
Chapter 1880

Chapter 1880
Hearing what Huangfu Tianxia said, Lin Huang became even more certain.

Those things in the latter Six Paths of Reincarnation are extremely astonishing.

The power of original rules.

This is something that ordinary gods don't necessarily know.

But Huangfu Tianxia could say it casually.

This is so abnormal.

"It seems... Senior Brother has a great adventure!"

Lin Huang laughed.


Huangfu Tianxia smiled very modestly, "I only hope that in the future, relying on these six reincarnations, I can beat Qin Changsheng violently!"

"That probably won't be easy, you have to beat me before you talk!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Do you really think that after the person in my heavenly path appears, you will be able to resist the beating?"

Huangfu Tianxia laughed confidently.

"Brother, do you really know my tricks?"

Lin Huang continued.

"Then what about my reincarnation palace?"

Huangfu Tianxia didn't want to be at a disadvantage.

"It's possible!"

After thinking about it, Lin Huang nodded and said, "However, with your current ability, maybe you may not be able to open the reincarnation palace?"

"Find time for you to try!"

Huangfu Tianxia shook his head, and he patted Lin Huang on the shoulder: "Junior Brother, the layout should be bigger...a Sky Continent is nothing!"

"You weren't like this before!"

Lin Huang shook his head.

"One moment and another moment!"

Huangfu Tianxia spoke confidently.

"It seems that the evil race has been used by you as a springboard? Where do you want to go... um... Blazing God Race?"


Huangfu Tianxia did not reply to Lin Huang.

"Don't fix these useless things, let's raise the realm first! No matter how many methods you have, when facing the gods, you are no different from a dog!"

Lin Huang wants to break Huangfu's illusion of a world.

"You should take care of yourself first... Heavenly Shura and Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body have not yet merged. If you don't solve it, talk about becoming a god, and you will end up blowing up directly!"

Huangfu fought back against Lin Huang.

"I don't need my brother to care about this, I have my own way!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Some people become famous when they are young, and they shine in Kyushu; some people have accumulated a lot of money, and they are late bloomers!"

"Qin Changsheng is the former, and I will become the latter; Junior Brother, don't be nothing at that time, it will embarrass me!"

Huangfu Tianxia began to find an angle to ridicule Lin Huang.

Lin Huang avoided this topic, "Just say whether you will do it or not, dare you!"

"It's not impossible, but the younger brother has to promise me one condition!"


"You can't attack the evil race without my consent!"

"Then you have to tell me how long you need it!"

"It won't be too long, after all, I never thought about spending time among the evil race!"

"make a deal!"

Lin Huang was too lazy to argue with Huangfu Tianxia, ​​so he agreed directly.

After all, he is now wearing the clothes of the seventh great venerable, the first venerable, the sixth venerable of Huangfu, and the eighth venerable!
Among the nine great masters of the evil race, the human race has already accounted for half.

Can secretly harvest the evil race, why so much fanfare?
Seeing this, Huangfu Tianxia was not entangled, and put a friendly hand on the shoulder of the stone man beside him.

In the next moment, the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor followed Huangfu Tianxia's arm and entered the Heavenly Dao Palace of the Six Paths of Samsara.

When the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body entered Huangfu Tianxia's body, the latter frowned obviously, as if he felt the aura and power that surprised him.

It seems that the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body has exceeded his previous judgment.

The two of them quietly maintained their forward posture, searching for Lin Huang's figure... The main reason was that Huangfu Tianxia seemed to be digesting the turmoil of Qi and blood brought to him by the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor.

After a long time, Huangfu Tianxia breathed a sigh of relief.

He turned his head to look at the stone man, and said with a frown, "The old lunatic in the Heavenly Dao Palace said that the Heavenly Emperor's dharma body is not bad... the person who can create this dharma must be a man of our race!"

But the stone man did not respond to Huangfu Tianxia.

Because at this moment, Lin Huang has already sensed it through the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor...

It is a bright world.

Incomparably bright.

Do not……

Can't be called bright.

Because when you enter that world, subconsciously, you will feel that there is no darkness in this world.

Since there is no darkness, there should be no opposing light.

In the snow-white light curtain of the world, what Lin Huang felt was the primitive breath like the sea.

That is not the primitiveness of the barbaric atmosphere.

It's the breath of primordial rules...

It seems that these shimmering mysterious waves that can blind the eyes are the original rules that constitute each world.

Here, as before, what he felt was endless divine power.

But a kind of gentleness.

Very gentle feeling.

This... On the contrary, it gave him an inexplicable feeling of being a fairy or a god, which was very wonderful... without any evil or impurities.

An extremely pure breath.

And on the dome of the entire space, hung a round of snow-white sun.

The sun is shining, exuding thousands of divine brilliance, filling the whole world, making people feel like worshiping under the warm wrap.

It is worship, not worship!

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body closed his eyes, and felt a terrible chill invisibly, a power to conquer the soul.

This seems... like the real way of heaven.

Illuminate the world with light.

Invisibly make all living beings surrender.

"Who are you……"

Suddenly, the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor spoke, and he stood up and stood proudly in the sky, staring at the snow-white sun and speaking.

"The tide rises from the death of the ancestor god, and the ten thousand laws are passed on under the stars!"

In the void of heaven, there was an ancient and mighty voice.

It was like a raving from ancient times, full of vicissitudes and memories, which made Lin Huang palpitate for no reason.

"What does that mean?"

Lin Huang asked boldly.

He is completely sure at this moment that the round of snow-white sun in the void must be an extremely ancient existence.

"'s just an ancient time!"

A voice resounded in the snow-white day.

"Have you ever heard that... the stars under the sky are just the corpses of gods?"

Lin Huang began to wonder, and was about to be overwhelmed by the snow-white sun.

"The years are vast and full of twists and turns, and the origin of the great world cannot be traced! The people of the present, only care about the world of the present!"

Lin Huang said.


Xuebai Dayi said, "I am waiting for your rise, the dream of talking freely in the Ancestral Land of Chaos, waiting for your realization!"

"Tide Ancestral Land!"

Lin Huang exclaimed, the latter actually knew about the Ancestral Land of Chaos.

And say such things.

Is it...

"Senior, are you a character in Chaotic Ancestral Land?"

Lin Huang asked.

"All the past can't be said today; all the future can't be said today!"

Xue Bai Da Ri began to act like an old magic stick, saying some words that Ji Lin Huang couldn't understand.

"You know who I am when you feel that you should know who I am!"

"you know me?"

Lin Huang couldn't understand, so he changed the question.

"do not know!"

"Do you know Qin Xuance?"

"do not know!"

"Where's Wanjiesheng?"

"Little friend, be careful, don't force everything, let nature take its course!"

(End of this chapter)

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