
Chapter 1892 Black Sea Sky Asura

Chapter 1892 Black Sea Sky Asura

In the void, the billowing black air and the turbulent vast sea drowned the summoned creatures of Moyue Tianzun.

The summoned creature is mighty and majestic, jumping out of that black sea in an instant.


In the next instant, countless chains of black air leaped into the void, directly piercing through the body of the summoned creature, trying to pull it back into the black sea.

The speed of summoning creatures is as fast as lightning, and it is necessary to break free from the control of the chain of black air.

A few bangs.

The chain of black air snapped.

However, many of those floating black air entered the bodies of the summoned creatures.

At the same time, in the black sea, more chains of black air rose out like ancient black dragons, carrying the rules of the avenue, and heading towards the summoned soul again.

Summoning the roar of the living beings, with a roar, the body turned into light and shadow, suppressing the entire Black Sea with a majestic posture.

Boom boom boom.

For a moment, the scene in the void was like countless black dragons crashing towards the sky.

The aftermath of the collision scattered in all directions, causing the void in all directions to be damaged and trembling.

In the next moment, Moyue Tianzun rushed towards the Black Sea.

Once again, the moonlight in his palm shines on the Black Sea, intending to completely suppress it.


Suddenly, the summoned creature roared.

I saw countless chains of black energy wrapped around his body, wisps of mysterious evil black energy continuously infiltrated the summoned creature's body, which made the summoned creature begin to have black energy emerging from its body.

He is being assimilated.

Moyue Tianzun turned his head, his expression changed slightly.The blood moon shot out in his hand, and began to cut the chains of black air in the void.


The chain of black air is very fragile, and everything is cut off.

But those severed chains of black air began to pour into the summoned creatures' bodies continuously.


The summoned creature became manic.

He turned his head to look at Moyue Tianzun, and there was a provocative color in his surrendered eyes.

Moyue Tianzun's heart skipped a beat, feeling the crisis.

It seems that his summoned creatures are starting to lose control.

Moyue Tianzun formed seals with both hands and began to take back the summoned creatures.One after another majestic blood moon light fell on the summoned creature, intending to detain and suppress the latter.

Afterwards, the summoned creatures began to shrink continuously, wanting to return to Moyue Tianzun's body.

At this moment, a terrifying and majestic figure suddenly appeared in the billowing black sea.That figure is composed of endless black energy, extremely evil.

He stared at Moyue Tianzun in front of him, made a provocative move, and grabbed the blood moon.

Moyue Tianzun was furious, and above the blood moon, there were ancient patterns flickering.

In the next moment, the power of the rules turned into ancient moonlight, and went towards the black air figure like a river of blood.

In an instant, the giant black shadow hand was corroded and lost to the power of the blood moon rule.

The river of blood flowed quickly into the Black Sea.It makes the Black Sea boil and vibrate, but it is somewhat powerless.

Visible to the naked eye, the Black Sea is constantly shrinking.

Moyue Tianzun sneered, do you really think you can turn the sky upside down? You don't understand how terrifying Tianzun's strength is.

However, Moyue Tianzun's confidence had not yet fully expanded, so he frowned again.

In the surging black sea, the bloody moonlight was gradually evaporated, and its power was resisted by the black sea.

Immediately, Moyue Tianzun's complexion changed drastically.

When he turned his head, he only found that the summoned creature that belonged to him had turned from bloody to pitch black at this moment.

The way the summoned creature looked at him changed from submission to ferocity.

And the connection between himself and the summoned creature was completely severed.

Tianzun was so angry that he held the blood moon and went straight to kill the summoned creatures.

A loud bang.

The summoned soul was originally extremely powerful, but after all, he had surrendered to the hands of Moyue Tianzun, who was his king.

With just one move, the summoned creature was beheaded by Moyue Tianzun.

And at the moment when the summoned creature was beheaded, his entire body turned into a billowing black sea and merged into the black sea below.

In an instant, the edge of the Black Sea below collided suddenly, becoming more and more terrifying, making all the evil races terrified.

Moyue Tianzun almost gritted his teeth at this moment, he didn't expect a little Tianzun to be so difficult to deal with.

As soon as he turned his head, even his summoned creatures were assimilated.

This dog must die!

Moyue Tianzun let out a long cry, shaking the sky.Accompanied by his ancient chant, the blood moon in his hand magnified again.

Suddenly, the veins on the blood moon shone with an ancient aura.

With the flickering lines, the entire void seems to be suppressed by mysterious power.

The world suddenly became quiet.

The blood moon is suspended in the void, walking around Tianzun like an elf.The lines on it are becoming clearer and clearer, giving people a sense of ancient depth.

The next moment... Moyue Tianzun reached out, causing the blood moon to embed between his eyebrows.

Only between breaths, Moyue Tianzun's breath began to sublimate.

His whole body was full of blood, exuding a sense of antiquity and profoundness, his brows were proud and desolate, with an ancient attitude.

His demeanor seemed a lot more ordinary.

There is no previous barrage of teeth and claws.


It was just like this that made all the evil races in the seventh vein terrified.Moyue Tianzun is too ordinary to be real, and he must have transcended into an unfathomable state at this moment.

Maybe it's the back-to-basics after the God Realm.

And the Black Sea below seemed to feel the threat, and began to shrink, and finally the entire Black Sea turned into a pitch-black figure.

In the black air, the figure of Tian Shura manifested.

He stared at Moyue Tianzun in front of him whose aura had changed greatly, with an unusually calm expression, as if he had never been half surprised.

In those blood-colored pupils, there was a little more appreciation.

I saw him speak slowly, his voice was calm but shook the sky:

"Even if I am just born with spiritual wisdom, I will still be a great emperor and slay gods!"

"I have seen the light of the world, and I have also turned into the night of heaven and earth. All evil spirits from all directions are my servants! How dare you rebel against the Lord!"

As soon as the words were finished, Tian Shura suddenly stretched his arms, and he raised his head to the sky and screamed, his hair flying in anger.

Like the ancient demon god, looking down upon the heavens.

Accompanied by Tian Shura's astonishing roar, a majestic devouring force arose around him.

In an instant, the evil moon breath in the entire void poured into Tian Shura's body continuously like ten thousand rivers returning to the sea.

His aura is beginning to increase.

Tianzun's complexion changed suddenly, he raised his hand to control a void rule, and moved towards Tian Shura to suppress it.

Tian Shura suppressed it instantly.

But when the body dies, the black energy remains.

The black air is billowing, still possessing terrifying tearing power, devouring the Qi of the evil moon in all directions.

It's not just the Qi of the evil moon around.

The entire evil race of the seventh vein is resisting Tian Shura's tearing power.

The Great Sage was the first to lose... no... he was swallowed into the black energy without any resistance, and before he could scream, he was directly assimilated into the black energy by Tian Shura.

Together with the Great Sage, they didn't hold on for a few breaths, and were annihilated by the billowing black air like fish schools unable to escape in the vortex of the vast sea.

As countless evil moon auras and evil races were being swallowed up, Tian Shura's aura became stronger and more terrifying...

(End of this chapter)

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