
Chapter 2106 Building Defenses

Faced with such a result, Situ Huangfen and Li Chunfeng were helpless.

Even with the cultivation base of a great emperor, he still can't bear the power contained in the blood of a god.

Li Chunfeng looked at his gradually growing palm, and then glanced at Li Chunfeng again, "You can bear the power of blood and blood in the spear of the sun, maybe you can try the blood of this monster!"

Li Chunfeng glanced at Lu Han, as if looking at a fool.

He is not stupid.

"Let's try Lin Huang!"

On the side of Situ Huang's grave.

Lu Han immediately made a move and stopped Situ Huangfen. These two people are simply lawless now.

Situ Huangfen directly lifted Li Chunfeng up, "This is a way to save his life, you know a hammer!"

As he said that, Situ Huang's tomb picked up a drop of blood with his spear, and it dripped on Lin Huang's broken body.

puff puff...

Gradually, white smoke rose from Lin Huang's palm.

His physical body was also corrupted.

However, the speed was relatively slow. It took a quarter of an hour before Lin Huang's skin was completely corroded.

According to this speed, Lin Huang's body can still stay in the blood of the monster for a while.

A smile appeared on Lu Han's face, and his hanging heart finally let go a lot.

If people from the Sky Spirit Clan really appeared, Lin Huang could at least hide in the blood of monsters for a while.

After all, Li Chunfeng couldn't help but tried it, but the bones were exposed in the palm of his hand.

He gave Lu Han and Situ Huangfen a hard look.

"This guy has a way out, what about us?"

Lu Han turned his head to look at Situ Huang's tomb.

The latter frowned.

"Try to use the power of the treasure to hide in the blood!"

Situ Huang said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Chunfeng had already stained an ancient lamp with blood, and it didn't take long for the ancient lamp to melt.

Situ Huangfen and Lu Han stared blankly.

It seems that the blood of this monster is more corrosive than human race, just like some poison.

This kind of power is irresistible to the emperor.

The gods can persist in it for a while.

"Lin Huang's flesh and blood are now reorganized. If he is thrown into the blood vessels and drifts with the tide, do you think the power contained in the monster's blood will erode his body and cause him to undergo unpredictable changes?"

Lu Han asked.

"Of course it is possible, but sometimes there is no perfect solution, we can only make choices!"

Situ Huang said softly.

"If people from the Sky Spirit Clan come in, just hide... If it doesn't work, just annihilate yourself and put the bet on Lin Huang to see if he can resurrect us!"

Situ Huangfen continued.


Lu Han and Li Chunfeng spoke at the same time. At this moment, they were surprisingly unanimous.

"Never give up!"

Li Chunfeng said in a daze.

Lu Han lowered his figure, "At least, we must know how far we are from the Sky Spirit Race!"

Situ Huang was silent.

"It's fine if you want to die, don't use your strength to crush me!"

Situ Huangfen sneered and looked at the two of them mockingly.

"What are we going to do now?"

Li Chunfeng said idly at the side.

Lu Han turned his head to look at Situ Huang's tomb.

"Build defenses!"

Situ Huangfen said coldly, "Do you still remember the black qi of the lesion before? We were porters and moved the lesion to the throat of the monster to form a defense..."


Li Chunfeng frowned.

"Whose bones are used?"

Lu Han is very good at grasping the key points. If he wants to move the focus of the monster, he needs a load.Lin Huang's divine body is not affected by ordinary lesions.

Therefore, the limbs of the three of them can only be used to infect the lesion, and then accumulate in the throat of the monster to infect it!

"Fair realm, one arm per person, it can grow anyway!"

Situ Huang's tomb can be said to be leveled in a bowl of water.

"My arm bones are still..."

Just as Li Chunfeng was about to speak, he turned his head and found that his previous arm had become a puddle of blood!
"Situ Huangfen, you have three bodies, why don't you do more?"

Lu Han began to engage in infighting with Situ Huangfen.

"What do you say?"

Situ Huang's grave left Lu Han with a cold and contemptuous smile.

"Go ahead, remember to chop your hands first!"

Situ Huangfen left first to look for the lesion of the monster beast.

"What a perverted idea!"

Lu Han looked at the back of Situ Huangfen leaving, shook his head, and then left.

Li Chunfeng remained motionless.

He crouched down.

Looking at the forest waste on the ground.

He's not stupid, he even chops his hands.Why do I have to do what you Situ Huang said?


"Li Chunfeng, that brat, this time he's a chicken thief!"

At the throat of the monster, Li Chunfeng put one arm and one thigh on the ground, then sat down, opened the empty sleeves and trouser legs, and watched the recovery of his physical body.

Situ Huangfen was relatively fast, his left arm was almost fully recovered, and his right leg had grown back to the knee.

However, the latter's face was pale, and there was a hint of blackness between his brows. Obviously, the process just now had some impact on him.

The two people stacked the limbs polluted by the black air together, mixing the lesions, hoping to make the monster's throat sick.

Once the disease appeared, there was a desire to block the Sky Spirit Race from entering it.


It is common for monsters to get sick, and it will not expose the two of them.

"How about we go and dismantle Li Chunfeng's limbs?"

Lu Han suddenly opened his mouth. He pointed to the limbs beside him and said: "The fusion of these pathological black qi seems to have produced a stronger aggressiveness. If some diseases are mixed together, it may develop a power that even the gods are afraid of."

"That's fine, this kid doesn't work, he should be taught a lesson!"

Situ Huang's tomb, who had recovered most of it, stood up and started walking towards Li Chunfeng's place.

Soon, a great battle broke out in the space of the monster's lungs.

Situ Huangfen's leg that had just grown together was cut off again by Li Chunfeng's sword.

Of course, Li Chunfeng directly paid the price for his two legs!
Situ snorted twice, picked up the three legs on the ground, and began to collect more sick black energy from the monster's body.

Li Chunfeng curled his lips and continued to guard Lin Huang.

"Can you build a few more defenses?"

When Situ Huangfen put down the three pitch-black thighs, Lu Han continued to ask.

"It's hard!"

Situ Huangfen shook his head, "Gods possess real power, and many layouts are ineffective against gods!"

"In this way, the black air can't be stopped!"

Lu Han regretted.

"It can have some influence is some..."

"Why do I feel wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, some uneasiness!"

"Don't worry about it!"

Situ Huangfen lowered his voice, but spoke in an unusually calm and steady manner, "Look for yourself..."

Lu Han looked at Situ Huangfen's fingers.

Immediately took a breath.

In the space of the huge mouth, more than 30 figures flashed, coming quickly, the breath was like the sea hitting the sky!

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