
Chapter 1945 Dark Invasion

In the dark and empty Silent River, Lin Huang is still struggling forward.

He didn't know if his perception really existed...

But he has already felt the power of rippling.

Once again he trusted his instincts.

At the same time, he kept stirring the power of rules in the Silent River, hoping that the resulting ripples of the river would be transmitted to the other end.

Just like in the vast ancient galaxy, different great worlds send out their unique spiritual power, standing alone in the long river of time, expecting a response.

Lin Huang didn't know if he could get a response.

But at least...

This is a very interesting thing, and it will not make him feel lonely.

However, walking in the Silent River is not an easy task.It is even very painful, because it is the will of a warrior to fight against the terrifying power of rules.

This is an act against the heavens.

At the worst, the body is washed away by the silent river.

But now, Lin Huang's physical body was annihilated in the seventh lotus of divine sorrow, and his soul was directly exposed to the Silent River, without the protection of his physical body, facing the scour of the power of rules.

And even his soul is incomplete.

Therefore, if Lin Huang is not careful, he will be completely annihilated in the Silent River.

In the formless river, Lin Huang walked forward while bearing the pain of his soul being corroded and torn apart by water droplets.The hair of his soul began to wither.

The skin was wrinkled and lost its luster.

He faced Silent River directly, so Silent River gave him an extremely painful blow.

He was like an old man, staggering along the Silent River, and he didn't know if he could get out.

But ahead, there is still a rippling force coming, but it is not a response to Lin Huang.

This made Lin Huang a little disappointed, but hope was still not annihilated.

His soul body vomited blood, his whole body looked even more decayed, and his figure was already bent.The whole person looks pitiful and lonely.

Just like... a peerless god, it seems that it is difficult to resist the invasion of the years, no matter how arrogant he is, he will decay in the years.

What a sad thing.


Fuso God Realm.

The lotus of sorrow that envelops the forest is also dim.It seems that it can't feel the breath of forest waste, so it is not fierce.

The flickering thunder around him also gradually extinguished.

On the other hand, the void battlefield centered on the lotus of God's Sorrow, but the fighting became more and more fierce.

Hundreds of gods fought against each other. This was a war that had never happened in many years, and it was just for the great emperor of a human race.

The gods of all races did not expect that they thought killing the great emperor of the human race was not a big deal.But the decisive attitude of the human race made them dumbfounded.

For a great emperor, the human race will not hesitate to fight to the death, even if the gods of the high realm fall.

Under the sky, the gods are bleeding.

The corpses of many gods lay across, and the blood turned into bloody rivers and waterfalls hanging in the sky, forming a special spectacle.

I don't know how many times the entire void has been blown up by powerful forces.

During the war, there were still many gods of ten thousand races appearing to support this great war and to encircle and suppress the human race.

And among them... there are many gods, which is very embarrassing.

"The human race is crazy... Darkness has invaded!"

The voice of the spirit of the gods resonates with the heaven and the earth, awakening the gods from all directions.

Suddenly, a god looked up with puzzled eyes.

Yao Tian Shen was shocked, "Qin Zheng, you are serious!"

Above the void, the Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty all looked sideways at each other, which seemed to represent the surprise in their hearts.Although they were the ones who gave the orders, they never thought that Qin Zhenghui would really do this.

Give up guarding the dark abyss, then the monsters inside will come out, and the darkness will invade again... The Taixu world around the human race may be swallowed by darkness.

For a moment, all the gods were a little flustered.

"Don't you Wanzu want to play? If you want to play, you can play big. My human race will accompany you to the end!"

In the void, the figure of the Great Desolation Lord suddenly appeared. He was barefoot and dressed in sackcloth, and his figure was tall. The moment he appeared, he entered the battlefield and killed the gods of all races.

"Since everyone wants to destroy our human race, then let the darkness cover the world once again, and sink together!"

The Great Desolate Lord is crazy and violent, with the feeling of a world-wreaking devil.

"Human race, fight to the death!"

At this moment, there was another voice in the void.

That's... Zhou Tianshen!

He raised the ancient sword in his hand and pointed it at the gods of all races, "Let me wait with these gods, be infected by the darkness, become a soulless monster, and infect the entire race!"

"The human race is crazy! The human race is really crazy!"

In the camp of ten thousand races, a god shouted, and then he directly left the battlefield and wanted to leave this place.

"Get back!"

The Great Desolate Lord flashed into the sky, and directly kicked the five-level god back.

And when a god opened his eyes, he could only see a piece of darkness that was rapidly expanding in the far distance of the Fusang God Realm...

Darkness has really invaded!


The Continent of the Sky, the body of consciousness in that world suddenly condensed and appeared. He looked at the vast and empty with a dazed expression, and then he was shocked.

"What's going on, why is there turmoil in the darkness, did Lord Qin Zheng die in battle?"

Shen Cangqiong murmured, but at the moment he didn't care about anything else, "Yes, this period of cultivation is wasted again!"

Saying that, Shen Cangqiong Dao body disappeared, and ran away directly with the Cangqiong Continent.


Xuantian God Clan.

Di Tianshu, who was practicing, was startled suddenly, as if he felt the tremor of the world.

Not only that...

The world he could sense in the dark seems to have lost contact.

He was puzzled.

very confused.


In the silent river.

The pair of eyes that appeared first blinked slightly.

"Unexpectedly, you really unsealed the dark abyss. After so many years, you finally did something that surprised me!"

"What's unexpected!"

Qin Zheng snorted coldly, "I'm also human, and I also have feelings. For so many years, if my human race hadn't suppressed the darkness and broke ground, there would be such peace in the world!"

"They have been at ease for too long, and have forgotten my human race's contribution to the heavens and myriad worlds. Since they have forgotten it, I should remind them. I am not a saint. Except for my human race, other living beings live and die with me. what is the relationship!"

"The appearance of creatures in Tianyuan will have an impact on the human race?"

"If it has an impact, why would I do this? It's a pity that they have forgotten that the dark ground is the existence that restricts the combat power of my human race, but it is also a great weapon of my human race!"

"Since all the chess pieces want to target our human race, I don't mind overturning the chessboard and putting the heavens and worlds in darkness again. Let's see which race among the heavens and myriad races can find the dawn first!"

Qin Zheng is very unfriendly at the moment.

"How big will the disaster of the dark abyss be?"

asked the eyes.

"It's a big deal, it's just to let the heads of the heavens and the clans remember; if they are stubborn... Hehe, what I said just now will be realized one by one!"

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