
Chapter 1902

Chapter 1902
In the void, Tian Shura has been completely controlled by Lin Huang.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't shake the suppression of the original power in his body.

It was indeed as Lin Huang said.

Even though his power overwhelms Lin Huang, even though he has the power to challenge the gods, but...he is still firmly controlled by Lin Huang.

His eyes were blood red, he stared at Lin Huang, his voice was low and hissed, "It seems that you have already calculated everything!"

"It's not a calculation!"

Lin Huang shook his head, "Because this is my way!"

Lin Huang rolled his sleeves and looked at the vast world, "You are talking about the Fusang world, is there a spirit?"

"Do you think there are spirits in the Sky Continent?"

"The flowers and leaves all have life, but will they be born with consciousness?"

"The Buddha said that one flower is one world, and one leaf is one universe. Is there a spirit in this universe? Is this world ruled by one flower?"

"People in the world say that the Dao is ruthless, and all the Dao's of the human race have been enlightened, but it seems that they have never heard of the existence of spirits!"

"The Dao has no spirit, but why do the martial arts created by the human race sometimes have consciousness?"

"Is this consciousness an independent soul, or is it an extension of the caster's self-awareness?"

Lin Huang looked back at Tian Shura, "Don't think that I only see the power of the original rules, but forget the essence of myself!"

"Actually, I have been thinking and hesitating. Whether to give you a soul!"

"I hesitate because I don't know what you will do when you really have souls?"

"And what I think about is how this world was born. Is it rising from the ashes, or is it the avenue of the strong?"

Lin Huang frowned, talking about his feelings during this time.

Tian Xiuluo's eyes widened with anger, he just wanted to kill Lin Huang at this moment.The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body on the side seemed to be a little more interested:
"So, what have you figured out?"

"In this world, I have never understood the word. What you and I have seen and touched is just the tip of the iceberg. No matter how you look at it, it is just a frog at the bottom of the well trying to peek into the sky!"

"But no matter what, this is my self-cognition. And for the birth of the Spirit of the Great Dao, it is also my decision based on my own current cognition!"

Lin Huang spoke mysterious and mysterious words.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Tian Shura was furious.

Lin Huang turned his head to look at Tian Shura unhurriedly, "I give you two choices, either die...or become my spirit of the great way, I allow you to survive in this world!"

"you wanna die!"

Tian Xiuluo was so arrogant that he ignored the two choices Lin Huang gave him.

As soon as he roared, he was about to break the shackles around his body!He wants to fight a bloody way in a desperate situation.To be under control, devour the Lord against the sky.

Lin Huang looked at Tian Shura and frowned slightly, "If I were a world, you would be the incarnation of Dao. Maybe this is going against the sky!"

"This may also be a portrayal of me, a portrayal of my generation of warriors!"

Lin Huang looked up at the ancient sky, his eyes seemed to penetrate the sky of the Fusang world, looking at the sky of all the heavens and all races.

In the void, Lin Huang waved his arm, and a mountain of rules suddenly appeared on Tian Shura's body, suppressing Tian Shura to death.

"I'm in a bit of a existence condensed by countless evil rules should not dare to submit to others! For you, submitting to me may never have such an option!"

Lin Huang shook his head, "However, maybe I can reform you a little bit!"

With that said, Lin Huang walked towards Tian Shura.

Tian Shura roared, his body struggled violently, like a wolf, grinning at Lin Huang.

However, Lin Huang was not afraid, he just walked in front of Tian Shura and crossed his palms.

In an instant, the power of one after another rule, like a chain of laws, penetrated Tian Shura's body.

Then, a series of mysterious powers fluctuated in Tian Shura's body, forming the foundation of Tian Shura's Dao.

Tian Shura is still struggling.

There was a trace of panic in his eyes.

He felt his own consciousness and was attacked by himself.


Terrible too.

However, under the suppression of Lin Huang's original evil thoughts, Tian Xiuluo could only struggle, he could not resist Lin Huang's changes to him.

Gradually, Tian Shura's head drooped, and his blood-red eyes gradually changed into fear!
And in the fear, there is an undetectable murderous intent.

When Lin Huang's sealed palms fell, Tian Shura had stopped struggling.

Looking at Lin Huang, he became a lot more docile.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows... After a little hesitation, he waved his hand and lifted the suppression around Tian Shura's body.

in the void.

Tian Shura remained motionless.

Although he didn't go to suppress the forest waste anymore.

A smile appeared on Lin Huang's face, "Since you are composed of thousands of evil thoughts, then when the bloodthirsty and betrayal thoughts are hidden, I don't know what confidence you have to burst out a powerful force to resist me!"

Tian Shura lowered his head and did not speak.

"Remember... you can be lawless, but don't even think about turning your back on me! I am the source of your evil, if I die, you will also be wiped out!"

Lin Huang's voice became extremely indifferent.

Afterwards, he flicked his fingers, and the flesh body of the first great respecter Bai Yue Hanguang appeared in the void.

"Just now, if you were gentler, you could become a blood shadow god and go directly to devour the power of the blood moon! But the body of the blood shadow god is annihilated, let's use the body of the first great lord!"

"I can let you be strong, but if I need you, if you dare to have a second heart, there is no need to exist! The Lord of All Evils who does not submit to anyone is powerful, but you really never thought about it. How many tidal ages have passed, why haven't you become the Lord of All Evils?"

Tian Xiuluo raised his head and glanced at Lin Huang, without saying a word, but slipped into Baiyue Hanguang's body without saying a word.

"You go!"

Lin Huang waved his hand, motioning for Tian Shura to leave.

Tian Shura didn't bother, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As soon as Tian Shura left, Lin Huang looked at the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor beside him.

"what do you want to say?"

Lin Huang asked.

"Just now... why did Tian Shura's attitude change so drastically?"

The Heavenly Emperor Dharmakaya was very puzzled.

Lin Huang flicked his robe, "The existence of Tian Shura was born from the arrangement and combination of many evil forces! And I changed the arrangement and combination of the evil forces that make up him, and manifested fear and forbearance as Tian Shura." the power of!"

"So, even if he doesn't submit to me, at this moment, he has fear of me, and he will bear it!"

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body raised his eyebrows, with a sudden realization.

"You don't have to pretend..."

Lin Huang looked at the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body and shook his head.

"No one is willing to submit to the soles of others, let alone Tian Shura and your Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body!"

"It's just that you are smarter than Tian Shura and know how to make yourself safer."

"Perhaps your anti-bone is heavier than Tian Shura!"

"But to me, it doesn't matter at all...Because whether it's you or Tian Shura, it's my Dao!"

"I endow you with souls in order to explore the Dao. This is an unprecedented road for me to embark on!"

"This is my choice, regardless of life or death. If you have the ability to oppose me, just give it a try! If you don't have the ability to oppose me, maybe one day you will see me succeed in the great way!"

(End of this chapter)

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