
Chapter 1951 Black Soul

Chapter 1951 Black Soul
The vast dark world.

The battle is getting fiercer...

Previously, there was only a fight between the human race and the ten thousand races.

But the sudden appearance of the dark world has completely muddied the water in this pool.

Regardless of whether they were human races or ten thousand races, they directly started besieging and killing wildly.

It's fine if it's an ordinary race.

But these black souls are unusually weird and powerful.

Not to mention, after Qin Zheng and Chi Tianzun shared the two black souls in physical form, there are three remaining powerful black souls.

Even ordinary black souls that have not been transformed are extremely powerful.

They don't have bodies.

The Great Qin Shibaqi shook his head, "We have seen it before, and we were about to investigate, but were stopped by Master Qin Zheng!"

He really wanted to reach out and untie the visor of the Eighteenth Cavalry of the Qin Dynasty, but after thinking about it, forget it!I can be considered old and can't beat it.

You know, the real combat power that Qin Zheng can unleash is only at the eighth realm... and these black kings are equal to Qin Zheng.

"These black souls are getting stronger and stronger!"

As far as their eyes could see, it was one of the five great transformed black souls.

A Daqin Eighteenth Cavalry spoke.


Among the human race, one of the Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty spoke, his face was covered under the helmet, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

They didn't expect that even the sixteen-winged Seraphim would fall into darkness.

"The years go by... The Dark Ground is also evolving towards civilization! They have evolved into a hierarchy!"

With the continuation of the dark light, a pitch-black mist formed between the eighteen knights, covering all the gods of the human race.

Therefore, under the stakes of life and death, the nature of the gods is no longer glorious, and has become dirty. Many gods are regarded by their trusted companions as human shields against the attacks of the black soul.

"This is……"

Although before that, he had rarely seen the Great Qin Eighteen Cavalry, let alone where they were.But what they said just now is enough to prove...the Eighteen Cavalry of the Qin Dynasty have spent too long years sharpening their soldiers in the dark ground.

It was a male voice just now, but now it is clearly a female voice.

Suddenly, a god spoke.

Among the three black kings, one of them is the Seventh Realm.

While the gods were staring, suddenly there was a scream from the gods.

Behind him, there are huge wings.


Daqin Eighteen Cavalry spoke.

Seeing so much blood food made the three black kings extremely excited.And that Ling Tian's world-shattering aura also made all races terrified.

The Great Qin Shibaqi immediately turned his head away and did not answer Zhou Tianshen's words.

Zhou Tianshen felt that his eye sockets were a little shallow now, and he couldn't understand many things.

For a moment, all the gods around retreated one after another, fearful in their hearts.

At this moment, they entered it, but they seemed to be unable to find their way.


The Eighteenth Cavalry of the Qin Dynasty, who led the way, opened their mouths!
Before the words were finished, the Daqin Eighteenth Cavalry suddenly glowed with a dark light, full of a sense of evil and strangeness.

How not to panic.

" won't be taken away by the high-IQ black soul!"

This place is not like an ordinary big world, there is a wall of the world, which can be torn apart.Here... seems to be boundless.

"Black souls can use the body of gods as hosts. Their screams and shapes will invade the ears and eyes of gods, thereby interfering with spiritual intelligence! Once invaded by black souls... other than killing the host, there is no solution yet method!"

Another god was laughing grotesquely.

Those bright red hands crushed the heart just like that, then put it in his mouth and began to gnaw it.But in the breath, the god just wiped it off, turned his head to look at the surrounding gods, and there was a dark and strange light in his eyes.

The gods turned their heads in horror... only to find that one god had his heart taken out by another god.

But I don't know which direction the road is in.

The god that shone with a dark and strange light has become strange.His realm was directly elevated from the four realms when he first came in to the five realms.

The fallen Seraph who was invaded by the black soul.

The Great Qin Shibaqi glanced at the God of Cangshan Mountain, and then said, "You've got the wrong person!"

Some human gods suddenly spoke.

But like light, it can easily pass through, but cannot be erased.But the sun can burn the earth and make the gods feel pain.

This made the gods of the race stare wide-eyed. Although it is easy to change the voice, the gods generally have to face.

Following the latter's gaze, the gods of all races also took a breath.

"That is……"

Zhou Tianshen frowned.

Eyes full of shock...

Immediately afterwards, the Great Qin Eighteen Cavalry formed a large circle, guarding all the gods of the human race.

In the vast darkness, the human race hides.

For a moment, the gods were in danger, and they just wanted to escape from here as soon as possible.

Not only can't find the way out.

The creatures inside are too powerful and weird.

If the entire black soul is dyed white, and then polished, then... that is a seraphim.

The gods of all races were amazed.

Do not……

In the dark world, the gods explore the dark world while fighting.

Start to wander quietly around the black soul, looking for a way out of this world.

The blazing angels of the blazing protoss.

It seems to have a soul.

"Oh, then there was no serious injury!"

"Later, Lord Qin Zheng went into the dark depths alone to investigate, and finally returned with serious injuries!"

"The untransformed black soul is called the black soul! The transformed black soul is called the black king... Once the black soul is transformed, it is equivalent to a high-level god of the human race, spanning from the sixth to the eighth realm!"


"Little Tu?"

It is a sixteen-winged seraphim.


Rao is Zhou Tianshen, and he is also staring sideways at Daqin Shibaqi.

However, his back was broad and his figure was as steady as Mount Tai. He seemed to be very calm in the face of this dark creature.

Therefore, he is quite familiar with these black souls.

The God of Cangshan frowned suddenly.

Zhou Tianshen frowned, "When did Qin Zheng get seriously injured?"

Now, it was the two and a half Qin Zheng walking towards them.

for a while...

"do not know……"

At this moment, the God of Cangshan spoke, calling out to the Daqin Eighteen Cavalry who spoke.

One of them is not the black soul of transformation, but the black soul of Duoshe.

He remembered that since Qin Zheng returned to the human race and guarded the Wanshi Mountain, there was no news of serious injuries, otherwise the strong people of the ten thousand races would have to rush forward like crazy.

And the Wanzu on the other side will be miserable... They have never experienced a dark world, and how can they know how to unite.

The gods seemed to talk for a long time, but it was only a matter of an instant... At this moment, the remaining three black kings walked towards the battlefield.

Zhou Tianshen said that when he was young, he also entered the dark ground, experienced the siege of the black soul, and escaped after a narrow escape.

"I have seen the black king you mentioned prostrate...worshiping to the depths of the darkness!"

The other two are actually eight realms.

All the Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty gave that man a silly look.

"Detain the black soul in reverse, cover it with the breath of the black soul, and deceive the same kind!"


The human race was originally safe and sound.

Just passing by a black king... the mist exuding the aura of the black soul suddenly made a puff, and a big hole appeared.

Daqin Shibaqi suddenly changed his face.

When I turned my head, I only found that the eighth nightmare of God's Sorrow suddenly flashed a strange light, piercing through the black soul mist!
(End of this chapter)

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