
Chapter 1848 Exposed

Chapter 1848 Exposed

The eighth vein of the evil clan felt a little panicked now.

after all……

After so many self-explosions, Posuo Tuye can still stand on the altar.

Not only can stand, it seems that there is some spare power.

Behind, there are only a dozen guardians!

It is not an easy task to rely on these more than ten guardians to kill Posuo Tuye.

After all, until now, even though Po Suo Tuye seemed to be covered in blood, he hadn't played many cards.

However, it is impossible for a strong man in the Great Exalted Realm to be like this.

Every evil clan has reason to believe that Posuo Tuye might be able to defeat 81 guardians and challenge Luo Tianzhilan.

The eighth vein, some don't know what to do.

Luo Tianzhilan didn't show up, and the only person in charge outside was a great elder who was under his seat.He looked at Posuo Tuye, also not knowing what to do.

Lin Huang on the side didn't panic too much, he just didn't want Rama Cangtu to blow himself up.

The eighth meridian is helpless, but the battle will not stagnate in the slightest...

No.70 A challenger stepped onto the altar.


He exploded directly!
There was another wound on Po Suo Tuye's body, but he endured it again.

No.70 two guardians.

73th place.


Po Suo Tuye looked miserable, but he seemed to be invincible, walking step by step.

In a blink of an eye, the seven guardians of No.70 have come on stage.


Another bang.

The No.70 seven guardians also exploded.


The evil race on the entire Bloodborne battlefield suddenly boiled up.

Because the No.70 seven guardians did not self-destruct, but were killed by a punch from Posuo Tuye.

On the altar, Po Suo Tuye stretched his waist. With the force of his arms, the wounds all over his body began to heal, and his somewhat sluggish breath began to revive.

His momentum became astonishing again.

Looking at the remaining guardians of the eighth peak, Posuo Tuye hooked his fingers, signaling them to come up to die.

This scene was something that all the evil races present could never have imagined...

In the case of more than 30 guardians of the eighth vein blew themselves up, Posuo Tuye is still so fierce.

He was actually acting just now.

He stopped pretending and had a showdown.

In other words, it's not acting...but Po Suo Tuye has an extremely powerful healing ability, which makes all the evil races terrified.

As for the elder of the eighth vein, Luo Tianzhilan, his complexion was almost green.

This time, Luo Tianzhilan ignored the arrangements for the 81 guardians and left them all to him.Earlier, it was not Luo Tianzhilan's intention to let the guardian blew himself up, but he was a little panicked.

But it's unstoppable now.

If Luo Tianzhilan is really going to do something, I'm afraid his position as an elder will come to an end.


On the altar, the eight guardians of No.70 were punched to death.

Lin Huang turned his head and looked around, and began to look for the target... He was ready to give up on Rama Cangtu.

Since Po Suo Tuye is so brave, let him face Luo Tianzhi Lan.As a human race, how could he help Luo Tianzhilan fight Posuo Tuye!

Isn't this something that only a sick mind can do?
Lin Huang's eyes wandered, and he began to search who could become his next body in the eighth vein.


No.70 nine guardians were killed by the town.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, it seemed that he was going to speed up...


At this moment, a voice sounded in Lin Huang's mind.

Lin Huang turned his head and looked around, feeling that he was hallucinating.

But after thinking about it, he suddenly frowned... How could he, a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm, be hallucinating.

Immediately, Lin Huang only saw an evil clan posing on the edge of the cliff of the eighth peak, who looked like a man and a god, but there were many evil clans around her.

His mother.

That voice just now was obviously a man who hid in a female evil clan, and then went to seduce a group of male evil clans?
Lin Huang always felt that something was wrong.

"Subordinate Tiance Mansion Commander, Shen Lingshang... Deputy envoy of Tianya Organization, ordered to come to the Xie Clan to make a settlement!"

The mother evil clan in the distance was scratching her head and making a gesture, while transmitting a sound to Lin Huang.

"How do you know it's me?"

Lin Huang frowned and said, he has been hiding in Rama Cangtu's body all the time, asking himself if he has shown any cheating feet, can this be discovered by others?
"Mansion Master Xuan Ce dotted a star in the starry sky of the evil clan, and he and the leader are attracted to each other. My Mingjiao Commander can deduce the location of the attraction, so I can naturally find the leader!"

Shen Lingshang said.

"Shouldn't it be me, the leader, Shenlong, who sees the head and doesn't see the end...Why do you all know my existence when I come?"

"Yes, Master!"


Lin Huang was furious, Qin Xuance, who is such a shitty person, doesn't care about human affairs.

"How long have you been here..."

Lin Huang asked.

"It's almost half a year!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, it seems that Qin Xuance's plan was made earlier than the conversation between the two of them.

"Tianya Organization, I've was established by Qin Xuance to target the Fusang God Realm!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth, and then continued: "So, you want me to stop Posuo Tuye?"


"Do you want me to stop Posuo Tuye, or Qin Xuance wants me to stop!"


Shen Lingshang was very straightforward, "Even though we can communicate with the Palace Master superficially through the stars, we are not proficient, and we don't have time to ask the Palace Master for instructions. In a hurry, the subordinates can only go past the Palace Master and wake up the leader. This is why We were able to discover the location of the leader, which is part of the power of emergency given to the subordinates by the Palace Master!"

Lin Huang nodded, "Reason!"

"The leader of Tianya is plotting to seize Luo Tianzhilan's body... Now the two sides are in a stalemate. If Luo Tianzhilan is allowed to face Posuo Tuye at this time, no matter whether it is Luo Tianzhilan or the leader of Tianya, They will all be destroyed immediately!"

Shen Ling said.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows suddenly...

Good guy.

I only wanted to take away the body of Rama Cangtu, but you are very powerful, directly wanting to take Luo Tianzhilan's body.

Luo Tianzhilan... at least in the Great Exalted Realm, he might be a demigod!

It seems that Tianya has some special abilities, which can slightly restrain the evil race.Otherwise... even he would not dare to claim Luo Tianzhilan's body.

"And... the leader is now possessed by Rama Cangtu. If he stops Posa Tuye today, this is a well-known achievement. In this way, Rama Cangtu will be the future head of the family in all likelihood. Naturally, the leader I despise such a position, but there will be someone in Tianya who needs this position!"

Shen Lingshang continued.

"It don't want to destroy the evil race, that's not what Qin Xuance told me before!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Before coming, the Palace Master gave us two sentences, the first sentence is 'destroying the evil clan is the result I can accept', and the second sentence is 'if I can secretly control the evil clan, I will be more satisfied'. "

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, it seems that the naughty Qin Xuance had some plans that he didn't tell himself.

(End of this chapter)

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