
Chapter 1992 Guard

Chapter 1992 Guard
Above the sky, Lin Huang looked down at Qin Changsheng who was wearing a mask below.

Even though he couldn't see any expression of the latter at the moment, Qin Changsheng's straight figure made Lin Huang understand his seriousness.

Lin Huang didn't hesitate at all, when the sleeves were rolled up, the Heavenly Gate engraved with tens of thousands of gods was absorbed into his body.

In the next moment, bloody runes flowed between Lin Huang's brows again.

Ancient runes.

Originally, the powerhouses of the ten thousand races were still a little disappointed. The Tianmen was taken back, and they could only gain something by controlling the forest waste.

But now, between his brows, a second gate of heaven is about to appear.

They still have a chance!
At the same time, they were also shocked in their hearts. The rumors were indeed true. When the warrior emperor Nine Nirvana, an additional heavenly gate would be born in his body.

This is a gift from heaven.

It is also Tianjiao's big trump card in the world.

While the gods of all races were thinking about it, they were not soft on their hands, but became more and more crazy.Thousands of rules were compiled into a long spear that wiped out the world, and headed towards the defensive formation of the Eighteen Cavalry of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Above Taixu, Chi Tianzun has joined hands with several black kings to suppress Qin Zheng.

As long as the Qin government is suppressed in a short period of time, the Eighteen Horsemen of the Qin Dynasty and the gods of the human race are no longer important.

Tianmen is at your fingertips, and the arrogance of the human race must die!
Inside the guardian formation, Qin Changsheng turned around. Wearing a cold mask, he turned his head and swept across the gods of all races. The cold light on the mask was still strong.

"Qin Yi, please join the little Zhu Xian formation!"

Qin Changsheng spoke.

Above the sky, the leader of the Great Qin Eighteen Cavalry looked tense, looking at the world-shattering spear that came with countless rules, he was also a little worried.

However, at this moment, a young voice sounded in his mind.

He has his own name, but...he can also be called Qin Yi.

"My words represent Qin Zheng's meaning!"

Qin Changsheng spoke in a low voice, with a cold light on his mask. Although his voice was cold, there was an undeniable domineering air.

Xiaozhuxian Formation, one of the protective formations of the human race.

Once this array appears, it means that there is a huge gap in the defense system of the original world of the human race.

Ordinary gods dare not make such a decision at all.

Even if Qin Changsheng's words made Qin Yi feel at ease, he didn't dare to choose to believe so rashly.

"Qin Zheng!"

Qin Changsheng raised his head and glanced at Qin Zheng who was trapped in the sky.

In the mighty sky, Qin Zheng's body is surrounded by thousands of laws and robbing lights, resisting the power of rules of several powerful men.

It can be said that there is no time to be distracted.

But he still waved his sleeves!
In an instant, a battle flag pierced through the void, and instantly passed through the gap in the formation opened by Qin Shibaqi, and appeared in front of Qin Changsheng.

"Next time, those who disobey the order, beheaded!"

Qin Changsheng's black clothes flew up, and he rose into the air, waving the Great Qin War Flag in his hand.

"Eighteen Cavalry, invite me to the Human Race Little Zhuxian Formation!"

Qin Yihao opened his mouth and formed seals with his hands at the same time, behind him appeared a huge dharma body of the gods.

Behind the Eighteen Riders of the Great Qin Dynasty, all gods appeared, and they summoned the small Zhuxian Formation of the human race.

Faced with the deeds of the human race, the gods of all races are not stupid, and long spears condensed by thousands of rules continue to emerge, killing Qin Shibaqi's formation.





The big formation roared, making a sound that worried the gods of the people.

Once the formation is broken, it will be difficult to stop the gods of all races.

"The gods of the human race, use me as the eye of the formation, and set up the Xuanwu formation in all phenomena!"

Qin Changsheng's voice sounded heaven and earth, falling in the ears of every human god.

"The Vientiane Black Tortoise Formation?"

The human gods were shocked. The Vientiane Xuanwu Formation was different from other formations. When there were not enough people, except for the eyes of the formation, the others could only defend passively. It was impossible to attack actively while defending.

Moreover, once this array is deployed, all the gods will be prosperous and all will be destroyed!
However, even though they were shocked in their hearts, they were under Qin Changsheng's Great Qin Battle Banner, and their figures intersected like streams of light, dividing the sky, and began to set up the myriad basalt formations.

"Lin only have one stick of incense time this time! You can't succeed with one stick of incense, I will kill you personally!"

Qin Changsheng turned his head and stared at Lin Huang indifferently.


Lin Huang responded firmly to Qin Changsheng.

At this moment, the heavenly gate between his eyebrows has been dragged half way out, shining brilliantly, not weaker than the previous heavenly gate.

Suddenly, Lin Huang roared angrily, and Tianmen was completely dragged out by him.

That is a blood-colored gate of heaven...

Do not!
Like the heavenly gate from hell.

It is engraved with ancient Buddhas, but the appearance of those Buddhas is extremely miserable, with broken arms and headless people everywhere.

Between the heavens and the earth, there is the sound of Buddha crying almost like a devil, and what the gods feel is not compassion, but a deep-seated fear.

"Hehehe... If you succeed in becoming a god today, your blood will surely stain my Linhuang battle clothes!"

Lin Huang turned around and laughed almost madly, staring at the gods of all races like a wolf.

he knows……

The Little Zhu Xian Formation is not easy!
He knew that Qin Zheng was at stake right now.

He knew that the Great Qin Eighteen Cavalry could be destroyed at any time.

He knew... everyone appeared because of him!
Even if it is a pawn in Qin Zheng's hands, so what!
He is willing to fight for the human race!

Under the bloody Tianmen, Lin Huang's sleeves rolled up, and a body of soul suddenly stepped out of his body...

One step into the gate of heaven!

A dark world, a bewildered void, and a brutal war.

There is no turning back.

The gods of all races have also seen the horror of Lin Huang, at least in the future... maybe he can really surpass Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng.

Therefore, this child must die.

Tianmen must be obtained!

The gods of all races roared, and once again intensified their efforts to attack the defensive formation of the Eighteen Cavalry of the Great Qin Dynasty.

However, within dozens of breaths, the Great Qin Eighteen Cavalry began to vomit blood one after another.

After all, there are only eighteen of them, and they can only defend passively now.

But they understand...

The masked god gave Lin Huang time for a stick of incense, which also meant that they had to persist for a stick of incense!

Because, the Little Zhuxian Formation needs a stick of incense to get here.

It also takes a stick of incense time for the human gods to form the Vientiane Xuanwu!
This time may be the key to the human race's ability to reverse the crisis.

Everything fell on the body of Daqin Eighteen Cavalry.

The world...has been disrupted by the rules.

Thousands of gods attack according to the law, like wind and rain beating on the defensive formation.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound in the defensive formation.

A crack appeared.

Qin Shibaqi's leader's complexion changed drastically, and then he roared: "Blood against blood!"

In an instant, the eighteen gods wearing battle armor and stepping on the ancient dragon of Taixu were surrounded by blood and energy. They repaired the cracks by cutting the foundation with retrograde energy and blood.

However, the speed of the gods is comparable to the light of the sun and the moon.

Still, five alien gods pierced through the crack and entered the defensive formation.

In an instant, Qin Changsheng grabbed the flag and stood up, transformed himself into a Dharma body, and came out from the suppression.

Still in an instant, the five gods burst into a sea of ​​blood!
Qin Changsheng instantly killed the five gods...

(End of this chapter)

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