
Chapter 1817 Game

It was a void shrouded in holy light.

However, that piece of void was hidden under the void of the Sky Continent, so it couldn't be noticed at all.

And under the holy light, the small silver world was flowing like a liquid, which was Lin Huang's constant struggle!

Outside the world, densely packed silver chains of rules flowed, just like the long river of time, full of ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

The entire silver small world is like an oven.

The forest waste must be completely evaporated!

In the world, after Lin Huang tried to struggle several times but failed, he calmed down and began to resist the power of the small silver world with all his strength.

Outside the small silver world, there are nine great emperors of the Xuantian God Clan sitting in command, and they have set up a large formation that covers the sky, stabilizing the power of rules in the small silver world.

Even though Lin Huang was strong enough to break through the small silver world, with the blessing of the nine great emperors, he definitely had no chance of escaping.

In the rear, Di Tianshu looked at the small silver world burning with the flames of the avenue, with a calm expression but contempt in his eyes.

From Xiao Yishan to the present.

A full 1000 years have passed...

The resentment and unwillingness accumulated in his heart can finally be released!Who do you think you, Li Baiyi, can compete with me by leaving behind a disciple?
Today, I will slaughter the forests and see how you, Li Baiyi, deal with yourself.

Di Tianshu narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"The small silver world and the Nine Emperors should be enough!"

Di Cangtian on the side spoke.

"Since it's a lion fighting a rabbit, he can't escape with wings!"

Di Tianshu said calmly, "If he steps into the realm of gods, maybe it is still possible! However, this is no longer possible!"

"As long as Lin Huang dies, the Mingjiao will be secretly controlled by my Xuantian God Clan, and the Sky Continent is almost at your fingertips!"

Di Cangtian frowned, as if he felt that Di Tianshu was a little too confident.

"I am indeed confident, but this stems from my firm belief in my own means!"

Di Tianshu saw the thoughts in Di Cangtian's heart, "Time will tell everything, just wait quietly! As long as Lin Huang dies, it will be the time for my Xuantian God Clan to fully awaken!"

Di Cangtian was silent for a while, then nodded slowly.

In the small silver world, Lin Huang's seven orifices were bleeding, and his white clothes were stained red.

His appearance began to age, his hair gradually turned gray, and his cross-legged figure began to bend!His vitality began to pass away, and his longevity began to collapse.

But for more than ten days, he was like a dead wood, without the slightest movement!

"It should be almost there!"

Di Cangtian said, Lin Huang struggled a few times for so many days, but he never rushed out, he was relieved.

The small silver world will surely be Lin Huang's burial place.

"Wait a minute, he is the one who can suppress and kill the Holy Devil!"

At this moment, Di Tianshu seemed very cautious, "I don't believe he is dying in just ten days now! We have to wait at least another ten days!"

The sun rises and the moon sets.

The Holy Light is immortal.

The silver radiance has been covering the void, and the power of rules is like smoke, floating around the small world.

And in that world, Lin Huang had already lowered his head.

He didn't seem to be breathing!

Already on the verge of death.

"Can't wait any longer!"

Di Cangtian said again, "If he really dies, there will be no inheritance for his strength and martial spirit!"

Di Tianshu stared at Lin Huang steadfastly, without saying a word.

After a long time, Di Tianshu nodded.

"Don't open the seal... Just send the two most talented disciples in the clan directly!"

Di Tianshu spoke.

Then... within a quarter of an hour, two streams of light entered the seal, and entered the small world with a whooping sound.

Those were two youths who were only sixteen or seventeen years old...

Well, a boy, and a girl!
The appearance is somewhat similar, it seems to be a compatriot from the same mother.

The young man had a handsome face and clear eyes. After entering the small silver world, he still looked at Lin Huang curiously.

The young girl's face was full of calmness and pride. He slapped the boy on the head and said, "What are you looking at... Take away his inheritance!"

"But this...isn't that good?"

The boy was a little unsure.

The girl snorted coldly, and her ten fingers, which were like white jade, pressed on Lin Huang's head, and immediately a silver light shot out from her palm and penetrated into Lin Huang's body.

"Cough cough..."

Suddenly, the withered figure coughed twice, looking very old.

"You are so young, you have a vicious heart!"

Lin Huang spoke.

Even though the girl was mature, she was still a girl after all. She jumped to the other side with a wow, obviously a little scared.

And that boy hid in a corner.

Lin Huang raised his face like a dead tree, and looked at the young man, "You seem innocent, but you let your sister test it first... Under the disguise, your heart is even more like a devil!"

The young man just trembled, as if he didn't understand what Lin Huang meant.

Outside, Di Cangtian frowned and appeared outside the small silver world, staring at Lin Huang coldly.

The current situation has somewhat exceeded his expectations.

Lin Huang could still speak.

Di Tianshu also frowned, and then he suddenly shouted, "Quickly, extradite them!"

The next moment, the Nine Emperors shot at the same time, piercing through the small world with a silver chain, entangled the pair of siblings, and wanted to pull them out directly.

However, at this moment, Lin Huang stretched out his hand to brush away his disheveled white hair, revealing his haggard face, and looked up at Di Tianshu, with an extremely ugly smile on his face:

"Since it's sent in, don't leave!"

As he said that, Lin Huang's left and right hands grabbed the necks of the two siblings, no matter how hard the Nine Emperors outside were, they couldn't pull them out.

"You are very young, you are the pride of heaven! It's a are going to die! It's a pity...the wonderful life you haven't started yet!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Huang exerted force with his ten fingers.

Then there were two more corpses on the ground!

Di Cangtian frowned, "Lin Huang... you are pretending to lure my disciples from the God Race?!"

Lin Huang grinned, "Look at the guy next to you, he's very calm! Because he knows that it doesn't matter whether I'm pretending or not!"

"What he's more worried about is whether I can break out of this small silver world, isn't he Di Tianshu?"

Lin Huang asked with a smile.

"indeed so!"

Di Tianshu nodded, "I'm curious, what kind of power can allow you to resist the invasion of the power of a world's rules... and it is a world's rules that contain the power of nothingness!"

"Want to know? Let me tell you!"

Lin Huang grinned, "It may not be that difficult for me to get out of the small silver world!"

"You can resist the power of the silver world, but it doesn't mean you can fight out of it!"

Di Tianshu snorted coldly.

Lin Huang stood up in the air, and slowly walked towards Di Tianshu:
"You look calm, but you just don't know... Are you panicking in your heart!"

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