
Chapter 1963 Virtual World Conjecture

The empty world.

Full of weirdness and the unknown.

Lin Huang didn't know the answer.

He didn't know if he had fallen into a demon, or... everything he saw made him unable to understand.

But there is something utterly true.

He once also walked against the long river of time, like a god, watching the changes of the human race.But that perspective is very different.

He didn't have that sense of being in it.

But in this imaginary world... It's like encountering many chaotic years and rivers, it's too unpredictable.

The previous tomb had long since disappeared, and Lin Huang also walked out of that area smoothly.

However, Lin Huang was even more confused.

It is their obsession after death.

As he spoke, Lin Huang suddenly stood up.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, "If I attack the memory, I should know whether the memory will react or not!"

Lin Huang frowned, and had an answer in his heart.

One is to go back to the snow hut and ask Senior Sister Xiaoxiao, is that Xue Ji trapped in the virtual world like Senior Sister Xiaoxiao, or is that Xue Ji an intelligent creature born in the virtual world.

Lin Huang didn't know whether this guess was true, but he thought it was very interesting, so he squatted on the ground and started to sketch.

Lin Huang was tired.

In the imaginary world, there are many eras, and it is not only the human race, nor is it only the ten thousand races, but in the ancient era, those races that should have been annihilated long ago should also exist.

In other words, even though this imaginary world is constructed by thousands of memories, the ruling memory has already been born, and this ruling memory has a spirit and can reflect the real world.

"If the virtual world is a projection of the real world, why are the years and spaces here disordered? The years in the real world must be orderly!"

What about his mother, he chopped hundreds of knives in a row, and apart from shaking slightly, Hao Hai didn't react at all.

But he didn't know where to find the answer...


But he couldn't find his way back.

And if I want to shake them, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.

"Could it be that you can't verify it yourself?"

Lin Huang rubbed his temples, feeling a bit difficult to deal with. He still had only a half-knowledge of the power of the god realm, so it was very painful to deduce it.

"If this is the thoughts and memories of the gods... either they are indifferent to my attack, or..."

Lin Huang's eyes froze suddenly, he didn't know Xiaoxiao's origin... Where did Xiaoxiao come from?

That's definitely projection.

"But if it's a memory... can it be annihilated..."


The entire virtual world seems to be alive, there is no fixed time, no fixed space, everything is changing in disorder.

If it is the memory of the gods... they have long since passed away, and it is impossible for this imaginary world to be dynamically updated in real time.

Moreover, Xiao Yishan's understanding of the myriad races is far from being able to reach the existence shown in the Void Realm.

A ridiculous idea suddenly popped up in Lin Huang's mind.

He thought he didn't understand, under what circumstances, the gods would retain their memories.

"Still, this place shouldn't be called the imaginary world... He seems to..."

It seems that such a derivation is very interesting.

The method of dominating the world did not shake the whole Haohai.But... the final result was that the entire vast sea was shaking slightly.

Xiongba Tianxia rushed out, and there was no wave of swords in the sea ahead, but only a slight sway.


After half an hour.

Everything here is too mysterious and magnificent.

If there are memories of the gods and strong people, it seems not impossible to collide and build here, and after years of precipitation, a virtual world will be derived.

"It seems more like a space for memory construction!"

"If it's a memory space, then whose memory space can have such a terrifying mess?"

"If this is a projection of the real world, then my knife in the imaginary world will either be like a flower in the mirror, or cut through the waves!"

The result was not as Lin Huang expected.

Lin Huang murmured to himself, "The owner of this memory is still too powerful, and my attack is nothing more than a fly shaking a tree!"

Lin Huang felt that he might be mistaken.

Lin Huang murmured to himself, "Is it because the size of the real world and the imaginary world are different, and the real world is projected into the virtual world, forming a backlog of time and space, leading to the staggered border of time and rivers?"


And... Did the space of the virtual world first exist to construct the pictures in memory; or was it because of the pictures in memory, after years of precipitation, that this space was constructed.

Lin Huang frowned, and then his eyes lit up...

"Memory cannot be annihilated?"

Lin Huang scratched his head, tapped Shan Na Dao with his fingers, lost in thought... Now he has three choices.

He raised his head and looked at the vast sea in front of him, and he flew up, dominating the world and slashing out.

He wants to find answers.

Lin Huang lowered his voice, "One knife by myself disturbed the thoughts of the gods, causing Haohai to move slightly!"

In other words, the real world is one, and the imaginary world is another kind of existence.


"Who is so invincible?"

Lin Huang frowned, but those whose memories can last forever and who can construct pictures are all strong among the gods during their lifetime.

"If this is not a projection of the real world, why is it so disorderly?"

Lin Huang murmured to himself, not knowing the answer, "With my power, can I really annihilate the memory again. But..."

There is no direction to find the answer, which makes Lin Huang don't even know what to do in this imaginary world.

He turned his head and wanted to go back to see how the previous battle was going.

Unless, in this imaginary world, other forces were born.For example, when the memories of the gods collided, a long river of time reflecting the reality was born.

He thought it was wrong, because he had witnessed the mirror projection with his own eyes. In the imaginary world, he saw the scene of the human race and the gods of all races fighting against the dark creatures when the darkness invaded.

Lin Huang woke up suddenly.

"If it wasn't for one person...would it be the memory construction of countless gods?"

Lin Huang was puzzled, it was hard for him to imagine that besides Master Xiao Yishan, how many other people could span so many civilizations.

Later, he discovered that this idea was not so absurd.

Afterwards, he drew out his saber one after another, beheading towards Hao Hai!

Lin Huang whispered.

Although he didn't know whether he was deriving or just imagining.

Just like Pinghu Microwave.

There was a hint of excitement on Lin Huang's face...

Or their remnants?
Or the memory they stripped directly.

What kind of existence is this imaginary world...?
How to get out?
Is it a mirror projection of the real world?
It is the real world plus the imaginary world that synthesizes the one.

Could she be a creature born in this imaginary world?

Lin Huang quickly shook his head, thinking about this problem, he would go crazy.

The second is to look for the end of the world that Xiaoxiao said, to see if he can find some clues.

As for the third option...

Lin Huang turned his head and looked at the interlaced spaces of different ages in the world, and squeezed his fists. He didn't know whether his next move would cause a storm in the entire imaginary world!

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