
Chapter 199 Provocation

Chapter 199 Provocation
In the restaurant, Lin Huang and others didn't discuss for long, and many people appeared one after another in the building, all of them were disciples of major forces.

Lin Huang looked at the disciples of the major forces, squinted his eyes, and felt countless auras surging in the dark.

And the disciples of the major forces in the building also noticed Lin Huang and others.

After all, the white robes and red clothes of Piaoxue Palace are so eye-catching that it's hard not to see them.Sitting in the restaurant with Bai Xiaopang weighing more than 400 kilograms, it is like a wall.

Feeling the eyes transmitted from Dao Dao, all of them contain bad taste.Lin Huang smiled slightly, and sipped his wine. He naturally understood how much hatred the Piaoxue Palace had attracted because of its sharpness three years ago.

Now that Lin Cangxue is not here, what Piaoxue Palace is facing is a situation where the walls are falling and everyone is pushing them down.

Not long after, two teams appeared in the building, and there were as many as 30 people in total.The two teams seemed to have noticed Lin Huang and the others early in the morning, and came straight over.

Lin Huang turned his head and looked, one of the group of people was all wearing purple clothes, the clothes were exactly the same, and the neckline was embroidered with exquisite thunder and lightning patterns.

The other team is wearing white robes. The hem, cuffs and neckline of the clothes are painted with blue water splashes, giving the feeling of wind and waves.


Storm Tower!
Lin Huang smiled slightly, feeling the gradually stagnant atmosphere in the air, sipping wine with the people who came, a trace of coldness flickered in his dark eyes.

In a blink of an eye, those 30 people came together and surrounded Lin Huang and others.I saw a young man of seven feet with a smile on his lips, his eyes fell on Xie Qinghou and said:

"Xie Qinghou, don't come here unharmed!"

Xie Qinghou tapped his fingers on the table without turning his head and said, "What? I am very happy to see you. Are you not afraid of being beaten by me? You Han Feng is just one of the twelve tigers, and you are not qualified to talk to me!"

The seven-foot young man's face was slightly condensed, and his inverted triangle face was instantly filled with anger.

"That was me three years ago, I don't know what will happen after three years!"

Xie Qinghou still smiled lightly: "I am the Xie Qinghou from three years ago?"

At this moment, a young man in the Wind and Rain Building suddenly spoke, with tiny freckles crowded together on his face, "I never thought that Xie Qinghou, who is so calm and calm, can speak so meanly!"

"who are you?"

Xie Qinghou looked up at the young man with freckles and forgot his eyes, and said with a smile.


The freckled youth was slightly annoyed, then gritted his teeth and said, "My son Qihao!"

"Qi Hao?"

Xie Qinghou frowned slightly, and then still chuckled, "You're just one of the twelve tigers, and you don't have the right to speak here. If you want to trouble me in Piaoxue Palace, come here with a seven-star man!"

There are seven stars and twelve tigers, and the seven stars are above the twelve tigers.

And Xie Qinghou is one of the seven stars.

"Tsk tsk tsk... I can't see it, you Xie Qinghou is so arrogant that you actually don't like my disciples in Fengyu Tower. Why, you think it's a big deal to become the leading disciple of Piaoxue Palace?"

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind.I saw a disciple of Fengyulou approaching slowly, his whole body relaxed, making the air suddenly tense.

That Fengfenglou disciple had a Chinese character face and raised eyebrows, appearing a bit domineering.

He pushed aside the crowd with one hand, and stood in front of Xie Qinghou, with blazing flames jumping in his tiger eyes, staring at Xie Qinghou like a hook.

cough cough...

Xie Qinghou coughed twice, and said with a slight smile: "So it's Qi Xing Qi Yunlie, long time no see. But if you want to target me at Piaoxue Palace, I'm afraid you've found the wrong person, I'm not the leading disciple of Piaoxue Palace!"

Fengyulou and the disciples of Tianleizong were all taken aback.

Together with the disciples of other forces in the building, they were all attracted at this moment, with puzzled expressions on their faces.Three years ago, besides Lin Cangxue, Xie Qinghou was the most powerful in Piaoxue Palace.

Now that Lin Cangxue is in decline and unable to become the leading disciple, it should be Xie Qinghou.

But why did Xie Qinghou say this?

Could it be that within the past three years, there have been rookies emerging from Piaoxue Palace, who can replace Xie Qinghou?But if so, why haven't they heard of it?
Qi Yunlie sneered and said:

"What, Xie Qinghou, do you want to avoid the battle? Lin Cangxue has fallen, and besides you, who else in Piaoxue Palace is qualified to be the leading disciple?"

Xie Qinghou placed his wine glass on the table, looked up at Qi Yunlie, and then pointed at Lin Huang.

"who are you?"

Qi Yunlie's gaze fell on Lin Huang immediately, and he asked with a frown.

"none of your business!"

Lin Huang smiled leisurely, these people were obviously here to show off, so why should he have a good face.

"Tsk tsk... Are you really the leading disciple of Piaoxue Palace? Are you so rude?"

Qi Yunlie chuckled, with mockery flashing in his eyes, and continued: "Is Piaoxue Palace in decline just like that? A disciple who is not in the realm of Tianyuan is actually leading the team!"

"none of your business!"

Lin Huang still said the same thing.

Qi Yunlie's breath was stagnant, he didn't expect Lin Huang to say the same thing, and he couldn't help feeling angry, "It's really none of my business, I'm just lamenting, the Piaoxue Palace without Lin Cangxue is so down and out , Let a kid from the Earth Element Realm lead the team. Tsk tsk... why don't you get out of the Four Sects and Ten Dynasties battle as soon as possible!"

Lin Huang suddenly raised his head, stared at Qi Yunlie, and said, "So you still remember Lin Cangxue, you must have been chased and killed by my sister three years ago!"


Qi Yunlie frowned, "Are you Lin Cangxue's younger brother?"

Afterwards, Qi Yunlie laughed out loud.

"It's really unexpected that Lin Cangxue, who is so high-spirited, has such a useless brother like you. Even the Earth Yuan realm dares to lead a team to participate in the Four Sects and Ten Dynasties War. Tsk tsk tsk, you are not afraid that Lin Cangxue's legend will be destroyed by yours. hand?"

As soon as Qi Yunlie's words fell, the surrounding disciples of Tianlei Sect and Fengyulou burst into laughter.

Along with the disciples of other forces in the building, there was a playful light in their eyes.

Lin Cangxue's younger brother?

If Lin Cangxue has never fallen, lead the team to Piaoxue Palace.They might be afraid, but Lin Cangxue's younger brother... is nothing more than a kid in the Earth Yuan realm, so how can he keep the reputation of Piaoxue Palace.

In this battle of four sects and ten dynasties, I am afraid that the former glory of Piaoxue Palace will be completely ruined by this younger brother Lin Cangxue.

After Lin Huang took the last sip of wine, he suddenly stood up, shaking his robe, staring at Qi Yunlie with his dark eyes, and said: "Two sects, thirty disciples, surrounded the four of us, isn't it just to show off? How can you make fun of Piaoxue Palace without Lin Cangxue?"

"Then I will do what you wish, whoever of you will fight with me!"

When Lin Huang said this, Lu Han stood up, Xie Qinghou stood up, and Bai Xiaopang also stood up.The four pairs of eyes looked around at the more than 30 people from the two major sects around them, without any fear in their eyes.

The atmosphere in the building was already tense in a blink of an eye!

Qi Yunlie was slightly surprised, and then showed a presumptuous smile on his face, tsk tsk said: "Piaoxue Palace is still so arrogant, but without Lin Cangxue, where does the confidence of your arrogance come from?"

Beside Qi Yunlie, Qi Hao's laughter was even more presumptuous, and then he walked up to Lin Huang, looked directly at Lin Huang, squinted and said with a smile:
"Then, let me teach you!"

After saying that, everyone around stepped back, leaving space for Lin Huang and Qi Hao.

I saw Qi Hao let out a long howl, and the aura around him surged up like a tide, and the aura of the Tianyuan realm was fully revealed at this moment, suppressing the audience.

"Are you one of the twelve tigers?"

Lin Huang suddenly asked.


Qi Hao smiled proudly, with a confident and powerful light in his eyes, "You are lucky to die in the hands of the Twelve Tigers. But remember, the person who killed you is called Qi Hao!"


Lin Huang nodded, pursed his lips lightly, and said with a slow smile, "Then today, I'll kill a tiger to sacrifice to my Piaoxue banner!"

"court death!"

Qi Hao's face turned cold, and a golden spear with a tiger's head appeared in his hand, and the roar of a fierce tiger resounded in the building instantly, and behind Qi Hao, a majestic tiger king appeared, with eyes like lightning Staring at Lin Huang, he only wanted to kill the latter.

Martial Soul—Zhan Jin Tiger King!
"It turned out to be a tiger!"

Lin Huang lowered his eyelids, chuckled, and the Suppressing Demon Knife quietly appeared in his hand.


Seeing Qi Hao let out a long roar, he leaped into the air and stabbed Lin Huang straight with his long spear. Together with the Tiger King behind him, they all rushed towards Lin Huang.

The torrential trend, at this moment, completely shrouded the forest barren, like a tiger out of the gate, one blow would kill him!

Lin Huang raised his head and fixed his eyebrows, looking at the fast-moving spear Zhan Jinhu King, he whispered lightly with his thin lips:

"Kill God with a knife!"

In an instant, blood gleamed in the restaurant.Everyone felt their eyes stabbed, and immediately closed their eyes.

When they opened their eyes again, they only found that the Zhan Jin Tiger King had disappeared in the void, and the tiger-head Zhan Golden Spear in Qihao's hand had been broken into twelve pieces.

And in Qihao's chest, there was a huge hole, through which one could look through the latter's body.

Qi Hao stared wide-eyed, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and fell to the ground.

In the building, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

The disciples of Fengyulou and Tianleizong's eyes widened even more, with incredible expressions in their eyes.

"Earth Yuan kills Tian Yuan!"

Everyone was horrified.

Although Qi Hao has just entered the Tianyuan realm, he is in the Tianyuan realm after all, and Lin Huang is not in the Earth Yuan realm, so how can he compete with Qi Haozheng?
And what's even more frightening is that Lin Huang killed the latter with a single blow.

How is this possible?
Thinking of this, the disciples of the major forces in the building stared at Lin Huang, with strong doubts in their eyes and a trace of inexplicable fear.

Lin Huang looked at Qi Hao who had fallen to the ground, wiped away the blood on the Suppressing Demon Knife, then looked up at Qi Yunlie who was not far away, with an innocent smile on his face, and said:
"You need to pay a price to dismount!"

Qi Yunlie's face was frozen, and he stared at Lin Huang with a cold expression, with a hint of shock in his heart.He didn't expect that Lin Huang could cross the gap between realms and kill Tianyuan with the earth element.

Moreover, it turned out to be a one-shot kill.

Thinking of this, Qi Yunlie raised a trace of guard against Lin Huang for no reason, and he also had a strong murderous intent.

Originally, he wanted to give Piaoxue Palace a bad start, but he never thought that Lin Huang would kill Qi Hao with a single blow, but Feng Yulou himself was ashamed.

"Who else wants to challenge me?"

Lin Huang looked around at the disciples of Tianlei Sect and Fengyulou, with a gentle smile on his face.However, in the eyes of everyone, this gentle smile is chilling.

Under this harmless smile, no one knows what kind of murderous intent is hidden.

The disciples of Fengyulou and Tianleizong were silent, and Han Feng of Tianleizong was silent.He and Qi Hao are both one of the Twelve Tigers, and their strength is comparable.

And Qi Hao was killed by Lin Huang in a single blow, so he didn't dare to force his way out.

Then, everyone turned their attention to Qi Yunlie.

Although Lin Huang was able to kill the Tianyuan Realm, Qi Hao had only just entered the Tianyuan Realm, so how could he stand shoulder to shoulder with Qi Yunlie.

You must know that Qi Yunlie is one of the seven stars, and his strength may be two points stronger than Xie Qinghou. No matter how powerful Lin Huang is, it is impossible for him to compete with Qi Yunlie.

Qi Yunlie looked at Lin Huang's smiling eyes, thought for a while, and then walked out slowly, with a cold smile in his eyes:
"Since you are looking for death yourself, don't blame me for bullying you with your realm! I want to see how killing Qi Hao will give you such confidence and dare to compete with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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