
Chapter 1906 Shangguan Stick

Chapter 1906 Shangguan Stick
Listening to Lin Huang's words, the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body fell silent.

Then he chuckled twice, "I walked alone and achieved the Dao of Heaven and Earth. There are thousands of hardships. But if I walk with you, will these hardships disappear?"


Lin Huang nodded calmly, "But your achievement can be higher, you are thinking, which means you agree with this point, otherwise you will reject it directly!"

"Trace back to me and achieve the status of being under one person and above ten thousand people. This is your best destination!"

Lin Huang spoke.

"Heh... under one person!"

Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body shook his head, he stared at Lin Huang, "Are you too confident in yourself!"

"Not to mention those peerless powerhouses hidden in the depths of the universe, even Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng, are they so easy to surpass? The powerhouses in the world after crossing the Silent River, and the world beyond the silence of heaven ...Do you really think that you can climb to the peak of the ages?"

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body smiled.

"You don't even dare to think, where is your achievement? I dare to think... and I dare to take you to think together!"

Lin Huang snorted coldly, "Whether it's Emperor Jintian or Qin Zheng, or existence like Jiang Chen or Tuoba Tathagata, they...are they not human? Aren't they all the ones who have become strong step by step? place?"

"They can do it, why can't I do it?"

Lin Huang's eyes were full of confidence, "Inspiriting the Dao... You really don't know what it means? Or did you think of it, but thought it was too absurd?"

The Heavenly Emperor dharma body frowned.

Then his expression became serious, "Could it you really want to..."

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body took a deep breath, "Want to transform the world and recreate the heavens?"

"Why not?"

Lin Huang lowered his head and looked down at Tian Shura, only when his sleeves were rolled up, a figure suddenly walked out of his body.

A figure exactly like Lin Huang.

But the hair is white.

The silver-haired forest is desolate!

"Immortal World?!"

The Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor exclaimed, he did not expect that Lin Huang would transform the immortal body in his body into a world, and then plant the Dao for the world, and then endow him with wisdom.

"When did you secretly complete such a change?"

The Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor stared at Lin Huang, but he was always in Lin Huang's body, but he didn't notice that Lin Huang was doing such earth-shattering things.

"There are so many things you don't know!"

Lin Huang smiled, and then he took the immortal Lin Huang into his body, "Nowadays, the Dao of Immortality shouldn't exist, so it's not important!"

"But you have actually stripped the immortal world from your body! What do you base yourself on?"

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body was puzzled.

"Can't you imagine this?"

Lin Huang looked closely at the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor.

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body frowned, "The Dao is long and the river... the Dao is not destroyed and you are not destroyed. Thousands of Dao's gather together, and one thought..."

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body did not continue, but he was already shocked.

Lin Huang's thinking was too terrifying.

No one has gone before.

Even if Emperor Jintian created the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor, in the eyes of Emperor Jintian, the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor may be regarded as a unique cultivation system, or an existence comparable to the ancestor god body.

Ke Linhuang's road...

Encompassing all realms, recreating the heavens.

He wants to shake the source of the power of the universe... Whether he knows where the source of the power is or not, he just wants to shake it.

For a moment, Tiandifa became excited physically and mentally.

If Lin Huang can succeed, then he will be in charge of the way of all suns in the world...

The Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor has already started to make cakes for himself.

"Well, can I make a choice?"

Lin Huang asked about the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor.


The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body shook his head, "I have a choice? My spiritual wisdom was originally born from your thoughts. If you can control Tian Shura, you will naturally be able to control me! Actually, you don't have to tell me so much at all!"

"No, what I want is not a dharma body of the Emperor of Heaven that is restrained by me! What I want is the dharma body of the Emperor of Heaven with a soul!"

"Then why didn't you tell Tian Shura about these words?"

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body was puzzled.

"It's very simple... Tian Shura's evil body can't listen to my words at all. Between me and him, there can only be suppression or an exchange of benefits!"

"Maybe one day, when he truly understands why he exists, his rebellion will be lighter!"

Lin Huang was silent.

"Then you understand why he exists?"

Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body asked.


Lin Huang didn't answer the words of the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body directly, "From now will be called Lin Tiandi!"

"No... This name imitates Emperor Jintian too much, it's not as good as him. Besides, why should I take your surname!"

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body flatly refused, very seriously.

Seriously than ever before.

"Then think for yourself!"

"Not in a hurry!"

"You are a newborn, if you don't have any culture, I can help you. The compound surname is the most sensitive, such as Tuoba Tathagata Huangfu Tianxia, ​​the name should be more down-to-earth, such as Bai Xiaopang Li Chunfeng... What do you think of the name Shangguan Bangchui?"

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body stared at Lin Huang with blank eyes.

"what's next?"

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body didn't want to worry about the name, he felt that he would be spoiled by Lin Huang.

"You are free, you are one of my avenues, and you are also an independent individual!"

Forest Road.

"I'm asking you!"


Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, "It's not enough to kill a blood shadow god. I haven't found the opportunity to step into the realm of the gods, and the current situation is not miserable enough!"

"What you are looking for is really an opportunity to step into the realm of the gods?"

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body frowned, he didn't think it was difficult for Lin Huang to step into the realm of the gods.

"The same gods in the initial state have strengths and weaknesses. the difference in background. If you want to achieve the eternal peak without crossing the nine nirvana, how can you achieve it?"

"The Evil Moon God Clan can't support you through Nine Nirvana!"

The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body said.

"The energy to cross the Nine Nirvana is second, and the most important thing is the heart! Otherwise...the arrogance of those big clans in the world of the heavens should not have the existence of the Nine Nirvana!"

Lin Huang said.

"Now that I am separated from Tian Shura, your strength has been greatly reduced... how can you hunt down the gods of the evil race?"

"You just can't manifest, but the Tao is in my body, in my heart. The Dao River is being opened up in my body, and you can return at any time!"

Lin Huang said calmly, "Besides, do you really think that I only have the Heavenly Shura and the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body?"

"Heroes dominating the world and the leaders of the heavens have never achieved enlightenment, but they do not have the power to cross the world!"

"Am I the only one who dominates the world and is the best in the world?"


The Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body tested the way.

"Only Buddha?"

"The way of thunder brought by the emperor's tomb? Or the way of destruction?"

"You guess again?"

"It is impossible for you to practice so many Dao at the same time..."

Lin Huang smiled and didn't say anything else. He just stared at the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body and said, "Jin Tiandi is not dead, but there are other people in the world who can cultivate your Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body. It can only mean that the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body is no longer Emperor Jintian's strongest support, or he has created a stronger form of existence!"

"Think about it first, where is your own path...!"

Tiandifa was shocked physically and mentally, but he forgot about it.

"You really don't even say anything about your own people, you're so stupid!"

"That depends on whether you are one of your own!"

"You don't know how to do it yourself, but you can kill the gods?"

"none of your business!"

(End of this chapter)

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