
Chapter 194 Xue Shenji

Chapter 194 Xue Shenji

Blood triangle!

Since ancient times, it has been the most chaotic place in the Eastern Spirit Realm.

Lin Huang always remembered that when he entered the blood triangle for the first time, he almost died.If Feng Wanli hadn't appeared, Han Qingtian's pursuit would have been unstoppable no matter what.

And if Piaoxue Palace wants to rush to Xuanyuan City as soon as possible, this blood triangle is the place they must pass through.

It's just that this place is too mixed with dragons and snakes, even people from the four sects would not easily set foot here.

Moreover, the four major sects have an agreement with the Blood Triangle that people above the Tianyuan realm of the four sects cannot use force in the Blood Triangle.

Otherwise, no matter who they are, they will be jointly expelled by the four major forces in the blood triangle.

So... Even if everyone has the banner of Xuepiao Palace, it will not be very effective in this blood triangle.After all, no one knows whether there is anyone in this blood triangle who was chased and killed by Piaoxue Palace.

"Leave the Blood Triangle as soon as possible!"

After entering the city, Yan Nangui appeared and said calmly.

As the owner of Piaoxue Palace, he knows better than Lin Huang how deep the water in this blood triangle is.

Not long after, Lin Huang felt it. Countless auras in the city swept around, hovering around the crowd, faintly revealing a powerful aura.

Lin Huang smiled helplessly, not expecting this.

Palace Master Piaoxue appeared in the Blood Triangle, this is a trivial matter in the eyes of everyone, but in the eyes of others, it is such a big event.

In addition, there is also the young Tianjiao from Piaoxue Palace.

Even if these were ignored, the group of twenty people who entered the city wearing red cloaks lined with snow-white robes and riding snow lions was enough to make people look sideways.

Piaoxue Palace, come out of the mountain!
Not long after entering the Blood Triangle, Lin Huang saw a familiar figure and frowned.

At the corner of the street ahead, Lin Huang saw a young man holding a folding fan and wearing a blue robe with stars painted on it, walking slowly through the street.

Behind the young man, there were two dark figures, both of whom had a huge sickle on their backs.

"Xue Shenji?"

Looking at the back of the blue-robed youth, Lin Huang frowned.

Naturally, it was impossible for Lin Huang to forget that figure.Back then in the East Spirit Realm Restaurant, Xue Shenji made a high-profile appearance and wanted to take himself as a servant.

Treat the warriors in the entire East Spirit Realm as ants.

If it wasn't for the woman in Tsing Yi who suddenly appeared, Lin Huang would have died long ago.That Master Shenji would not be thrown out of the restaurant, and flew to nowhere.

Lin Huang didn't expect to meet Xue Shenji here.

However, the white-haired Old Xue was no longer around the latter. I wonder if the old man survived after being thrown into the air by the woman in Tsing Yi.

But at this moment, the two men following Xue Shen's fuselage also made Lin Huang puzzled.

Those two people were shrouded in black robes, looking very mysterious.The scythe on his back gave off a piercing chill.

And the direction where Xue Shenji disappeared was the Scarlet Auction.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang frowned slightly, and then followed up...

After leaving the team, Lin Huang changed into a brown cloak and wrapped himself tightly, and stepped into the Scarlet Auction.

Recently, there were no treasures auctioned in the auction hall, so it was much cooler than last time. After walking for a long time, I didn't even see a single porter.

Not long after, Lin Huang saw Xue Shenji and the three sitting quietly in the VIP room, as if waiting for something.

Then, a beautiful figure in red came out from the inside.

The swaying body is as charming as a water snake, and the clothes cling to the smooth skin, perfectly highlighting the devilish figure.

The woman's blue hair was tied up high, there was slightly crimson eyeliner at the corners of her eyes, and her jade lips were crystal clear and moist, quite delicate and charming.

"What a goblin!"

Looking at Hongxiu who came out, Lin Huang swallowed and cursed secretly.

After that, Lin Huang saw some people talking about something, but he couldn't hear the specific content at all.

After half a quarter of an hour, Lin Huang found that Hongxiu covered his mouth and whispered, he seemed a little surprised, and couldn't help frowning.Then Lin Huang entered the VIP room without any scruples.


As soon as Lin Huang stepped into the VIP room, hearing these words immediately touched all of Lin Huang's nerves.

Is it the relic of Buddha and God?
He came here for the relics of Buddha and God?

Afterwards, Xue Shenji scolded in the air, "Go out..."

I saw Xue Shenji staring at Lin Huang coldly, with a hint of arrogance and anger on his handsome face.The two middle-aged men in black robes behind him frowned even more.

In an instant, Lin Huang felt an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

cough cough...

In the VIP room, Hong Xiu suddenly coughed twice, instantly breaking the stagnant atmosphere in the air.He smiled charmingly, and said to Lin Huang:
"This gentleman, please wait a moment!"

Lin Huang nodded, glanced at Xue Shenji recklessly, and exited the hall.

Although there was only a dozen or so breaths from entering the VIP room to exiting, Lin Huang knew the most important news.

Buddha relic!

Half a quarter of an hour later, Xue Shenji led the two men in black robes out of the VIP room.

Xue Shenji turned his head to look at Lin Huang, who was wrapped all over, and frowned. The latter gave him a familiar feeling, but it was so tightly wrapped that he couldn't tell who it was at all.

"Did you hear what I was waiting to say just now?"

Xue Shenji waved his folding fan, looking at Lin Huang fiercely.

Lin Huang nodded.

Shaking his head again.

Then, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he entered the VIP room, ignoring Xue Shenji at all.

Behind him, Xue Shenji looked at Lin Huang's back, his eyes narrowed into slits.A trace of anger rose in his heart, he felt as if he had been teased by Lin Huang.

"My son is waiting for you outside the auction house, a puppy!"

Xue Shenji grinned, his eyes revealing the ruthlessness of revenge.

After Lin Huang entered the VIP room, he realized that Hongxiu was lying on the imperial concubine's couch, with slender and straight jade legs intertwined, which was particularly eye-catching.

Coupled with the fierce bulge in the chest, Lin Huang coughed twice.

At this moment, the woman raised her head slightly, staring at Lin Huang with a laziness and charm, her voice was indescribably soft:

"What is the name of this gentleman?"

Lin Huang turned his head, looking at the lazy and extremely charming woman in front of him, Lin Huang's heart burst into flames, and then said in a dry voice: "The nameless person is worthless!"

"Nobody's name?"

With a smile on the corner of Hongxiu's crystal-like jade mouth, he stared at Lin Huang leisurely, "Since he is an unknown person, let others guess, is your name Lin Changsheng?"

Before Hongxiu finished speaking, the jade arm waved lightly, flashing across Lin Huang's body like lightning.

In the VIP hall, Lin Huang's expression changed.

In the blink of an eye, his cloak was taken off by the latter.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang couldn't help but feel a strong sense of vigilance.The woman in front of her not only has a stunning figure and beauty.

But the strength hidden under the charming style is extremely terrifying.

Lin Huang vaguely remembered that when Feng Wanli came here to besiege and kill Bai Wuchang, this woman was the last terrifying move.

According to Bai Wuchang's last words on his deathbed, this woman is likely to be one of the thirteen kills.

In the tomb of King Wu, several people have appeared in the character Thirteen Killers.However, the situation at that time was only enough for a glimpse, Lin Huang only knew that Feng Wanli had appeared, but he didn't know whether this woman had appeared.

"I don't know how Miss Hongxiu recognized the boy!"

Lin Huang asked calmly.

In the auction back then, Feng Wanli bought a formation spirit stone, and the two met once when they handed over the formation spirit stone.

Originally, Lin Huang thought that Hongxiu would not remember him, but he never thought that he would be seen through at a glance under such a tight package.

Hong Xiu stared at Lin Huang and giggled, and then said: "Next time little brother hides his identity, he should pay attention to cover up the fragrance of the epiphyllum on his body!"

Lin Huang was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect to show a flaw here.

Afterwards, Hongxiu got up lazily, looked at Lin Huang with peach-like eyes, and said, "But there are still some women's Aesculus chinensis fragrance on me!"

"Should be a very beautiful woman!"

Hongxiu said speculatively.

Lin Huang lowered his head and coughed twice, hiding his embarrassment.Unexpectedly, Hongxiu is so powerful that she can even smell the fragrance of Jun Qingcheng on her body.

"Little brother came to the Scarlet Auction, do you have anything to auction?"

After that, Hong Xiu changed the subject and stared at Lin Huang with a smile.

Lin Huang raised his head, suppressed the embarrassment on his face, and asked, "Does Miss Hongxiu know the origin of the three people who just went out?"

Hongxiu Mei frowned slightly, and then said with a charming face: "The rules in the auction house do not reveal the privacy of others!"

"At least there is a price tag!"

Lin Huang said with a smile.

"Then let's see if the little brother can afford it!"

Hongxiu smiled coquettishly, looked at Lin Huang with roving eyes, and an inexplicable charming taste appeared from the corner of her mouth.

Sensing Hong Xiu's unscrupulous and affectionate eyes, Lin Huang swallowed, feeling his mouth dry.But he tried his best to raise his head, staring at the latter with burning eyes.

At the critical moment, don't be shy!
"Then ask Miss Hongxiu to talk about it!"

Lin Huang said with a smile, the smile on the corner of his mouth was slightly evil.

Hongxiu covered her mouth with a chuckle, and made a coquettish giggling voice, which was even more coquettish, "Little brother, you can't pretend to be mature in this aspect! You have to practice hard for a few minutes with that woman with the fragrance of horse chestnut. year!"

cough cough...

Lin Huang coughed loudly, his face flushed and he was defeated.

Lin Huang felt that he was impulsive, and dared to face this goblin alone, and now he didn't know how to kill him.

When Lin Huang was frowning, Hongxiu's voice suddenly sounded again in the VIP hall.

"Do you really want to know who those three people are? Or, do you want to know why they came to the Scarlet Auction?"

(End of this chapter)

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