his sleeve robe, rolled up his long hair, glanced at the entire evil army, and then disappeared into the void.

Between heaven and earth, a head was suddenly rolled and thrown into the void.

This is a one-sided massacre!

There is no suspense.

With an army of 300 million, it is impossible to be Lin Huang's opponent if he does not form a formation.Even now it is too late.

Among the evil clan, some strong men came to kill Lin Huang.

Lin Huang flew up, stretched out his palm, grabbed the latter's neck and fell from the sky.


There was another loud bang, and the strong man's head was shattered.

Afterwards, Lin Huang glanced at the direction of the headless witch, hesitated for a while, and then continued the unilateral slaughter.


A mountain of heads was built directly on the battlefield.

The 300 million army has been divided by the forest waste, presenting a hundred or so pieces, it is difficult to form a unified combat force.

Then, there was a light shining in the void.

Immediately afterwards, the head of a strong evil clan fell to the ground!

one by one.

Even if he is the strong of the evil race, Lin Huang is still in a state of wolf among sheep.

The enemy couldn't even see his face clearly, only felt that ghosts stepped into the battlefield and began to harvest their lives.

After about half an hour, Lin Huang might have been a little tired from killing, so he stopped and shook his head boredly.

The new king of the evil clan is really patient, and none of this will happen.

If the new king of the evil clan does not appear, Lin Huang will not be bothered to continue... The army of 300 million is now completely divided, which is nothing to these great witches of the territory.

And the strength of that headless strong man is enough to suppress the other evil race strong men at this moment.

He's done!
Lin Huang clapped his palms, and then suddenly disappeared into the void.

He comes without a shadow and goes without a trace!

As for the battles in the borderlands, there is actually no suspense. If the evil race stops their losses in time, they may still have a million troops left behind.

If you are stubborn...


Perhaps no one would have imagined that the last evil race in the Sky Continent would end up in an unknown small country.

Qin Xuance couldn't even think of it!

"Why are you here again, can you keep the water in the well and not the water in the river!"

In the vast void, Shen Cangqiong's voice sounded.

"I think there are still many things you haven't told me!"

Forest Road.

"Are you my father, I tell you!"

Shen Cangqiong didn't want to pay attention to Lin Huang.

"The Sky Continent is the sleeping place of the ancient powerhouse?"

Lin Huang spoke bluntly and expressed his doubts.

"What do you mean?"

Shen Cangqiong didn't answer, but instead asked Lin Huang.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, "I remember I once met a great emperor, is he really a great emperor?"

"What is hidden in the forbidden areas of the Sky Continent?"

"In such a small country, such a terrifying existence can come out, and I can feel that if he really recovers, he can kill the gods! His peak strength makes me jealous and even terrified!"

"Also, only one Zhou Weixin walked out of the Daleiyin Temple in the Western Heaven Buddhist Kingdom, but after I became the Great Emperor... I can clearly feel that among the withered figures trapped by the vast sea of ​​Buddhism, there are a few who are obviously different! "

Lin Huang talked about his speculation.

"How dare you think!"

Shen Cangqiong smiled, "Although in the original world of the human race, the existence of the Sky Continent is only tens of thousands of years old!"

"However, in the local history of the Sky Continent, there are tens of millions of years. The long time is enough for vicissitudes, enough for the stars to change!"

"It is also enough for a world to go from tribe to dynasty, from barbarism to civilization!"

"It is also enough to bury countless strong men in the loess, to stain the history books with the imprint of the years, and to extinguish the fire of civilization!"

Shen Cangqiong turned his head to look at Lin Huang, " there anything unreasonable about a strong man suddenly appearing in an ancient border country that has nothing to do with the world?"

"You know, the power of the Great Witch used to be a brilliant civilization!"

"In the Sky Continent, after tens of millions of years, it is not normal for a strong man to appear suddenly?"

Shen Cangqiong continued: "Even if you meet a strong man tens of millions of years ago now, would you feel strange?"

Lin Huang frowned.

"That's not right!"

Lin Huang suddenly discovered the clues, "As for the powerhouses of the ancient kingdom, they must be far superior to ordinary gods at their peak... Sky Continent can't bear it at all!"

"So, that great witch shouldn't have been born from civilization, but he brought civilization into the Sky Continent!"

Shen Cangqiong smiled, "Then tell me, is he mentally ill, brought civilization into the Sky Continent, and then watched the civilization be destroyed?"

"You didn't tell me the truth!"

Lin Huang said sharply.

"Who are you, why should I tell you the truth!"

Shen Cangqiong was overjoyed.

"If you don't tell me, I can go and kill that headless witch right now!"

Lin Huang threatened.

"Go, go, see if you have the ability to kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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