
Chapter 1923 How can mortals fight against gods

On the void battlefield, Lin Huang has been firmly suppressed by the majestic coercion, prostrate on the ground.

That is an irresistible force.

Lin Huang couldn't help but feel fear rising all over his body.

Lin Huang couldn't control that kind of fear, it was like the automatic reaction of all the muscles in his body.

At this moment, Lin Huang's thoughts became incomparably slower than before, just like a mortal's eyes lose their luster after staying up late and lighting the lamp.

Lin Huang slowly turned his consciousness to understand that this is the body's self-protection.


This kind of protection will cost him his life.

Lin Huang clenched his fists with great effort, looked up at the void, his eyes were full of murderous aura.

He cannot fall.

Do not……

He can fall.

But he absolutely must not fall here, in the Fusang God Realm, and die without a name like this.

Lin Huang gathered his strength, roared angrily, and seemed to have strength slowly emerging from his body, causing his prostrate body to tremble, insisting on getting up.


Just as Lin Huang could only move a few times, a mysterious force once again suppressed the monstrous void, causing Lin Huang to crawl and vomit blood again.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds in the void broke up.

A figure appeared quietly.

The majestic figure actually only had one face exposed, but that face already covered the sky.

The face is young, but it gives people a mysterious and vicissitudes of life.

It's not good-looking, even a little ugly, but it has a kind of divinity.

A kind of brilliance that is unattainable and can only be worshipped.

When that face was revealed, the entire Xie Yue God Clan began to prostrate and kneel down, and the sound of mountains and tsunami shook the entire sky.

That is their god.

One of the tallest statues enshrined in the Royal Court Temple of the Xieyue God Clan.

When the common people of the Xie Clan set foot on the road of cultivation, they will bathe in the glory of this god statue... It is he who sent down the secret technique for the Xie Yue God Clan to cultivate.

He is one of the beliefs of the Evil Moon God Clan.

For a moment, the millions of people of the evil race did not expect that they would see their real bodies come into the world in their lifetime.

Even if it's just a face.

It's already a matter of luck.

Thousands of people from the evil race shouted, and their hearts were extremely excited, "The ghost car god has not made a move, and the human reptiles can't afford to bow down!"

Anyone who dares to invade our Xie Yue God Clan will die without a place to bury them.

And the ghost car god of the three realms suppressed the voice of worship between heaven and earth with one hand. He looked at the forest waste in the void, and the sound of spirit resonated with heaven and earth.

"The realm of the great emperor, the realm of rebelling against the gods. You are worthy of being the pride of the human race, and you have the posture to overwhelm the emperor Qin Zheng!"

"And you came out of the backwaters of the Sky Continent, and you are the pride of heaven! Your good fortune will make the heavens and all races fear!"

He looked at Lin Huang, his voice was calm but not gentle, and he had a smile on his face but not kind.

It seems to be truly ruthless!

Suddenly, Ghost Che Shenming changed the subject, "You are just the arrogance of heaven, but you are not an absolute strongman. I am not Emperor Jintian Qin Zheng and others. Before their rise, I was nothing more than an ant in the eyes of this god!"

"After they rise up, the gods can only worship and look up to them when they see them, and don't dare to speak loudly!"

"But this god, I will never make the mistakes of the heavens and the world. I will never let you grow up!"

Guiche Shenming remained calm, as if he was telling something that had nothing to do with him.


Lin Huang vomited blood and laughed. He supported the void with all his strength, and raised his head, "Can the gods of the three realms kill me? What about the god of faith of the evil race? You are too confident!"

"This is not self-confidence, this is absolute control over things within the scope of my cognition!"

Guiche Shenming said, "You don't have to think about recovering secretly. Under the pressure of this god, it is already a remarkable thing for you to be able to crawl on your knees!"

"Don't try to delay the time, you will die after I finish what I have to say. The lion fights the rabbit, I will never give Tianjiao any chance to turn against the wind!"

"Don't even think about using your power to control the years, or your power to resurrect Nirvana. When they are all destroyed, there will be no control over the years and resurrection from Nirvana!"

The ghost car god was as calm as ever.

He looked at Lin Huang, just like looking at a piece of clothing or a stone, without any emotion at all.

"I'm done talking, it's time to send you on your way!"

Guiche Shenming narrowed his eyes slightly, and finally showed a hint of expression, "In order to show respect to Tianjiao, I will kill you, it is your honor!"

Say it.

In the boundless world, the light of blood pierced through the clouds, a palm covering the sky, earth, and sky suddenly fell from the sky, thousands of blood-colored rules covered the void, and disappeared in all directions.

This palm not only completely silenced Lin Huang, but also blocked the thoughts of all rescuers.

"The world of Huangfu..."

On the territory of the sixth vein, Luo Tianshen frowned, reminding Huangfu once again.

However, Huangfu Tianxia remained motionless, looking up at the palm that fell from the sky.It seemed that Lin Huang's death had nothing to do with him.

At this moment, between heaven and earth, there is a sword coming to the west, spanning mountains and rivers for [-] li in an instant!
A pair of red clothes came with a towering sword energy, and shook towards the bloody giant palm.


The red dress had not yet approached the battlefield for a thousand miles, but it was shocked back by the powerful force of rules.The [-]-mile boldness of that sword was also instantly annihilated.

How can a mortal compete with the gods.

In the void, Lin Huang turned his head, looking at the small invisible figure in the distance, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his blood-stained face.

"Fool, it's useless for you to come, come and die with me? Have you learned to die for love?"

Lin Huang stretched out his palm with great effort, as if he wanted to caress the cheek of the woman Rong Ruo Chuxue who was thousands of miles away.

It was also like the lantern night in Dongling Realm.

"So stupid, if I die, what will you do in the future! How can I have the heart to let you wander alone in this world!"

"And the people I cherish, what will happen to them after I die?"

Lin Huang turned his head and looked at the ghost car god, "Tell me, what will they do if I die? My human race has billions of people, what can I do if I am enslaved like pigs, dogs and ants?"

"So... I still want to give it a try!"

Above the void, Lin Huang vomited blood, but showed a bright smile.

In an instant, he actually stood up from the void.

Under the overwhelming coercion of the ghost car god, he stood up easily and calmly, "I said, I caught the god's opportunity, do you believe it?"

"An indelible will to fight, to guard the heart that wants to be guarded!"

Looking at the bloody giant palm falling from the sky, he did not dodge or dodge, but stretched his arms, with a smile on his face, as if he was deliberately welcoming death...

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