
Chapter 1898 God sees me and lowers his eyebrows

Chapter 1898 God sees me and lowers his eyebrows

Above the void, the Blood Shadow God smiled angrily. He raised his palm, and there was a blood moon in his palm.

In an instant, the blood moon burst into a monstrous divine light, covering the three of them.

The endless rays of light are the power of the gods' rules, completely restraining the three of them, and immediately extracting their dao aggregates.

Tian Shura was the first to roar, and during the roar, his body suddenly swelled, and thousands of blood energy was swallowed by him, violently tearing apart the power of rules that imprisoned his whole body.

In the next moment, Tian Shura punched and challenged the blood shadow god.

Afterwards, Lin Huang and the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor broke free from the shackles and killed the Blood Shadow God.

The blood shadow god snorted coldly, and punched down again.


A majestic punch that shook the world and sent the three of them flying thousands of miles away.

In an instant, the blood shadow god appeared thousands of miles away, looking at the three people in a panic, their footsteps moved the world.

With the movement of his footsteps, cages appeared in the void, trapping the three of them.

The blood shadow god grasped it with five fingers, and the entire cage shrank again.

Immediately, tentacles appeared in the cage, like rays of light, directly piercing through the bodies of the three, completely imprisoning them once again.

The tentacle light entered the body, and began to crazily tear apart the bodies of the three.It was an unstoppable power of the gods, making it impossible for the three of them to destroy it.

Tian Shura roared, and there was a monstrous Buddha sound in his body.

Thousands of golden Sanskrit characters condensed into a Buddhist knife, and began to crazily strangle the tentacle light.

The mysterious sea in Lin Huang's body condensed a figure of Buddha, and the golden palm pressed down, tearing the tentacles in the body into a mass of annihilation.

Inside Tiandifa's body, there was a great sun shining, and it began to disperse the light from the tentacles.

For a moment, the three shook the cage of the blood shadow god again.

The blood shadow god frowned, and as his sleeves fluttered, hundreds of thousands of mirrors appeared in the void in all directions.Hundreds of thousands of three people were reflected in the mirror.

Tian Xiuluo took the lead, attacking and killing towards the mirror.


The latter hadn't even gotten close to the mirror, but was beaten back by the force within.

After Lin Huang and the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body tried twice, the result was still the same.

The mystery of the mirror surface is here, if you can't defeat the mirror surface in an instant, you will be trapped and killed by the mirror surface forever.

And the current mirror comes from the power of the gods.

With hundreds of thousands of mirrors, the three of them could not escape.

However, the three people present were extremely calm. They all grew up in the slaughter and walked through the desperate situation.

Lin Huang glanced at Tian Shura.

The latter snorted coldly.

Afterwards, without saying much, Tian Shura turned into a ray of light and merged into Lin Huang's body.

But the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body didn't say anything, and also entered Lin Huang's body.

The next moment, Lin Huang roared angrily, and a shocking aura erupted from his body. He was holding the Shan Na knife, and his eyes were as bright as those of a god and demon.Shan Na Dao roared like thousands of demon gods crying.

The two auras in the body and the combined force of Lin Huang... In an instant, Zhu Tianchangjue slashed down with a knife.



A crack appeared in one of the mirrors, and then suddenly shattered.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of thousands of mirrors completely shattered like a landslide.

Lin Huang rushed out of the cage and charged towards the Blood Shadow God.With the sword in his hand, he swung endlessly, and he came out to dominate the world.

In the void, the sea of ​​knives is surging, and a terrifying knife is hidden, attacking and killing the blood shadow god.

The blood shadow god looked indifferent, and with a push of his arm, he blocked the sea of ​​rolling knives with endless might.Immediately after he grasped it with five fingers, he pinched Xiongba Tianxia in his hand, and then crushed it suddenly.

In the next moment, Lin Huang was killed in front of the blood shadow god.

The blood shadow god flicked his sleeves and suppressed Lin Huang again, causing the latter to fall from the sky.

In the process of falling, Lin Huang let out a long whistle.

In an instant, Tian Shura possessed his body.

Lin Huang fell into the ruthless heaven again.

Huge changes took place in his whole body, he stood proudly in the world, his eyes glowed with black and white divine light, like a demon who slaughtered the world.

In the moment when the knife danced horizontally, thousands of sinful Buddhas appeared in the void, looking down on all living beings in the attitude of a demon.

The blood shadow god frowned.

He actually felt a hint of danger.

Then he shook his head, and between the seals of his hands, his breath rose suddenly, like a vast sea sweeping across the sky.

The secret technique of the evil race, the anger of the blood demon!
Immediately afterwards, the sky and the earth were blood red, and the blood moon shone in the sky.

Evil Race Secret Art, Blood Moon Domain.

In another moment, behind the blood shadow god, a larger figure appeared, with only two eyes occupying the entire sky.

Evil race secret art, blood spirit summoning.

The three major secret arts came out at the same time, and the wild aura immediately suppressed Lin Huang's aura.

The blood shadow god was condescending, raised his hand and punched again, and with the might of the sky collapsing, he killed Lin Huang.

At the same time, the two eyes of the creature summoned from behind him burst out ancient blood-colored thunder, sweeping across the sky.

Lin Huang roared, at this moment...he has no emotion, only killing.

Endless killing.

And the thirst for blood...

He turned into a madman, swung the Setsuna knife wildly, and challenged the gods.

Snow drifts.

Ah Bi said three swords.

Tu is the seven must.

The way of heaven is a grave.

Gods and demons are monuments.

Heroes dominate the world.

The heavens cut the gods.

Sorrows of the night.

Killing Wolf Treasure Technique.

Past demons.

The sky and the earth are rising to the sun.

The heavens are forever.


In the sky, Lin Huang turned into a madman and shot wildly.The monstrous breath rolled towards the blood shadow god.

Like a mortal challenging a high god.

And above the sky, the gods are invincible with one punch, crushing countless secret arts.The thunder in the eyes behind him swept away, and with a supreme gesture, he wiped out everything.

In the next moment, facing the terrifying power of the god, Lin Huang rushed towards the blood shadow god like a hero's last swan song.


The blood shadow god resonates with the world with spiritual power, and wants to suppress Lin Huang with one punch.

"With the blood of mortals, I tap the gods on the road to Huangquan!"

Lin Huang roared angrily, shaking the nine heavens.In an instant, thousands of bloody torrents erupted from his body, condensed in the void, and then turned into an eternal sword glow, sweeping across the sky.

"The gods lowered their eyebrows when they saw me!"

As the words fell, the ancient sword cut across the ages, and the existence caused the void to collapse and the years to go around.

It showed its sharpness, and as it moved, it aimed at the blood shadow god.


With a loud noise, the fist of the blood shadow god was cut off.

That ray of power continued to kill the Blood Shadow God.

It survived the bloody thunder in the eyes of the summoned creatures, and completely devoured it, and chased down the blood shadow god with even more terrifying divine power.

The face of the blood shadow god changed.

He waved his palms, and a sea of ​​blood and a mountain of blood appeared all over his body, blocking the eternal knife.

The secret art of the evil race, the peak of the sea of ​​blood!

A loud bang.

The sword hit the peak of the sea of ​​blood in a lifetime, and the huge collision force caused the sky to shake, the earth to crack and sink, and thousands of destructive forces swept across thousands of miles, strangling all living beings.

Above the void, Lin Huang held the Instant Knife, and walked from madness to Qingming. He spat out blood, and looked at the billowing smoke and dust in the distance, and he couldn't believe it.

This knife...was made by him?
In front of the void, the peak of the blood sea disappeared, replaced by the somewhat embarrassed figure of the blood shadow god.He was spitting blood at the moment, and there was a huge knife glow hole in his chest.

He stared at the forest waste in the void, his expression almost crazy.


He was seriously injured by a mortal!
(End of this chapter)

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