
Chapter 1990

Listening to Qin Changsheng's words, Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

He fluttered his big sleeves and flew directly into the air.

once Upon a time.

He is just a young boy in the Great Xia Dynasty.

The goal is to kill Liu Cangsheng.

How did he ever think that he would be connected with the word "God" now.

The world.



human race.

The body of the god above the Tianmen is like thousands of stars scattered around, giving people a sense of ancient mystery and unstoppable majesty.

The Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty.

But at this moment, outside the Tianmen, Lin Huang vomited blood, staining his white clothes red.

Qin Changsheng even thought about whether he should take this opportunity to kill Lin Huang.

He can already see the leopard.

"The realm of the gods may be nothing more than that!"

And at this moment...

Whether it is the Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty or the gods of the human race.

He was affected by the vortex teleportation from the previous ancestral mountain, and the vitality in his body was in chaos, and he was just suppressed.

His eyes were stunned.

Qin Changsheng's complexion changed.

Immediately, Lin Huang circulated Taoism all over his body, dragging the Tianmen between his eyebrows out little by little.


I thought the mountains and rivers were dancing.

Then he shook his head.


Because behind Qin Changsheng, there is a gate of heaven.


Although Xiao Yishan is now only in the Sky Continent, in the history of the human race, Xiao Yishan's existence has already been engraved in the long river of time.

And Lin Huang is the pride of the human race.

At this moment, the mountains and rivers are shaking.

What kind of natural disaster is my little junior brother?

It's not quite up yet.

He wasn't flying towards Qin Changsheng.

One by one, the runes manifested like Kedu, full of mystery and ancient atmosphere.

He didn't care about other things, and flew towards Lin Huang directly. At this moment, it was no longer a matter of interrupting Lin Huang, but if he didn't leave, maybe the two of them would die here.

If you speculate like this... that would be terrible.


Before Qin Changsheng got close to Lin Huang, Lin Huang hissed and roared, and with the last bit of strength, he dragged a gate of heaven completely out.

In fact, he didn't believe in Lin Huang, but Xiao Yishan.

In the ear, the roar of the gods and the sound of fighting and fighting sounded.

Qin Changsheng frowned suddenly. Although he only awakened part of his memory, he also judged where he was in an instant.

The emperor stepped into the heavenly gate of the gods...

The mountain is the ancestral mountain!


On the gate of Tiantian, there are engraved figures of gods with golden dharma bodies. They look down upon the past and present, and they have the power to cover the sky.

and so……

Qin Changsheng laughed loudly. With his hands behind his back and a black robe, he had a detached attitude pointing to the past and the present.

At this moment, he spent almost all his energy to drag the Tianmen halfway out.

In Taixu in the distance, when Qin Zheng was fighting, he still did not forget to glance back and saw Qin Changsheng at a glance.

He really resembles Qin Zheng too much, and the gods of the human race must be able to spot the clue at a glance.

Not only Qin Zheng paid attention to Tianmen, but all the creatures on the battlefield paid attention to Tianmen.

Such a change made him unpredictable and incomprehensible.

This doesn't make sense.

He is the teacher of the god king.


With a swipe of his brows, he took in the distant battle in his heart.

It seems that the ancient migration has taken place over the years.

"Little brother... let me take a good look at your two heavenly gates, how are they!"

"how so……"

After all... this is the ancestral mountain of the human race.

If it is obtained...even a strong person who has stepped into the realm of gods may have the opportunity to leap into the dragon's gate.


A heavenly gate that is as high as ten thousand feet high and that is as impressive as ever.

Breaking ground in darkness!

He is unmatched!
"Little brother, do you want to change the place?"

It was just that a mountain stood up, and it directly hit Qin Changsheng and Lin Huang.

He was sweating profusely, dragging the Tianmen out bit by bit, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he used all his energy.

It is like a sleeping ancient dragon, motionless and will not open its eyes easily.

"Qin Zheng..."

Zushen Mountain was still roaring, and even the entire mountain began to manifest its real body.

Like Qin Changsheng before, Lin Huang's fingertips had a golden color.

In the vast universe, the Ancestral God Mountain remains the same.

Qin Changsheng was taken aback by this thought.


Today, he is a god.

Or the strong of all races or the black king.

Absolutely impossible!
The Ancestral God Mountain is an existence that even the gods of the six realms cannot shake!Lin Huang is only a god conferred by the great emperor today, so how could it cause the Ancestral God Mountain to tremble.

But the human world didn't know about Qin Changsheng's existence.

A whirlwind.

The moment the mountain came into contact with the two, the power of the mysterious vortex suddenly rippled.

Lin Huang shook his head.

Then, he stabbed his eyes!Suddenly escaped from the battle with the Black King, and flew towards Qin Changsheng.

His big sleeves fluttered, and his whole body was like an exiled immortal in the sky. When he waved his sleeves, the light gathered around him, dazzling and dazzling.

How to drive out the forest wasteland.

But under the Ancestral God Mountain, it is extremely small.

Qin Zheng.

Chi Tianzun.

If the appearance of Lin Huang can really cause changes in Zushen Mountain, then Zushen Mountain should be close to Lin Huang.

Suddenly, Qin Changsheng frowned.

In the next moment, runes began to jump between Lin Huang's eyebrows.

Although it was puzzling, he still believed in Lin Huang.

When the Ancestral God Mountain lying in the universe stood up, it was an existence of coercion through the ages.

Qin Changsheng frowned, looked up at the tall figure who was fighting with the Black King in the distance, and murmured in a low voice.

Afterwards, Qin Changsheng put on a mask.

Before Qin Changsheng had time to think and resist, he was swallowed by the power of the vortex, and even brought Lin Huang into it.


Qin Changsheng became very cautious at this moment.

However, at this moment, Zushen Mountain had already started to roar, and the sound that seemed to come from the wilderness made Qin Changsheng's eardrums ache.

This is impossible.

The strong of all races.

In an instant, Zu Shenshan stood up.

Do not……

If Zu Shenshan was really angry, he might just dig a hole and bury the two of them.

Qin Changsheng frowned, because he felt the smell of expulsion from Zushenshan's roar.

It was also pitch black all around.


Creatures in the dark abyss!

Qin Changsheng is such a bastard, he lied to himself again before.

Tianmen can be said to be a gift from the way of heaven.

Human gods.

Do not……

But at this moment, all of Lin Huang's mental strength is on the Tianmen between his eyebrows... It turns out that dragging the Tianmen out is not as easy and freehand as it seems.

"Little brother, there is something wrong with you!"

Qin Changsheng frowned.

When Qin Changsheng opened his eyes, the top of his head was pitch black.

Lin Huang is not a human being.

In the heavens and worlds, how many cards the gods rely on to move all directions come from the gate of heaven.

This is the temptation of splashing heaven.

At this moment, Lin Huang has no time to care about him.

It took only a few breaths for the Heavenly Gate to appear, and all the creatures on the battlefield were heading towards the ten thousand-foot Heavenly Gate.

"Shouldn't you be enshrining the gods in the Chaotic Ancestral Land or the Ancestral God Mountain? Why did you come here!"

In Qin Changsheng's mind, Qin Zheng's roar resounded.

He knew some secrets of the human race, so he deduced the land of the gods of Lin Huang and Qin Changsheng.

But he didn't expect such a change to disrupt his plan!

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