
Chapter 1978 1 Sword Creates Tide

In the icy universe, as the voice of Xia Wushuang, the Great Xia God of War, fell, dazzling rays of light suddenly burst out from the mysterious instruments of the starship full of emotion.

In an instant, the surroundings of the god holding the space collapsed violently.In the collapsed void, a huge black hole was formed, with terrifying tearing power, possessing the power to annihilate gods.

The god's complexion changed, and a golden light suddenly appeared between his brows, and he shot towards the black hole.

However, the golden light entered the black hole and was completely swallowed.

The figure of the god shrunk rapidly, trying to shrink himself endlessly, turning him into a point of origin.

However, this still cannot prevent the annihilation of space under the terrorist weapon...

That origin was completely torn apart and entered the black hole.


At this moment, the rotating black hole that exudes devouring power suddenly condenses, and a god descends from the sky. He seals the years, and spreads his hands to pull out the broken origin.

In the next moment, the flow of time around the black hole remains the same.

The god holding the space also appeared.But at this moment, his body is incomplete, and it is difficult to recover in a short time.

His eyes, which were like silver moons, shone with shock, and of course there was a hint of disbelief.

He never imagined that these powerless human races from other worlds would have such powerful weapons.

It almost made him fall completely.

And the god who can solidify the ability of time walked directly to Xia Wushuang.

He waved his sleeves slightly, and the years around him were already frozen as he walked.

He began to comprehend the essence of the entire universe and control the power of time.

However, Xia Wushuang remained indifferent in the face of the coming of the God of Time...

Years... can freeze the great battle here in an instant.

Yet he wasn't worried at all.

As early as the moment when the God of Time appeared, Xia Wushuang's whole body was surrounded by a light curtain.It should be a mysterious weapon, but even these gods can't see where the weapon's body is.

Perhaps, this light curtain itself is a weapon.

The next moment...

The gods of time and age disappeared.

The next moment, Xia Wushuang also disappeared.

They still exist in this void, but... they are no longer in this era.

In the icy universe, the war continues.

Tens of thousands of interstellar warships, under the vast universe, are full of icy power.However, this sense of power and magnificence is not considered powerful in front of the gods.

Even the quadrupolar universe is covered by the power of technological civilization.

But gods don't die.

They will also be afraid of this kind of power, but they are extremely powerful and have the power to transcend the rules of the world.

They rushed into the battleship group and tore the battleship apart.Another sword was stained with sharpness, slashing the vast universe, causing a cosmic tide, and shocking the entire battleship group to pieces.

The one who drew the sword was a sword fairy in white.

When he was young, he stepped into the realm of gods. He once crossed three realms to kill enemies with one sword, and once killed gods with one sword.With a single sword, he let the common people in the entire God Continent see the supreme demeanor of an era of sword cultivation.

Now, he strikes out his sword again, and with one strike, he caused a cosmic tide, shattering tens of thousands of interstellar battleships.

This scene couldn't help but shock all the gods in the first realm.It also surprised the gods in the universe... The strength of the latter became stronger again, and a thought faintly rose in their hearts.

The sword fairy once said that it might be possible to tear the universe apart with one sword.

In the turbulent universe, the sword fairy looked back with an attitude of being proud of the ancient times.

In an instant, the hundreds of battleships that he passed by with a single sword suddenly broke...the incisions were extremely smooth.

The void is vast, with the wreckage of interstellar warships floating.

As far as the first realm is concerned, the weapons carried by any one of the interstellar warships can destroy a continental plate in the origin realm, or even annihilate the entire origin realm.

However, it was such a mighty and terrifying existence that a god cut off hundreds of ships with a single sword.

human power...

Is it really so terrible?

In the bar, everyone looked at the picture on the screen and held their breath.

They have forgotten themselves.

Only their eyes can express their feelings.





There is still a trace of desire!

It is longing.

The thirst for power...

No matter how powerful the interstellar battleship is, it is only an external force after all.Only being strong and traveling the world is the real power.

This is why, in this world, genetic fighters are superior to others.

But... the genetic fighters they envied before, are not like ants in front of the power of this god.

But not even ants.

Even... the Great Xia God of War!God in their eyes.In the face of this group of real gods, if he does not have the power of technology, he is not worth mentioning.

It was a heart-wrenching answer, but one they had to accept.

Beside Lin Huang, Na Luo Shanhe swallowed his saliva, his eyes were obsessed and excited.

At this moment, he seems to have found his pursuit.

He also seemed to really understand why he didn't want to become a genetic warrior.He... longed for the power to burn mountains and seas, tear apart starships with a single strike.

this moment……

An evil thought even arose in his mind.

He hoped that the interstellar warships of our human race would be able to plunder the civilization of the God Continent... This may be another rapid development of the Origin Realm.

In the bar, Lin Huang leaned loosely on the bar counter, watching the picture on the screen, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.




They are all interpreting the word power in some way.

Relying on their own talents, warriors perceive the world, starting from the heart, they perceive the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and the power of space and time.

However, the human race in the origin world, from another angle, explained step by step that this world is the rule, and kept moving forward.

They couldn't cultivate themselves, so they built powerful weapons step by step.

Warriors imitate and comprehend how thunder and lightning are formed, and then form martial arts, which are passed down from generation to generation.In the scientific and technological civilization, it is to analyze the elements of thunder and lightning, and what reactions they form.Then invent corresponding weapons, and then use this weapon information as a treasure.

Lin Huang shook the cocktail in his hand, lost in thought.

"So...power...what the hell is it?"

Lin Huang frowned and asked himself, but he didn't have an answer for a while.

In the world of origin, he endowed the existence of power, but did not endow the human race with the power to cultivate.So, they bypass their own training and create powerful weapons.

In the Gods Continent, warriors may never have thought that there would be weapons that could annihilate space.Because all their focus is on tapping their own strength.


Lin Huang frowned, "Power exists forever? It's just that it shows different expressions from different perspectives?"


Lin Huang suddenly raised his head and looked at the big screen again.

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