
Chapter 1900 Lobbying

Chapter 1900 Lobbying
In the void, the blood shadow god was intertwined with anger and regret, and then coughed.

After all, he couldn't suppress the injury anymore.

This time, it was a bit of a loss.

It will take at least a period of time to recover... Even if he has reached the realm of gods, some injuries still need time to heal.

Immediately, the breath of the blood shadow god began to decline rapidly.

With his sleeves flapping, he was about to leave this place.

However, when he just turned around.

In front of it, a group of snow-white flames appeared.

"You are very cautious!"

In the snow-white flames, Lin Huang's voice sounded.

"But you forgot the nirvana after nirvana!"

"My human race has thousands of secret methods, but what's the matter if the Dao Yun is extinguished? Have you ever heard of the resurgence!"

Accompanied by the calm voice, Lin Huang manifested his figure from the snow-white flames.

Holding the instant knife in his hand, he walked out of the fire of Nirvana, "If you have the ability, try to step into the peak state again!"

The blood shadow god thumped in his heart, and frowned immediately.

He never expected that Lin Huang would be revived from the ashes and be reborn in the extinguished Dao Yun.

He had heard of this human race secret technique, called Nirvana.

"Even if you come back from rebirth, you really think you can challenge the majesty of the gods, even if I am seriously injured right now!"

The Blood Shadow God said, "Don't forget, this is the territory of the Evil Moon God Clan, and my Evil Moon God Clan has more gods than me!"

"They would never have thought that you would die here!"

Lin Huang shook his head, "Besides, if they would come to your aid, they should have appeared by now!"

The blood shadow god's eyebrows were filled with anger, and the breath in his body gathered again forcibly, but in the next moment, his chest and abdomen surged, and there was blood rushing in his body.

"Human Shura..."

The blood shadow god suddenly spoke.

"Now, you have entered Lin Huang's body and are controlled by him. Today the god has fallen, and the next moment will be your death. Are you really willing?"

The blood shadow gods began to lobby Tian Shura.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, then quickly moved towards the blood shadow god with the Shan Na knife.

However, at this moment, the blood shadow god directly let go of his face, and walked and dodged in the void, not giving Lin Huang a chance to fight head-on.

But his mouth didn't stop.

"Could it be that you are really willing to be annihilated by a mortal?"

"You should know that if you surrender today, you will no longer have the chance to rise in the future!"

"You are Shura, the born Lord of All Evils!"

"You should be above the nine heavens, and look down on all the heavens and all races. With your gestures, you will make the gods tremble, and let billions of people worship you!"

"Since your spiritual wisdom is still alive, this is your greatest opportunity. If you hesitate a little, you will never have a bright future!"

The voice of the blood shadow god was like thunder, even Lin Huang's closed consciousness was still pierced by the voice of the blood shadow god.

In the void, Lin Huang's speed of chasing and killing the blood shadow god also slowed down.

He felt the movement of Tian Shura in his body.

When Tian Shura and the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body entered the body again, Lin Huang did not forcibly wipe out the spiritual wisdom of the two in order to exert the greatest power.

But now, the blood shadow god is seriously injured, maybe it is not the biggest threat anymore.

After the simple provocation of the blood shadow god, Tian Shura was tempted.

He understood that the purpose of the Blood Shadow God was to deal with the current situation more calmly.However, what the latter said was not false at all.

If the blood shadow god is destroyed, the first thing Lin Huang does is to wipe out the spiritual wisdom of him and the Dharma body of the Heavenly Emperor.

At that time, I will no longer be myself.

But a puppet.

In the void, Lin Huang frowned, Tian Shura's movements became louder and louder, and began to hit his own immortal world, trying to escape from the cage of detention.

And he still can't forcefully suppress it with the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor and the technique of Buddhism, otherwise he will fall into civil war.

With the vision and strength of the blood shadow god, he will definitely seize such an opportunity, and then he will be able to harvest the three of them in an instant.

In the void, Lin Huang sighed, directly opened the Immortal World, and let Tian Shura out.

The Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body is still in Lin Huang's inner world. When Lin Huang looked at the latter inwardly, the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body was expressionless, as if he had no desires or desires.

Lin Huang thought for a while, but still did not release the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body.

As soon as Tian Xiuluo appeared, he immediately distanced himself from Lin Huang and the blood shadow gods. He was born with the idea of ​​thousands of evil forces...

Therefore, he only has himself in his heart.

Only benefits!

"Tell me!"

Tian Shura glanced at the blood shadow god, and said.

"Here is my Xieyue God Clan. For you... it is an excellent place to practice! Join hands with me to suppress Lin Huang and the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body. Among the Xie Moon God Clan, I can leave you as a god!"

The blood shadow god spoke.


Tian Shura snorted coldly, "You want to tie me up with an evil moon god?"

"Isn't it enough with your current strength? However, even if you have just opened your spiritual wisdom, even if you are powerful, you are still a long way from the gods!"

The blood shadow god is seeking the alliance of Tian Shura, not asking for help, so his words are extremely rigid.

"Only by becoming a god can you have the real power to protect yourself. And the Evil Moon God Clan can allow you to enter the realm of the gods as quickly as possible!"

"Are you not afraid, when I step into the day of the gods, it will be the time when I will devour the entire evil moon god clan?"

Tian Shura snorted coldly.

"Naturally, I'm not afraid. My Xieyue God Clan will still be able to subdue you for the first time as a god. But when the time comes, you will have to leave the Xie Moon God Clan!"

The blood shadow god has thought about everything.

"Don't you guys kill me before I become a god?"

Tian Shura did not believe in the sincerity of the alliance of the Xieyue God Clan.

"Contracts can be signed, Ten Thousand Clans Contract!"

The blood shadow god said, "This is the law of heaven that even the gods can't escape, neither you nor the evil moon gods can violate it!"

"A paper contract, you want me to help you?"

Tian Xiuluo turned his head and stared at the blood shadow god, "You are only seriously injured and disabled, why don't I suppress and kill you together, and swallow you... Even if I don't step into the realm of gods, I can hope to kill gods!"

"In this case, why did you appear to talk to me!"

The blood shadow god began to shake his face.

"Suppressing and killing Lin Huang and the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor is a must, give me the Nine Secrets of the Evil Clan!"

"You are presumptuous!"

The blood shadow god was furious, he didn't expect Tian Shura to dare to open his mouth like a lion.To actually ask for the nine secret arts of the evil race...

"In this case, there is nothing to talk about!"

Tian Shura shook his head, and didn't spend much time talking with the blood shadow god, his body turned into a black line, and killed towards the blood shadow god.

"it is good!"

The blood shadow god made a decisive decision and promised Tian Shura, "However, Lin Huang and the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor are mine regardless of life or death!"

"You have a good idea. You want to threaten Qin Zheng with Lin Huang, and claim credit for the Blazing God Clan with the body of the Heavenly Emperor!"

"With this credit, let the Blazing Gods take action and completely wipe me out, and you will devour my body again!"

Tian Xiuluo saw through the plot of the blood shadow god at a glance, "For you, Lin Huang, the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body must die!"

"make a deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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