
Chapter 182 Unpredictable

Chapter 182 Unpredictable

Star Pavilion!
The moment Lin Huang stepped into the star formation, the star formation flickered suddenly, and the light dimmed a lot in the blink of an eye.

The high priest's complexion changed, and he stared at Lin Huang suspiciously.

He didn't understand why the star array would change at this time.

In the star array, Lin Huang sensed the mysterious aura surrounding his body, but he didn't feel anything strange. He just smiled softly, and then walked towards the three star spirits.


dong dong!

The star array began to tremble with Lin Huang's footsteps.

The sudden change caused the high priest's complexion to change dramatically. His sunken and bewildered eyes showed a little fear at this moment. He never imagined that the star array was trembling with the rhythm of Lin Huang.

At this moment, wherever Lin Huang in the star array walked, the stars around him all fell and turned into streamers of light.

And the light of the star array became increasingly dim.

In the star array, Lin Huang looked at the scene in front of him, and was also a little puzzled, wondering why such a situation happened?

In the end, Lin Huang walked up to a star Yuanling, reached out and held it in his hand.

The high priest's expression changed again.

Unexpectedly, Lin Huang could easily hold a Yuanling, and that Yuanling belonged to Tianshu, the head of the Big Dipper!
Tianshu Yuanling!

The high priest stared blankly at Lin Huang, his state of mind like an ancient well was already turbulent.

Lin Huang's ability to palm the Tianshu Yuanling shows that his destiny is stronger than that of Tianshu!

In the star formation, Lin Huang felt the power of the Yuan Ling in his hand, but shook his head, let go of it with one hand, and walked towards the next Yuan Ling.

When Lin Huang held the second Yuanling in his hand, the high priest's bewildered eyes stared like copper bells.

Break the army Yuanling!

That Yuan Ling belonged to the Pojun XingXiu, and most of the people with this fate were generals who ruled the world, and Lin Huang could control it with one hand?
"Could it be that Lin Huang's fate is stronger than that of Pojun?"

In Xingchen Pavilion, Nan Yunlie thought to himself.

However, Lin Huang still let go of the Yuan Ling in his hand, and set his eyes on the last Yuan Ling, with a slightly pensive look.

The high priest swallowed, and saw Lin Huang's thoughts on the last Yuan Ling...

The last Yuanling belongs to Ziwei's fate.

A person with Ziwei's destiny is the emperor of the world!

The high priest frowned, his eyes fixed on Lin Huang tightly, even someone like Lin Changtian did not reach Ziwei's destiny.

In the star array, after Lin Huang thought for a moment, he withdrew his steps and grabbed the Pojun Yuanling again.

The high priest let out a long sigh of relief, presumably Lin Huang knew that he could not obtain the Ziwei Yuanling, so he gave up directly.

However, the moment Lin Huang walked out of the star array, the high priest heard Lin Huang snort coldly.

With one sound!
The star array in the pavilion vibrated suddenly, countless star lights died out, and all the star lines were disordered. In just a few breaths, the entire big array fell apart at a speed visible to the naked eye!
The Tianshu Yuanling and Ziwei Yuanling, who were originally suspended in the star array, also fell to the ground.

At this moment, the high priest was shocked, as if struck by lightning!

Lin Huang held up the Pojun Yuanling in his hand, and it radiated brilliant light like starlight. Just the faint vitality escaping out made him feel refreshed.

"Thank you High Priest!"

Lin Huang bowed to the high priest, but he didn't seem to notice the latter's sluggishness.

With just a flick of his palm, Lin Huang ingested the Pojun Yuanling into his body, and gathered it in the mysterious sea along the meridians.Then the Yuan Ling began to evaporate, merging with the Yuan Qi in the body.


Lin Huang breathed a sigh of relief, only feeling that there seemed to be a sun in the mysterious sea, emitting vitality continuously, which made people feel extremely comfortable.

In the field, Nan Yunlie's brows also stretched.

What did the High Priest say just now, if the fate is not enough to obtain the Yuanling, isn't it easy for Lin Huang to obtain it?Fate... It's just nonsense!
Afterwards, Nan Yunlie respectfully said to the High Priest, "Thank you High Priest for bestowing upon Yuan Ling, we will take our leave now and not disturb the High Priest's rest!"

The high priest nodded blankly.

Before the two stepped out of the room, an old voice came from behind:

"Wait a moment!"

Nan Yunlie and Lin Huang turned around, "I don't know what other orders the high priest has?"

"What fate are you?"

The high priest stared at Lin Huangdao.

Even though Nan Yunlie didn't believe in fate, Lin Huang didn't know what happened in the star array.But the high priest who has studied the art of stars for hundreds of years is convinced.

There are stars in the sky, and there is fate in the world!
The star array just now is a simulation of the stars in the sky, and the stars correspond to the warriors one by one.

Lin Huang holds Tianshu in his hand, which shows that his fate is stronger than Tianshu.

Holding Po Jun is stronger than Po Jun.

And Lin Huang's last cold snort... actually threatened the stars in the sky, causing the star array to shatter.

If it wasn't for Lin Huang's use of vitality to crush the star array, then the only explanation would be Lin Huang's fate...

Powerful to the point of unimaginable!

Even if it is Ziwei's fate, he has to make concessions.

So just now the high priest was stunned for a long time, the first time he was so shocked in hundreds of years.Even if he deduced Lin Changtian's fate, Xuanyuan Tibing's fate, Lin Cangxue's fate...

It was not as frightening as it is today.

"not sure!"

Lin Huang replied respectfully, and then added, "But I don't believe in fate!"

If fate can really determine everything, then one's life is already doomed, and even hard work is useless, wouldn't it be ridiculous?
"May the old man deduce it for you once?"

The high priest spoke.

Nan Yunlie's eyes lit up, and there were not many people in the Eastern Spirit Realm who could allow the high priest to deduce his fate.Moreover, the high priest is getting older, and every deduction is extremely precious.

"I hope the high priest spares his life!"

Lin Huang shook his head and said, "Deducing fate is to see God's will, and it will damage life! And the kid doesn't believe in fate, even if it is deduced, it is boring!"

"Your statement is interesting!"

The high priest chuckled and said, "Everyone in the world wants to know their own destiny in order to predict the future! Only you don't want to know!"

Lin Huang smiled, "If you believe in destiny, then this life is doomed, so what's the point if you don't know? If you don't believe it, what's the point even if you know?"

The high priest was slightly startled, and then smiled helplessly, "In that case, you all go downstairs!"

Nan Yunlie and Lin Huang saluted slightly, and then walked down the Xingchen Pavilion.


"You shouldn't have rejected the high priest just now!"

After going downstairs, Nan Yunlie said with regret.

"The High Priest of Piaoxue Palace can at least rank among the top three commanding masters in the entire East Spirit Realm. He can deduce your fate for you, that is, he can see your future. Do you know the meaning of this?"

"Eliminate disasters and solve problems?"

Lin Huang frowned and asked.


Nan Yunlie nodded, "Whether it is Master Zangfeng, the palace lord Yan Nangui, or the emperor of the Eastern Dynasty, they have all avoided disasters under the guidance of the high priest!"

Nan Yunlie said regretfully: "If the high priest can give you a few pointers, it can help you resolve a future crisis!"

"This is an act against the heavens!"

Lin Huang frowned.

"The high priest pointed out God's will for you. This is God's will for you, so how could it be against the sky?"

Nan Yunlie shook his head and retorted.

Lin Huang still shook his head, "Of course this is not my act against the sky, but the high priest's act against the sky!"

Thinking of the High Priest's stooped appearance and dying breath, Lin Huang couldn't help but sympathized and said, "Too much against the sky, you will be punished by heaven."

"The high priest is old, and has dedicated his whole life to Piaoxue Palace. In the following years, if he can live in peace, wouldn't it be great!"

Lin Huang turned his head, staring at Nan Yunlie with his dark eyes.

"It seems that the old man is selfish!"

Nan Yunlie smiled helplessly, and waved his hand to expose the topic.


Star Pavilion.

In the mind of the high priest, the previous scene kept reverberating, and he was puzzled.What kind of fate can cause the star formation to collapse?
Through the quiet window, the High Priest looked at the leaving figure outside the Sutra Pavilion, and a look of excitement could not help showing on his old face.

Even if Lin Huang disagreed, he still had to take a test.

Because the art of stars is what he loves all his life.

Afterwards, the High Priest established a star array again, sat cross-legged in the center where the stars gathered, and waved the scepter in his hand, and began to deduce Lin Huang's fate.


In less than ten breaths, the high priest on the star array spit out a mouthful of blood, and sat paralyzed on the star array, his bewildered eyes were full of inconceivable colors, and his wrinkled face was extremely pale:


(End of this chapter)

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