
Chapter 1987 Tang Jian and Lu Xiaozhi

The sudden sound shook the entire pitch-black universe.


A snow-white long rainbow soared into the sky, illuminating a universe.

That is a mausoleum.

A towering mausoleum.

In the rainbow of light, the runes above the mausoleum exude an ancient and profound aura, and they have an invincible posture that threatens the eternal.

On that ancient mausoleum, there are dark blood stains and battle damage left by swords and halberds.

On the mausoleum, apart from the mysterious runes, there are only a few large characters painted with silver hooks.

The third tide, Tang Jian!
"Tang Jian?"

Qin Changsheng said, "It's such a familiar name, yet so unfamiliar. The Third Tidal Era..."

"The stele of the tomb of the gods can suppress the gods!"

Feeling the coercion emanating from the mausoleum, Lin Huang already felt great terror.

third tide.

An extremely strange era.

At this moment, above the mausoleum, brilliance circulated, condensing a round of dazzling sun!

In the next moment, an illusory figure appeared in the dazzling sun.

I saw that the figure was only the size of an ordinary person, and compared to the mausoleum of ten thousand feet, it was like dust.However, Qin Changsheng and Yu Linhuang saw the latter at a glance.

Moreover, I only felt that figure covered the entire sky.

Eternal years.

mighty heaven and earth.

In front of that figure, they all seemed so insignificant.

The figure was wearing ancient broken armor, the spear in his hand was broken, and there was a scarlet wound on his face. His hair was disheveled, and he looked a little embarrassed, but he looked even more disdainful.

He forcibly condensed and looked down, his voice was gentle but full of firmness, "I am here!"

At the same time, a ray of light appeared again in the mighty universe, and under the ray, another divine tomb shone.

"Lu Xiaozhi, here!"

In the misty and lonely void, a figure from ancient times resounded again.

Under the light of the sun, a figure manifested again.The figure was pierced by arrows of tens of thousands of Dao rules, holding a Dao sword, and there was arrogance between his brows.

The two turned their heads and looked at the past, and it was another peerless powerhouse.

Then, the void vibrated, and a third ray of light appeared.

Fourth way.

Fifth way!

Before Qin Changsheng and Lin Huang could react, the first Tang Jian to appear was his battle robe rolled up. He glanced at the past, pressed down with his palm, and immediately extinguished the rays of light behind him.

"This time, it's not your turn, so do what you should do!"

Tang Jian spoke.

"Tang Jian, you are not qualified to order us!"

Suddenly, in the cold universe, an ancient voice sounded, and there was no anger, only calm.

"Do what you should do!"

Tang Jian snorted coldly, "Don't revive casually, this is a big taboo!"

Afterwards, Tang Jian glanced at the voice of the priest calling in the distance, and said again: "Wu Ji, our descendants of the human race came to the tidal ancestral land, we have our own induction, and it's not your turn to welcome our obsession back with your teeth and claws! "

"Eternal loneliness is too boring! The younger generations come here, it's better to have some vitality!"

The figure who summoned the soul first spoke.


Tang Jian snorted coldly, then suppressed it with another palm, and sent the witch priest away directly.

Qin Changsheng and Lin Huang opened their mouths wide at this moment, a little stunned.

Senior Tang Jian seemed to have a bad temper and was very irritable.The senior Lu Xiaoqian next to him was very quiet.

Afterwards, Tang Jian finally set his sights on Qin Changsheng and Lin Huang.

When he saw Lin Huangzhi, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Emperor Nine Nirvana... Can you seize the universe of great silence?"

Tang Jian spoke.

Qin Changsheng and Lin Huang nodded together, like children.

"So passable!"

Then Tang Jian said, "The two universes of great silence are the thought universes that died after the death of the most powerful god king of our human race!"

"This is the good fortune that the tidal ancestral land gave you, take a good look at it, don't lose the face of your ancestors!"

Tang Jian spoke very straightforwardly and simply.

Qin Changsheng and Lin Huang looked at each other, shocked.

Tang Jian's ability to say this can only mean... that it was the powerful man in the Ancestral Land of Chaos who made the move, perhaps it was Tang Jian who took advantage of the great emperor's Nine Nirvana to fight against the Dao of Heaven and let the two of them enter the universe of great silence.

It even appeared in the tidal ancestral land.

"Dare to ask senior Tang Jian, time is a taboo in heaven, can it really break the sky and disturb the source of all worlds?"

Lin Huang spoke.

"No matter how strong the heavenly taboo is, why should our human race be afraid! If you have experienced the catastrophe of the tide, you will not have such a stupid question! Under the catastrophe of genocide, there is nothing that cannot be cultivated! Even the way of heaven can become a hunter for my human race! kill the target!"

Tang Jian spoke.

"Little sound like a reckless man when you talk like this!"

Lu Xiaozhi on the side spoke.

"I was born in the Third Tidal Era, you who are from the Fourth Tidal Era, dare to call me that!"

Tang Jian snorted coldly.

However, Lu Xiaozhi smiled gently, he looked down at Lin Huang and Qin Changsheng, "Nothing can be said or asked about everything in the Ancestral Chaos Land!"

"If you have any doubts, just keep them in your heart. I really want to know, when I come next time, I might be eligible!"

Qin Changsheng and Lin Huang scratched their heads.

have to.

Before the words could be spoken, they were blocked directly.

The two stood in place, and suddenly became a little embarrassed. Should they speak, or should they shut up...

What are you going to say?

But to shut up, it seemed awkward and impolite.

"Tang choose first!"

Lu Xiaozhi glanced at Tang Jian, then said.

"I don't want to choose, you choose first!"

Tang Jian's expression was a bit wrong, and he just snorted coldly, "One came to collect wool for the second time, and the other almost wiped out the tidal ancestral land! I still like Emperor Jintian, he is a well-behaved young man!"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Changsheng and Lin Huang looked at each other again.

There was shock in the eyes of both of them.

"Little brother, who are you?"

Qin Changsheng began to doubt Lin Huang's identity.

"who am I?"

Lin Huang spoke directly and asked Tang Jian and Lu Xiaozhi.

"When you think you should know who you are, you know who you are!"

Lu Xiaozhi responded enthusiastically.

Lin Huang was speechless for a moment.

Lu Xiaozhi glanced at Tang Jian, "Our time is running out!"

Tang Jian nodded his head in a rare moment, and Qin Changsheng suddenly rose into the air with a single thought.Then I saw him pointing out.

"My life is all in this thought. How much you can realize and what you can realize depends entirely on your good fortune. Remember, those who learn from me will live, and those who are like me will die! Don't be influenced by me... Otherwise, you will enter Can't reach the God King Realm!"

In the next moment, Qin Changsheng fell directly from a height of ten thousand feet.

"Then I'll give you two fish!"

Then Lu Xiaozhi opened his mouth immediately, he raised his hand while staring at Lin Huang, then put it down gently.

In an instant, Lin Huang's complexion changed drastically. He only felt that there were two more fish in the mysterious sea inside his body, one black and one white, one Yin and one Yang.

Yin Yang fish!
"I'm not like Tang Jian, who doesn't say anything. I'm an enthusiastic inheritance master! If one day you face a desperate situation, you can fish out the yin-yang fish and cook it. Don't be a starving ghost!"

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