
Chapter 1852

Chapter 1852
The bloody smoke dissipated.

On the high altar, Tian Shura still stood still.

And the reincarnated guardian of the god in the void is still suspended.


Everyone didn't have any doubts yet, they only heard a bang.

The illusory body of the guardian suddenly exploded.

Guardian, die!
For a moment, all the evil races stared wide-eyed in horror, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

You must know that the realm of the challenger has been suppressed to the realm of the original guardian, but the guardian has used magical powers to raise his realm to the limit below that of the great venerable.

Coupled with the supernatural powers of the reincarnation of the gods.

He should have the invincible posture of the great sage realm!


He was slaughtered by the challenger with a knife.

The evil race of the seventh vein only felt cold all over, and they had great expectations for this guardian.

This is the first Tianjiao under the previous three lines of Tianjiao.

But so easily defeated.

Who is this little-known challenger who has such terrifying means.

And the evil races watching in the Bloodborne Battlefield were also full of disbelief.

Afterwards, they became more energetic.

Because they seem to see a glimmer of hope!
A glimmer of hope that he can truly challenge the Seventh Venerable...

In the eighth peak's tent, Lin Huang just sneered.Even if it is a true reincarnation of a god, but if you bend down in the seventh vein, you are already abolished.

What a great cause, dare to presumptuously in front of Tian Shura!

And when Xiongcang Daye died, the entire seventh meridian seemed to be drained of energy.

Because after the great cause of Xiongcang, the rest of the guardians are not as good as him.

Based on such inferences, I am afraid that none of the 81 guardians of the seventh vein can stop Tian Shura.

Unless, in the seventh vein, there is also a strange talent like Rama Cangtu.

But the probability of this is extremely low.

And the fact... also proves the case.

Even Xiongcang Daye was hacked to death twice, and the other guardians also fell under Tian Shura's sword one by one.

74th place.





No.80 a guardian!
When Shura beheaded the last guardian that day, the scene had become relatively calm.

Because, this is in line with their expectations.

And all the evil races of the seventh vein seem to be a little unstable.

After the ninth vein, the seventh vein was also pierced.

And the Ninth Meridian is not completely penetrated, because the Ninth Lord made an early move and suppressed the challenger forcefully, which is considered to have saved some face.

But the seventh vein was indeed pierced.


Accompanied by the sound of an ancient bell and chime, a bloody sun suddenly appeared on the seventh peak.

In that bloody day, a figure sitting cross-legged looks more like a silhouette from a distance, but it feels extremely powerful and suffocating.

The Seventh Great Venerable!

Obscure Moon Spirit Beginning!

On the altar, Tian Shura mentioned looking at the Seventh Great Venerable, and suddenly let out a roar, bursting with fighting spirit.

"Om you chirping, so..."

Between the heaven and the earth, there was the mighty voice of Miyue Lingchu, shaking the void.

In the tent, Lin Huang frowned.

Sure enough, the long-windedness of Xiong Cang's great cause before has been inherited, and it seems that the root cause is here.

That Misty Moon Lingchu opened his mouth, but he only said some things, and he praised Tian Shura for being good, and he was able to fight 81 guardians in a row, but when he met him, that was the end of it.

Tian Xiuluo ignored these, but started to shout in the unfamiliar language of the evil race:
"Get off!"


A loud bang.

Misty Moon Lingchu fell on the altar, and a blood-stained real body appeared.

He is a thousand feet tall, extremely mighty and majestic, his whole body is like a blood-colored mountain range, and there are rounds of big sun circles behind him, and his evil spirit is soaring into the sky.

And the moment Wuyue Lingchu stepped on the altar, Tian Shura's realm suddenly rose, until he was on par with Wuyue Lingchu.

Your Majesty.

Great Emperor Realm!

The Misty Moon Spirit was about to speak again, but Tian Shura on the altar got impatient and went up to chop with the Shansu knife.

Misty Moon Lingchu frowned, and stepped on the extremely short Tian Shura with one foot.


Tian Shura dodged away, but there were many cracks in the altar.

Tian Shura withdrew the Shan Na knife, pinched the Yin Jue with both hands.

Suddenly, Tian Shura turned into a shadow...

Misty Moon Lingchu let out a cold snort, and illuminated the void with the blood-colored sun behind him, trying to force Tian Shura to manifest his real body.

In the next moment, Tian Shura suddenly rose from the shadows and used his blood peak to suppress Wuyue Lingchu.


The blood peak was shattered, but what greeted him was the sea of ​​blood after the blood peak was shattered.

Wuyue Lingchu opened her arms, suddenly carved a vortex in the sea of ​​blood, and jumped out of the vortex.

Tian Xiuluo pointed to the sky, and the sky and the earth turned into a bloody color...

The Scarlet Domain suddenly unfolded.


Above the heavens and the earth, both sides killed Wushuang, making it difficult for Void to maintain calm.

But all the evil races watched the battle in the void with great interest, feeling extremely thrilling and exciting.

Because, the Seventh Great Venerable made a move.

Also because the two sides resorted to repeated means, half a quarter of an hour passed without a winner.

This was beyond their expectations. Even if the challenger could kill Xiong Cang Daye in the Great Sage Realm, it didn't mean he could compete against Misty Moon Lingchu in the Great Sage Realm.

But in the end, he carried it, at least until now.

Moreover, the blood shadow, the peak of the blood sea, and the blood moon domain!
This is already the natal talent of the three major evil races. It seems that this challenger also has a mysterious origin, and it is not so easy to have the three major bloodline talents at the same time.

In the tent, Lin Huang also concentrated his attention once again.

Although he now understands better than the Xiezu that the root of these natal talents is there...but what he is dealing with is a great leader of the Xiezu after all.

They have gone through a long time, so their proficiency in natal talent is not comparable to that of Tian Shura.

Moreover, Tian Xiuluo can't use other powers too much, otherwise it will be found that he is not from the evil race, and the consequences will be serious.

Fortunately, the Xie Clan has all kinds of strange looks, even if a dog goes up and says that he is from the Xie Clan, the people of the Xie Clan may not believe it.

But even so, Tian Shura is still Tian Shura.

He was very patient in the battle with Mizuki Lingchu.

After all, this is the testing ground for him to hone the strength of the evil race.


Boom boom boom.


The two sides above the altar, like two peerless rays of light, chased and fought between the heaven and the earth, and the evil race was stunned to see it.

Most of them don't understand.

A battle at the Dazun level can end in an instant, or it may last for several months in a sit-down fight.

But the evil clans who could understand kept frowning, as if they saw a lot of ways...

The seventh vein, I'm afraid it will change hands today!
(End of this chapter)

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