
Chapter 1949

Chapter 1949
The sky and the earth were empty, and the scene was once chaotic.

The strong are fighting.

Darkness is invading.

There are gods running away.

There are also gods who have been expelled by the darkness and fled here.

Even if there are gods, they will kill Lin Huang.


Everything is a mess.

However, Lin Huang looked up at Qin Zheng, who was fighting in the distance, and was puzzled... Why did this guy release the existence in the dark abyss?
Sound east and west?

Surround Wei to save Zhao?

The human race is about to face strong pressure, so the dark abyss is needed to cast a shadow over the heads of all races?

Is there something that Qin Zheng can't solve?

Afterwards, Lin Huang shifted his gaze to the gods of the ten thousand races one by one.I was very curious in my heart, even if he was called the pride of heaven, logically speaking, there shouldn't be a top powerhouse like the gods of the eight realms.

It is even more impossible to cause a confrontation between the human race and the ten thousand races.

It can only lead to such a situation, it can only show that there must be a huge pusher behind it, leading everything.

Behind the Wanzu, maybe it's either the Chitian God Clan or the Destiny Clan.

As for the human race, is it Qin Zheng?

After all, his reaction was too quick, and he didn't give the gods of all races any opportunity to take advantage of it.

Lin Huang thought in his heart, and calmly watched the gods of all races coming to kill one by one, being blocked by the Great Desolate Lord and Yaotian God one by one, and had no intention of going out to kill them.

"Boy, for you, I blocked the fate of the entire human race!"

Qin Zheng's voice suddenly sounded in Lin Huang's ear.

Lin Huang shook his head and chuckled, "Lord Qin Zheng, if you want to tie me to the chariot of righteousness of the human race, there is no need to do this; as a human race, I will fight endlessly for it! As for the fate of the human race... I believe that you will not do this for me!"

"I can't lie when I grow up?"

While fighting with Chi Tianzun, Qin Zheng was distracted while talking to Lin Huang.

"Before in the Silent River, I felt that there was a living being in front of me. Does Lord Qin Zheng know who it is?"

Lin Huang asked.

"I know a hammer!"

Qin Zheng replied very bluntly.

"Then your sudden appearance must have used the power of Silent River, right?"

Lin Huang then asked.

Qin Zheng paused for a moment, "I'm talking about everything after the war! If you can't pass the eighth nirvana, I will kill you with my own hands!"

Lin Huang spread his hands.

He glanced at the gods fighting in all directions, and then slowly closed his eyes again.

The Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Gods of all races.

The strong of the human race.

Darkness invades.


These have nothing to do with him now.

He has only one goal... to pass through the eighth Nirvana, completely surpassing the past of Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng!

Perhaps, today's chaotic battle is because Qin Zheng has designed his own future path, as long as he does not die, he is destined to become a thief in the troubled times.


Between heaven and earth, thunder exploded, roaring Taixu.

The sea of ​​thunder in the sky was mighty, sending out bursts of ancient heavenly power, and even briefly expelled the intruding aura of darkness.

In the breath, in the sea of ​​thunder, a lotus of divine sorrow was born.

It sways gracefully and shines brightly, like a god of heaven and earth.

"Black and white double lotus..."

Suddenly, a god opened his mouth and exclaimed, looking at the lotus of God's sorrow above the void, his face was full of disbelief.

At this moment, the eighth lotus of sorrow is different from the first seven.

It blends black and white, like Tai Chi Pisces, with holiness in the darkness and darkness in the white, giving people a mysterious and weird feeling.

There is still a trace of beauty.

However, the gods don't think it looks good at the moment.

The Great Nirvana, according to different aptitudes and potentials, heaven and earth will give birth to different thunders.

The more tyrannical the emperor, the more terrifying the thunder he encountered.

Therefore, the Nirvana of the Great Emperor is also called the Calamity of the Chosen One!

The existence of killing Tianjiao.

And the lotus of God's Sorrow... Among all the Heavenly Dao Thunderbolts that have appeared, it is already considered to be in the forefront.

What Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng encountered back then was the lotus of divine sorrow.

Xia Yihou also passed through Seven Nirvana, but the thunder he faced was still far behind the lotus of God's Sorrow.

If it is said that the lotus of God's sorrow is already considered terrifying.So this black and white...

It's a nightmare.

Therefore, the black and white lotus of God's Sorrow is also called God's Sorrow Nightmare.One black and one white, it is aimed at the body and soul, the calamity of life and death, the entanglement of cause and effect...

The last time this sad nightmare appeared was too long and ancient.

It is so ancient that no one here has ever seen the gods with their own eyes. They can only catch a glimpse in the reflection of the vast river.

In the void, Lin Huang didn't understand these things, so he felt that the lotus of God's Sorrow looked better.

He calmly walked towards God's sad nightmare!

In fact, he was looking forward to it. Silent River appeared in the seventh Nirvana, so... what will appear in the eighth Nirvana?Will it be the world after crossing the silent river?

Is it the silence of heaven?
Lin Huang's heart was filled with excitement, he jumped up, and he went towards the nightmare of God's Sorrow in a relaxed and joyful manner, and all the gods were dumbfounded.

Above Taixu, Qin Zheng also frowned.

This kid is exactly the same as him and Emperor Jintian back then, completely dumbfounded.

The interesting thing has only just begun, but I must pass the eight nirvana for me, otherwise, how can some old guys from the Wanzu get out of their world and come here to show their heads.



When Lin Huang stepped into the nightmare of divine sorrow, his physical body began to perish rapidly.

Just like an ice sculpture under the scorching sun, water began to flow tick-tock...

Also began to die, as well as his soul and Dao Yun.

Lin Huang was stunned for a moment.

Before, it was thunder added to his body, but his whole body hurt like hell, like a knife cutting an axe, letting himself know that he was crossing the catastrophe.

But now... His body, soul, and Dao Yun all began to melt, and he didn't even feel the slightest pain. He actually felt like a bystander, watching himself die.

In an instant, Lin Huang came out with various secret methods, trying to stop this decline.

A little power of Nirvana has been recovered.

The moment it appeared, it was destroyed...

The power of extinction that I just comprehended.

His own dead soul can't reproduce life at all.

Using the dismantling power of the original rules in the silent river...

Still nothing.

Lin Huang could only watch helplessly as his body began to die little by little.

The soles of the feet are gone.

The knee is gone.

The big big big big bird is gone.

The chest is gone.

The neck is gone.

There was only one head left to die in the lotus platform...

Along with the demise of his body, the soul and the Dao aggregates in his body are also dying rapidly!

Lin Huang rolled his last eyeball, wanting to scold his mother loudly... What kind of disaster is this, he can't feel any pain at all.

It is also impossible to perceive the rule construction of this dying force.

as if……

The power of death is really the sun.

And he is an ice sculpture.

Hotness and coldness naturally constitute restraint.

Suddenly, Lin Huang's rolling eyes froze...

(End of this chapter)

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