
Chapter 1871

When Lin Huang appeared, Tianzun was stunned for a while.

He didn't expect that it would be Lin Huang, the leader of Zuojiaming sect of the human race, who ran into Fusang God Realm.

What audacity.

However, he didn't make a move...

He would like to see how strong this giant pillar of the human race is.Let's also see what methods this Great Phoenix Buddha has other than that evil ghost.

Anyway, since Lin Huang was discovered, he couldn't escape no matter what.

You know, this is the Evil Moon God Clan.Don't say that he made a move. Judging by Lin Huang's strength, even a demigod's attack could kill him without a place to bury him.

It turns out that Sky Continent only has this little strength.

Pity those exiled slaves who are still struggling to survive in the Sky Continent.In fact, you only need to send an army of one million to easily destroy it.

Gradually, the evil race present all reacted.

And then shocked.

Rama Cangtu, Lin Huang, the leader of the Ming Cult!
He actually came to Fusang God Realm.

No wonder... No wonder he was able to stop the pace of the eighth pulse challenger, Po Sao Tuye, in the Challenger League. He had great supernatural powers to suppress Po Sao Tuye.

Poor Po Sao Tuye, he should be able to rest in peace now.

At least, he didn't die at the hands of a small Great Saint Realm, but at the hands of the leader of the human race.

And the entire mountain peak of the eighth vein froze.

Especially the Patriarch of the Eighth Line, Rama Han, he turned his head and stared at the elder of the family who brought Rama Cangtu here, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

The face of the Rama family is completely lost now.

You must know that Lin Huang was wearing Rama's smudged skin... If he committed such a crime, if he had the intention to punish him, the Rama family might be wiped out because of it.

At this moment, Luo Mohan didn't know how to deal with himself.

Because, the eyes of the other guardian family heads of the eighth vein all fell on him.There was not much anger in their eyes, but it made Luo Mohan feel completely cold.

They will never let go of any opportunity to trample on other families.

In the blink of an eye, Ramahan's eyes froze.

A trace of doubt and panic appeared in his eyes.

He dare not continue to imagine...

Ruoma Cang's body has always been a forest waste.So why did he stop Po Sao Tuye during the Dazun Challenge?

To be reasonable, shouldn't he be happy to see our Xie Yue God Clan kill each other?
But he was struggling to stop Po Suo Tuye's footsteps, and finally killed the latter. Why?
Could it be that?
Luo Mohan was shocked.

He quickly stopped thinking, he didn't dare to imagine what kind of storm would be caused if the eighth elder was a human race?At that time, the other eight meridians will probably have to use all their strength to destroy the eighth meridian.

Luo Mohan felt cold in his heart. He thought of the strangeness that he had never felt before when he saw the Eighth Great Venerable several times, and he became more and more suspicious in his heart.

He could feel that the breath of the Eighth Great Venerable was very unstable.

He always thought that it was the eighth master who was attacking a higher realm.

But what if this is not the case?
In the end, Luo Mohan still couldn't stop thinking, and imagined wildly all the way, could it be because the eighth master was invaded, and he still insisted on resisting. …

Only in this way can we explain why Lin Huang tried his best to stop Posuo Tuye.

Because the current eighth elder's breath is not stable, he can't use force yet.The reason why his breath is unstable is because he is suppressing the real eighth master!

This can also explain why I could alternately feel the strangeness and familiarity of the Eighth Great Lord before.

Certainly so.

Luo Mohan felt that his reasoning was thorough this time, so he couldn't help puffing out his chest, showing strong confidence on his face.

This time, it is the opportunity for the Rama family to rise from the dragon to the tiger.

As long as you help the eighth respect to control your own body, don't say anything about Rama's sins, the entire Rama family will definitely become the chief guard family of the eighth line!

On the Bloodborne battlefield, the evil clans in all directions were in commotion.

Different camps have different interests, and different perspectives have different views.

However, Lin Huang appeared in the Fusang God Realm, which they never expected... After all, he was the giant pillar of the human race, and he came to die in danger!


in the void.

Lin Huang and the Great Phoenix Buddha are also inseparable from killing each other, and the Great Phoenix Buddha only makes high-level remarks from time to time, proving his deep hatred with Lin Huang and his loyalty to the evil clan.

"What are you going to do?"

Huangfu Tianxia crazily attacked Lin Huang, while sending a voice transmission.

"I found out that I was deceived by you. Maybe you were an evil race before you knew Master, and you are a traitor! So even if I try to expose it, I will kill you!"

Lin Huang said.

"There is nothing wrong with your mind, be serious!"

Huangfu Tianxia snorted coldly.

"It's nothing, I, Lin Huang, came to the evil clan, how can I walk at night in brocade clothes. I am the leader of the Zuo Jiaming sect, no matter where I am, I will be like a big sun, turning into a walking light!"

Lin Huang spoke again, and cut off Huangfu Tianxia's arm with a single blow.

Huangfu Tianxia's arm quickly recovered, his eyes were full of murderous aura, and he was furious with the blood demon, and frantically went towards Lin Huang to kill him.

"speak English!"

Huangfu Tianxia spoke.

"It's nothing, there is a person who is taking control of the body with the eighth master!"

Lin Huang said via voice transmission.

Huangfu Tianxia frowned angrily, and immediately figured out Lin Huang's plan, "So, the one who occupies the main consciousness of the eighth lord's body is the eighth lord?"


Lin Huang nodded.

"Then what did you do to stop Posuo Tuye with all your might?"

"The eighth great master can't make a move now, no matter who controls the consciousness, both sides may be destroyed!"

"Then why do you want to attack the eighth master now?"

"Because I think that this matter should always need external force to fuel the flames. If it is not broken, it will not be established. Moreover, if I released the water before, what should I do if the mother-in-law Tuye succeeded directly?"

Lin Huang explained.


Huangfu snorted coldly, "I see you, but you don't want to see me become the focus of attention among the evil clan. So, even if you are exposed, you should be better than me! Junior brother, young people, don't want to fight too much!"

"Then tell me, who is going to wear the skin of worshiping the cold light of the moon now?"

Lin Huang asked Huangfu Tianxia back, "Tian Xiuluo is the seventh grand lord, and now you have become the sixth grand lord... You don't think that Jiumai lord is really just a ranking, and it's not something that the first lord has mastered." The information and resources are about the same as those of the other Great Seniors, right?"

Huangfu Tianxia frowned, and immediately made a seal. He wanted to summon the evil spirit again, and completely suppress and kill this human leader!

Lin Huang also stopped pretending, and raised his hand to dominate the world and conquer all directions.

The fight between the two sides was inseparable, it was simply a big enemy of Shangqiongbi and Huangquan.

"You can quietly wear the skin of Baiyue Hanguang, why are you so high-profile!"

Huangfu said to the world.

"If you pretend to be defeated and stretch the battle line, can we hunt down some strong men?"

Lin Huang said seriously.

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