
Chapter 1928

Chapter 1928
In the void, Huangfu Tianxia was not in a hurry to act.

He understood that perhaps today's duel was not that simple.

Above the void, wars continue.

The woman was confronted by the ghost car and Pilan Shenming, and she inevitably fell into a disadvantage.However, in terms of momentum, the woman has firmly gained the upper hand, giving people a posture of fighting for life.

And under the void, the third lotus of God's Sorrow also began to roar like a thunderstorm, torturing Lin Huang crazily.

Outside the battlefield, the woman in red looked at the scene in the void with a calm expression and deep worry in her eyes.

Today, everything is developing in an uncontrollable direction.

Even if Lin Huang conferred the gods, he could not control the situation.


A figure appeared beside Jun Qingcheng, also dressed in red, but Jun Qingcheng immediately frowned.

The strength of the latter is unfathomable.

"Crimson Moon Divine Palace!"

The woman only said four words, which made Jun Qingcheng relax.

"After Lin Huang conferred the gods, follow me to Feiyue!"

The woman looked at the battle in the void and spoke calmly.

"It doesn't matter what I say, he won't give up Sky Continent!"

Jun Qingcheng replied.

"You have some relationship with my Scarlet Moon God Palace!"

The woman then spoke.

"I know, but it's just some origin!"

Jun Qingcheng still shook her head, her pair of clear eyes fell on the third lotus of divine sorrow from beginning to end.

"If I can save his life, can you follow me to Scarlet Moon Palace?"

The woman smiled.

Jun Qingcheng's expression froze, and he turned to look at the latter.

"Just kidding, don't look at me like that. Now the younger generation of gods of the human race are fighting outside to resist the ten thousand races. If you are interested, you can go to see the martial arts power of the ten thousand races. Here, besides worrying, what are you doing?" I can't do it either!"

The woman then spoke.

"Can you really save him?"

Jun Qingcheng spoke.


The woman shook her head bluntly, "I'm just an ordinary god in the original world of the human race, and I can't control the overall situation!"

As she said that, the woman flicked her sleeves, and in front of the two of them, scenes outside the Fusang God Realm were immediately reflected.

That's when the strong from all races came like a dragon, while the strong from the human race formed formations to block the way, guarding all directions.

Jun Qingcheng pursed her lips, "I won't go, I'll wait for him... Even if I can't do anything. As long as I stand here, he won't give up, he will use his best strength to live! And I, want to He lives!"


The woman raised her eyebrows and nodded, she didn't say anything, just stood beside Jun Qingcheng quietly.

"Is someone laying out the layout, and it's very big? Huang has become a bait?"

After thinking for a while, Jun Qingcheng couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, my status is not high. And the people in the layout are too high, I can only look up!"

The woman speaks.

"Don't worry about him, the rise of every strong person is accompanied by danger. And he can become the bait, which shows that he has great potential!"

Jun Qingcheng nodded, but did not reply.

Above the void, the battle continues.

However, in addition to the three great gods, there is also a tyrannical aura.

It was a blood-red figure, like a red light, it was very quiet when it appeared, just quietly watching the battle ahead and the lotus of sorrow below.


In the void, figures began to appear.

All are gods.

However, they were very conscious and did not disturb the battle situation, as if they were watching a play, and they also seemed to be observing the lotus of sorrow.

At the same time, at the other end of the void, there are also figures emerging.

Human gods.

They were also very quiet, but they didn't pay much attention to the female god who was fighting, but set their eyes on the lotus of God's Sorrow below.

From the time they started to arrive at the Fusang God Realm, they were actually very puzzled.

Why did this guy appear all of a sudden?

It also involved Zhang Kong Wuming.

They don't understand, and some gods don't even know who Changkong Wuming is.They came here in a daze, looking at the lotus of divine sorrow.

But they just don't understand what kind of past and present life Lin Huang and Zhang Kong Wuming have.

When they saw the gods falling from the void, they understood the importance of the matter. The gods who appeared were not a few races, but many races.

Moreover, the movement of the gods of the human race today is the order of Qin Zheng, the god of longevity.

Apart from the Great Qin Army, Qin Zheng's orders to the human race were few and far between.But every time he ordered, it was never simple.

Before and after, in less than a quarter of an hour, as many as [-] gods appeared from all races.

And the gods of the human race are also nearly twenty.

"Hey, so many gods...will break through this world!"

The Huangfu world below is at ease.

"This is just the beginning, and none of the six realms has appeared!"

Tantai Qingdi opened his mouth.

"Huangfu Tianxia, ​​can I dominate the physical body?"

Luo Tianshen spoke, his hands were itchy, and he was going to slaughter.


Huangfu Tianxia refused without hesitation.

"Shangniao... come back!"

Suddenly, among the gods of the human race, a middle-aged man in the center glanced at the battle in the void and spoke calmly.

Now that there are more than 50 gods on both sides of the human race and the ten thousand races, it is meaningless for the three gods in the middle to fight each other.

The woman called Shangniao glanced back, then immediately retracted her gun and retreated to the human camp.

On the other side, the gods Pilan and Guichen leaned towards the gods of all races.

There is a line in the void, and there is a clear distinction between left and right.

On one side are the gods of the human race.

On the other side, are the gods of all races.

In the middle is the swaying lotus of sorrow.

All of a sudden, the void became extraordinarily weird.


Even dead silence.

Except for the roaring lotus of God's Sorrow, the gods on both sides were as dumb as they were and did not speak.

They seemed to be waiting for the other party to speak first.

And the middle-aged god of the human race, with a calm expression, even a little complacent, was waiting for the action of the gods of all races.

The gods of all races stared at the gods of the human race while staring at the lotus of sorrow.

In the void, thunder roared.

It was also accompanied by Lin Huang's painful roar... To be honest, it really embarrassed the human race.

However, the screams continued, at least it showed that Lin Huang had not yet died in Nirvana.

As time passed, the lotus of divine sorrow began to sway again, and the brilliance on it poured into the figure in the lotus platform like water.

And with the disappearance of the brilliance, the lotus leaves also began to disappear.

In the void, blossoming lotus leaves flew away, gradually revealing the lotus platform.

On the lotus platform, the figure of that young man gradually became clearer.

On the side of the gods of all races, commotion began to appear.

The purpose of their coming here was originally for the Tianjiao who was rumored to be able to chase after the Emperor Jin, and the nameless sky behind Tianjiao.

When mourning falters, there is nothing they can do.

But when the mourning dies, it is their chance.

In the human camp, the middle-aged man also raised his hand.

In an instant, the entire human gods took a step forward, and the monstrous momentum swept across the sky.

Obviously... anyone who wants to move the forest is the deadly enemy of the human race.

That's why they're here.

Not to be outdone, the Ten Thousand Races exploded with monstrous aura, competing with the aura of the gods of the human race under the sky.

Thousands of races are united, but they are not afraid of a single human race.

But under the overwhelming situation of both sides, the mourning of the gods gradually faded away, revealing the lotus platform...

And the young man in white sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed on the lotus platform!
(End of this chapter)

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