
Chapter 1896 Invincible Shura

Chapter 1896 Invincible Shura
Hearing the words of the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body, Lin Huang patted his butt, then stood up.

The latter all opened their mouths, indicating that Shura is indeed very powerful, and he can hardly bear it anymore.

There is no way.

After all, Tian Shura has an extremely ancient origin, and the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body has only been tens of thousands of years since the birth of Jintian Emperor.

Whether it is time or the power behind it, there is a huge gap.

It was beyond Lin Huang's expectations to be able to resist Tian Shura's attack for so long.

Seeing Lin Huang joining the battle, Tian Xiuluo snorted coldly, as if he wasn't afraid.After all, it was just Lin Huang and the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor.

If it is said that the former Huangfu is still in the world, he is a little afraid.

After all, the latter has a good existence in his body.

Whether it is Tantai Qingdi or Luo Tianshen, they are all famous existences in the entire history of the human race.

As for Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng, they couldn't compete with the latter at all.

Tian Shura was full of hostility, and went straight to kill Lin Huang.

As soon as he made a move, the sky and the earth turned into night, endless sorrow spread, and Tian Shura condensed a punch, killing Lin Huang.

Lin Huang also punched, also containing the sorrow of the night, and competed with Tian Shura.


A loud bang.

Tianxiu Luo didn't move at all, Lin Huang flew thousands of miles backwards.

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body turned his head, looked at Lin Huang with some distaste, and then the light of the sun and the moon burst out, heading towards Tian Shura.

Tian Shura turned his head, raised his hand to cover the sky and the moon, and suppressed the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor.

In the next moment, Lin Huang returned to the battlefield, and made a move with the knives, dominating the world and conquering the sixth world.

With one hand, Tian Shura suppressed the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body, and with the other hand, he came towards Xiong Batian.

Another bang.

Under the monstrous clutches of Heavenly Shura, Xiong Tiantian was annihilated.However, black blood was also gurgling from his palm, and Xiong Batian broke through his defense.

"From the beginning of your growth, I have felt this power. It is too presumptuous to try to suppress and kill me with this!"

Tian Shura snorted coldly, and then he waved his big hand, and the Five Dao Heroes swept away towards the forest.

Lin Huang's complexion changed, he didn't expect this idiot to do this, and immediately tore the void to escape.

Boom boom boom boom.

The entire void exploded like fireworks, and the aura of annihilation began to emerge.

And Lin Huang appeared again, with a huge wound on his back, obviously he was caught by Xiongba Tianxia just now.

"You will, I will! Why do you want to suppress me!"

Tian Shura snorted coldly, his voice full of arrogance.

Lin Huang frowned, his expression gradually became serious.

Raising tigers is going to be a big disaster.

At the time of the three-party battle, hundreds of auras appeared out of thin air outside the entire void.

Immediately, those auras appeared...they were strong men from the evil race.

Among them, there are no less than ten Great Exalted Realm existences, and there is even one Celestial Venerable, and the rest are all great saints.

When they appeared, their eyes widened.

The Seventh Great Venerable... so strong!
However, at the Great Exalted Realm, at this moment, he has the prestige of Heavenly Exalted.

However, it didn't take long for them to realize that something was wrong, seemed that the moves used by the Seventh Great Lord did not seem to be the moves of the Evil Moon God Clan.

On the contrary, it looks like the martial arts of the human race Lin Huang.

All of a sudden, these powerhouses of the evil race were even more amazed.

Unexpectedly, the Seventh Venerable has only just emerged, and he can use the technique of Futian to such a superb level.

The secret technique he copied was even stronger than that of the human race Lin Huang.


The Seventh Great Venerable can actually restore the sky.

He cannot be allowed to rise, otherwise the entire Nine Meridians may surrender at the soles of his feet one day.

A group of great venerables were thinking a lot, but they didn't grasp the point at all.

And when Tian Shura fought against Lin Huang and the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor at the same time, he still didn't forget to turn his head and glance at the strong men of the evil race in the distance.

He hissed, his voice full of violence and domineering:
"Die or get out!"

Feeling the spiritual power of Tian Shura, all the evil races frowned.

This seventh great master is really domineering, even they are not allowed to watch the battle.You know, they have the same purpose, to suppress and kill forests.

Why, the Seventh Venerable is so confident.


Before they could vent their emotions, they discovered that the Seventh Grand Master was killing them.

The head Tianzun frowned, and he stood up, wanting to reason with the Seventh Dazun.

However, Tian Shura slapped him directly.

Tianzun was not prepared at all, and was sent flying out by a slap.By the time he reacted, he had already flown thousands of miles.

Tianzun was furious, and directly returned to the battlefield across the void.

However, just after he returned, he discovered that Tian Xiuluo raised his hand and pressed down... All the great saints in the field were instantly killed.

Dozens of Great Seniors also took advantage of this opportunity to kill Tian Shura.

Tianzun harbored hatred, he never thought that the Seventh Venerable would be so hateful, regardless of enemy or friend, he was still so domineering.

But no matter what, at this moment, the Seventh Grand Master cannot be allowed to attack his fellow clan.

Tianzun let out a long cry, and the whole world was covered with mirrors, and countless mirrored sky Shuras rushed towards Tian Shura.

At the same time, Lin Huang and the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor also took advantage of this opportunity to kill Shura.

All of a sudden, several parties encircled Tian Shura.


Tian Shura roared furiously, the hair on his body exploded instantly, and the surging rage turned into thousands of sword lights, a rush of murderous aura soaring to the sky, broke free from his body... In an instant, the aura of destroying the world was reflected in the hearts of every strong man.

Lin Huang's complexion changed, and he pulled the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma body and ran away.

dog days...

It is the best of all heavens!

Between the cuts of Tian Shura's arms, a ray of crossed saber light cut across the sky, and all directions and eight poles were annihilated inch by inch under the terrifying power of destroying the world.

Tian Zun immediately vomited blood, and his body was pierced.

The great venerables rushing from all directions turned into ashes and flew away under the terrifying power.

one move.

Only one trick was used.

The enraged Tian Shura instantly killed dozens of Great Venerables and seriously injured Tian Zun.

Thousands of miles away, Lin Huang had a smile on his face.Fortunately, I ran fast just now, otherwise I might have died under the heavens.

In the next moment, Lin Huang and the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor returned to the battlefield again.

At this moment, Tian Shura had lifted Tianzun up, his voice was full of violence, "If the gods don't come out, I will be invincible! A Tianzun dares to interfere with me and kill people!"

As soon as the words fell, Tian Xiuluo opened his mouth wide and swallowed Tianzun directly.

Behind, the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body frowned.

"Or, why don't we avoid the sharp edge for now?"

Lin Huang turned his head, "Emperor Jintian bestowed such spiritual wisdom on you? Didn't he fight against the sky and never retreat?"

"That's natural, it's a big deal to die!"

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body straightened up, feeling that face is more important.

After a full meal, Tian Shura also turned his head again, staring at Lin Huang and the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor, with a wicked and ferocious smile on his face.

"Wait, all will be turned into my food!"

Saying that, Tian Shura went towards Lin Huang and the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor again.

"You have just used the Heaven's Eternal Jue, and you have already entered a period of weakness!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth, trying to break through Tian Shura's psychological defense.

"But I just ate a Celestial Venerable!"

Tian Shura laughed, his voice was full of madness: "If it doesn't work, I will eat a god!"

"In the ancient nest..."

At this moment, in the mighty world, an ancient voice suddenly sounded.

The three of them frowned and looked up at the sky.

Under the sky and night, a ray of blood pierced the sky, and the overwhelming breath descended from the sky, making it difficult for the three of them to breathe.

"Surglia, raccoon nest?!"

Above the nine-day sky, there was an ancient divine voice, which fell into the minds of Lin Huang and the others. There was only a humming sound all over the sky, as if all the gods and Buddhas were singing:

"Who... are you going to eat?!"

(End of this chapter)

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