
Chapter 1943 Strong God Showdown

Chapter 1943 Strong God Showdown
The void battlefield was immediately filled with hundreds of gods.

Every god manifests a majestic figure, as high as ten thousand feet.It's really a fight between gods and immortals in the common mouth, the picture is too spectacular.

And in the entire void battlefield, the atmosphere of confrontation also escalated instantly.

Previously, it was still a group of gods from three realms and four realms facing each other.

In the blink of an eye, there were quite a few gods of the five realms, six realms, and even seven realms.

Even the gods themselves were shocked.

In the heavens and worlds, there are very few such spectacular pictures.

And the purpose is for a great emperor of the human race.

This is somewhat ridiculous.

But it has indeed contributed to this situation.

At this moment, even the gods of the human race can't help but sigh, the energy of the huge pushing hand behind it is so great that it can make so many powerful people from all heavens and ten thousand races appear here.

It seems that this force has been cultivating in the heavens and worlds for a long time.

"All the heavens and all races... What a great handwriting. Who will come out and say something, can you let someone like the slave god represent you?"

The remote god opened his mouth.

"Then you are a god in the sky, so you can represent the human race? What about Qin Zheng?"

In the camp of ten thousand races, a god spoke, his voice was loose, with a hint of arrogance.

Immediately, a blood-red figure walked out slowly. It was a god with eyes all over his body, like a blood-colored centipede standing upright.


But with his appearance, all the gods of the ten thousand races took half a step back.

Thousands of races, hundreds of gods.

It doesn't come from any huge race, but the latter has quite terrifying strength. It is said that each of his eyes contains a different kind of power, which is mysterious and weird.

In the records of the heavens and worlds, he once killed six realms in five realms, and his momentum was very strong.

Yao Tianshen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Qin Zheng is not here, I have the final say here; when Qin Zheng appears, you have no right to speak!"

"Yaotian... Today, even if there are more gods from the human race, they will not be able to keep those two people! You should understand that no matter how many gods your human race has, they cannot compare with the gods of the heavens and all races!"

"Any fight, as long as the gods on both sides fall. For your human race, it will hurt your muscles and bones, and you will never be able to suppress the darkness and turmoil. But for the heavens and all races, it is just a flesh wound. Even if it is a clan There are thousands of gods who die in battle!"

Baimu Shenming looked calm, saying an objective fact.

"What you said is true, but my human race is generally desperate and never surrenders. In the mighty years, the human race has experienced several tides. To put it simply, it is the siege of thousands of races! But now, the human race is still there!"

"Since ancient times, the human race has been defeated, but the human race is an extremely powerful existence in every era. And how many of the human race's former opponents have disappeared. For example, your hundred centipede clan, in the fifth tidal era, is also extremely powerful Yes, you can sit and discuss with my human race, but now, huh..."

Yao Tianshen is very confident and proud, and his blood is burning in his heart.

"If you want to take these two people away from the human race, there is only one way... that is to wipe out all the gods in my human race here!"

Yaotian Shenming raised his long sleeves.

In an instant, all the human gods behind him were shaken, and their murderous aura soared to the sky, covering the ages.

This is the basis for the survival of the human race...


If it weren't for this, the human race would have been annihilated in the long river of time.

"In that case, let's fight; see if you can keep these two!"

Hundred Eyes God didn't have any extra nonsense, he waved his arm, and the god behind him charged directly towards the human race.

In an instant, the human gods formed an formation immediately.

Among the eighteen cavalry of the Great Qin Dynasty, nine cavalry were directly separated to form a defensive formation, directly guarding Lin Huang and Huangfu Tianxia.

In addition, the nine cavalry directly turned into spears and intercepted more than 40 powerful gods from all races.Seeing this, the gods of the human race were shocked, Daqin Shibaqi, really dare.

Then, the remaining gods of the human race followed closely behind Daqin Jiuqi and killed the enemy.

Gods clash.

Upside down.

The entire Fusang God Realm has been completely penetrated.

Above the void, the blood of the gods turned into a vast sea and overturned, submerging the vast land of mountains and rivers.The people of the evil race couldn't escape at all. They were stained with the blood of the gods, and the weak were directly corroded to death.

This is the catastrophe of the human race.

It was even more catastrophic for the Evil Moon God Clan.

For a time, in the entire sky, only regular forces were constantly colliding.

Behind the battlefield, a group of young people from the human race watched the battle in the void, their hearts almost jumped out of their bodies.

They are also true.

But in front of so many powerful gods, they are just a group of young children.

Moreover, even though they have seen a lot since they were young, they have never seen so many powerful gods at one time, and they even fought each other.

And the reason was that it was just for a great emperor who wanted to become a god in Nirvana.

This is... a little too ridiculous?
At this moment, while paying attention to the great battle, many gods of the younger generation couldn't help but focus on Huangfu Tianxia and the Lotus of God's Sorrow.

Just now, they had already missed Huangfu's amazing and brilliant battle in the world, and only regarded him as a god with some strength.

And the lotus of God's Sorrow...

"Xia Yihou, this is the seventh lotus of sorrow, it seems to be able to compete with you!"

Ji Yaoguang said, "I just said that Lin Huang is very different, and his talent and strength are no worse than those in the original world of the human race!"

"You know him?"

For the time being, Xia Yihou became more interested in Ji Yaoguang.

"I met it once before, and it was also in the Xieyue God Clan. He was still a rookie at the time. But he had a lot of trouble with that girl of his. Even Lord Qin Zheng, who rarely walked out of Wanshi Mountain, even more It brought out the last remnant soul of Emperor Jintian!"

Ji Yaoguang spoke.

"Is he not from the original world of the human race?"

Xia Yihou asked.

"What is it called Sky Continent? In that small world, he can be considered a generation's pride!"

Ji Yaoguang turned his head and glanced at Xia Yihou, "Why do I feel that the seventh lotus is very different from the others, please tell me!"

"If you haven't experienced it, you don't deserve to know it! As an ant, why do you need to understand the world of eagles!"

Xia Yihou spoke.

"You're fucking courting death, aren't you!"

Ji Yaoguang was furious.

However, Xia Yihou didn't pay attention to Ji Yaoguang's anger, and just said calmly, "For him, the human race will pay a huge price! If he is only the seventh nirvana, he will become a god, and I will challenge him!"

"Is that what you look like now?"

Ji Yaoguang shook his head.

"Ji Yaoguang..."

Xia Yihou suddenly raised his voice, "Shen Yuxuan, Gu Shanhe, Princess Mingxin... Among the seventeen gods we conferred together, they have already died in battle just now..."

(End of this chapter)

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