
Chapter 1984 The Universe of Great Silence

In the illusory space, Qin Changsheng looked at Lin Huang's somewhat astonished expression and smiled in satisfaction.

"The Universe of Great Silence, a universe that has collapsed in countless years of changes! In the world of all races, it is an extremely rare and precious existence!"

Qin Changsheng spoke, then he turned his head and looked at Lin Huang, "Hey, why is the universe that trapped you gone?"

"this one?"

Lin Huang suddenly spread his palm, and in his palm, a cloud of black air appeared, which looked like ordinary black air, nothing special.

Qin Changsheng frowned suddenly.

He turned his head and glanced at the place where he came out, where the black mist was lingering, giving people a sense of mystery.

" did you control the universe of silence?"

Qin Changsheng really didn't expect it this time.

Lin Huang actually subdued this universe of great silence.

"I became the consciousness of the universe of great silence, and then coexisted with it... When it was not paying attention, my consciousness became the dominant!"

Lin Huang asked, "Isn't that how senior brother came out?"

"Is this thing still conscious?"

Qin Changsheng didn't believe it anymore, and then nodded, "That's right, there are rules, and it's not too strange to be conscious, maybe it's obsession!"

"So, what exactly is this universe of silence? Is there anything special about him?"

Lin Huang asked suspiciously.

He had never heard the name.

"In short... the consciousness space of the God King!"

Qin Changsheng opened his mouth, and then explained in detail, "Beyond the gods, there is also the realm of the god king. As for how strong the god king is, no one knows. But according to legend, after stepping into the realm of the god king, a universe of consciousness will be born!"

"Let's not talk about the power of the consciousness universe, but when the god kings fall, their consciousness universe will be annihilated. However... There are always some god kings with special abilities. After death, the consciousness universe will remain, but the god king The king has fallen, and the universe of consciousness should also lose its original soul, so it is called the universe of great silence!"

Lin Huang thought for a while, "It sounds like this is really a treasure!"

"I don't know exactly what it does...but if you can completely refine it, it may become a big killer for you. At least, it can allow you to hide inside, and ordinary gods can't break through it!"

Lin Huang spoke.

"So... how about I try and subdue your Great Silence Universe?"

Lin Huang's thoughts suddenly changed.

"Why don't you tell me first, what did you do to subdue the universe of great silence!"

Obviously, Qin Changsheng was also greedy for this thing and was unwilling to give it up to Lin Huang.

"How did the senior brother come out, I am very curious!"

Forest Road.

"It's very simple... I groped for the rules that weave the universe in the cold universe, and then I tried to toggle the rules for more than 1 times, and finally the rules of the entire universe went out of order for an instant, and then I came out! "

Qin Changsheng said.

"Mental illness?"


Qin Changsheng looked at Lin Huang suspiciously, why did this little junior brother start talking nonsense all of a sudden.

Lin Huang smiled and didn't explain anything, but he began to understand why Qin Changsheng was able to come out.

He himself is devouring other energies in the universe, expanding his own consciousness, making himself the second personality of the Great Silence Universe, and then stealing the control of the Great Silence Universe.

Qin Changsheng, on the other hand, fiddled with the rules. In the theory of technological civilization, he fiddled with the cranial nerves of the human brain, turning him into a mental illness.

Mentally ill, it is very likely to commit suicide.

Then Qin Changsheng walked out.

Lin Huang briefly told Qin Changsheng how he got out, and the latter was taken aback...

What is technological civilization?

You are all bored, you are all trapped in the Jedi, and you are still in the mood to watch two civilizations fight.But that kind of weapon that can kill gods, it would be nice if I could give myself one.

"I don't want to snatch my universe of great silence. But I can tell my little brother about my discovery!"

Qin Changsheng patted Lin Huang on the shoulder, and said, "The Universe of Great Silence is woven by rules, so... try to disassemble the rules, then realize it, and then reorganize it. Maybe we can also weave a universe !"

Lin Huang's eyes widened.

He stared at Qin Changsheng in disbelief.

This was just a casual sentence, but Lin Huang was sensitive to the horror in it.

The universe of great the consciousness universe of the god king.

If they can also weave a universe of consciousness, then in the realm of gods, an invincible road will be born.

Lin Huang's heart suddenly became hot.

Sure enough, excellent people will become even better when they stay together.

When Lin Huang regained his senses and turned his head, he found that Qin Changsheng had already slipped into the universe of great silence.


Lin Huang had no choice but to hold up the universe of great silence, which was a mass of black air in his hand, carefully observe the latter, and began to study the power of the rules constructed.

Half a day passed.

Lin Huang found nothing.

Where is the power of rules, why can't he see it.Lin Huang's black and white eyes were almost blind, and he didn't feel the mystery.

He scratched his head.

Forget it, forget about it for now, and ask Qin Changsheng after he comes out.

Then Lin Huang turned his head and looked around, only to find that there was a vast white space around him, like a virtual universe.

However, Lin Huang felt that this should not be another universe.

He walked forward...

Suddenly, his head was hit.

He came to the end and was hit back by a cloud of soft white mist.

Lin Huang frowned...

The universe of great silence is the catastrophe of him and Qin Changsheng's ninth Nirvana.He didn't understand why it was a universe of great silence, and he didn't bother to understand it.

He was just wondering if this universe of great silence would be behind the Shenming Market.

However, Lin Huang tried a few times, and it seemed that there were too many ends of the snow-white space that could not be torn apart by the white mist in front of him.

Do not……

Not impossible to tear.

Lin Huang couldn't even use his strength.

Lin Huang frowned, isn't the ninth nirvana over yet?

Is this an alternate black and white universe?
Could it be that he wants to take away this snow-white universe?
Lin Huang looked at the universe of great silence in the distance, and there was no sign of Qin Changsheng coming out!

Then try it!
Lin Huang sat down cross-legged, and as he waved his palms, the vitality around him circulated, and then with Lin Huang as the center, a faint engulfment appeared, and began to plunder the vitality of the snow-white space.

In an instant, Lin Huang vomited blood.

His eyes widened.

At the moment when the breath of the snow-white space entered his body, he only felt the death energy like an eruption plundering his body...

Moreover, the looting does not stop.

Lin Huang Yintang turned black.

His face turned black.

The whole person began to lose his spirit.

He was quickly transformed by a wisp of death energy, and he was about to become a walking dead.

Last minute...

Lin Huang exerted a slight force on his palm, and the cloud of great silence poured into his body, and began to move towards that cloud of dead energy!


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