
Chapter 1970

Listening to Qin Changsheng's words, Lin Huang frowned.

"Senior brother's heavenly gate is engraved with the secret method of the body of all ages? And on the heavenly gate of Emperor Jintian, is another cultivation system engraved?"

Lin Huang said.

"Half right!"

Qin Changsheng said, "I used to engrave the secret method on the gate of heaven, but it was not the eternal body. It was after I evolved that I got the eternal body! As for Emperor Jin... the engraved on his heaven gate is his. Bad luck... So, he has no choice but to give up the road to becoming a god and start a new one instead!"

"He succeeded?"

Forest Road.

"Perhaps... But his path has not been verified by others, and it can only be regarded as that he has opened up a road for himself, not for the entire human race. And he has not reached the end, it can be regarded as No success!"

Qin Changsheng shook his head.

"But no matter how you say it, Tianmen is extremely important!"

A bloody battlefield.

In the world of gray mist, Lin Huang's sleeves were rolled up, and he suddenly charged towards the silver barrier.

The expression of Daqin Eighteenth Cavalry changed, and those who didn't have any rebuttals went towards the black king, although there were 1 things in their minds that they didn't understand.

No matter how fucking messed up, don't say that I can't get out after waiting for others, even Lord Qin Zheng, under the siege of several black kings, I'm afraid he won't be able to get out.

Lin Huang asked.

In just a few breaths... it turned into a human form.

Lin Huang nodded, feeling a little disappointed in his heart, unable to gather the wool of heaven.

No more difficult choices.

Lin Huang nodded, he was easily satisfied.

The black king who was fighting with them, actually abandoned them directly, and chased after the nightmare of God's Sorrow. He opened his huge mouth, about to swallow the nightmare of God's Sorrow.

At this moment, Qin Zheng was still fighting one of the black kings, and had no time to clone himself.Even though he is the giant pillar of the human race, he knows better than anyone else that the dark abyss is terrifying.

Then move forward step by step, that's all!


"Do you think that's possible?"

No more fear of the future.

Several gods of the human race are going come this flower hasn't been thrown away yet.Every time the big formation was reorganized, it was this nightmare of Shenduo who caused troubles and was discovered by the black king.


They have doubts in their hearts, but the speed is not slow.

Qin Changsheng said.

Above the sky, Qin Zheng turned his head and snapped, "Guardian!"

And the human race here.

"We're almost here!"

"I don't know... According to each warrior, my original Tianmen has existed for a hundred years! I became a god before, and it only existed for half a year!"

Qin Changsheng smiled, "Then why don't I just jump back and forth between the Great Emperor and the Divine Realm?"

However, when a god had this idea, the nightmare of God's Sorrow began to buzz again, and divine light burst out from the lotus of God's Sorrow, full of mystery and terrifying coercion.

Lin Huang nodded. Since it was the Great Emperor's Nirvana, he never thought of giving up easily.

During the conversation between the two, they had already reached the edge of Shenming Ruins, and if they went outside, they would pass through the silver barrier and leave this place.


Lin Huang asked Qin Changsheng.

Qin Changsheng shook his head.

But the Black King ignored these, and swallowed the nightmare of God's Sorrow into his stomach like crazy.

Daqin Shibaqi grabbed one of Heiwang's feet.

"it is good!"

Lin Huang nodded, "It seems that the birth of this secret technique is determined by the characteristics of the warrior himself!"

Qin Changsheng patted Lin Huang on the shoulder, then left the Shenming Market very simply, and disappeared into the silver barrier.


"Anyway, it's good to have it!"

There is also no hope for the realm of the gods.

The human gods grabbed Black King's other foot!


Many gods were infiltrated by black souls, turned into manic demons, and began to massacre their companions wantonly.

Many human gods were directly torn apart.

"Brother, will the second heavenly gate be born after going through the calamity of Nirvana this time?"

In an instant, the name that had been erased from the minds of the gods of all races reappeared.

Not only him, but everyone and all the gods had a thought in their minds... Forest Desolation, God's Mourning Nightmare.

Where the divine light scattered a little bit, a light and shadow suddenly appeared.

Naturally, I have to go for another break.

A god of the human race suddenly threw out the nightmare of God's Sorrow.


Qin Changsheng opened his mouth and stared sideways at Lin Huang, "However, in the Ten Thousand Realms, there is indeed such a group of gods who focus on the secret method of the Heavenly Gate of Emperor Fengshen! But... the secret method is born in the body of a warrior. For others, even if If you grab it, it may not be the best!"

At this moment, the formation formed by the Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty and the gods of the human race is already riddled with holes, but it has not yet collapsed.

No experience at all.

Fierce roar!
In that dead and evil world, the war is still going on... the war is also very tragic.

and so……

"That is to say, if I externalize Tianmen, I may be robbed of my enlightenment by others?"


What's the point of guarding this nightmare.

The next moment...


Lin Huang said, "So, can I go and rob other people's Tianmen?"

A dark world.

"That's what it means!"

A human-shaped shadow sits cross-legged on the holy lotus platform, with palms folded... Gradually, that shadow becomes more and more real.

Everything... Ask your heart.


In the dark void, the mourning swayed.

Finally... I saw Qin Changsheng again!

Free black soul.

In the next moment, a thought suddenly appeared in their minds.

The light and shadow are growing rapidly.

Although he didn't cry, and said some irrelevant words, Lin Huang's heart calmed down again.

Looking at the latter's handsome back, Lin Huang also helplessly spread his hands, and a smile appeared on his face.

Qin Changsheng thought to himself, "It's a pity that I didn't try the ninth Nirvana last time!"

"Lin Huang!"

The faces of the Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty and the gods of the human race all changed, "What's going on..."


Even though the Great Qin Eighteen Riders had very rich survival experience, it was still incomparably strenuous for him to face the Black King, who raised his hands and feet to capture the world.

"Junior brother, your way is a bit wild!"

Just throw it away!

Lin Huang asked.

"Senior brother will start the ninth Nirvana?"

Qin Changsheng emphasized his tone, "The appearance of Tianmen implies a great way. And after warriors confer gods, Tianmen will remain for a period of time, so that warriors can understand it! This secret technique has mostly become the trump card of the gods!"

That nightmare flower is still swaying in the dark world, shining brightly.

Many gods of all races have participated in the competition in the dark and turbulent.But after all, he has never faced the dark abyss.

Most of the Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty were injured...

"How long can the Tianmen exist after the warrior conferred the gods?"

The dark light and shadow gradually turned into a holy light.

The next moment...

A figure suddenly manifested from the shadow!

He is naked, fair-skinned, handsome, with a peerless appearance, that is...

What a fucking shame!

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