
Chapter 2109

The empty world.

Full of vastness.

Also full of depression and loneliness.

Li Chunfeng drank the wine in sips, his eyes gradually became firmer.

Behind him is Lin Huang.

In front of him, there may be people from the Sky Spirit Race.

One Lu Han plus three Situ Huang tombs does not necessarily make the Tianling Clan give up their investigation here.

And if Lu Han and Situ Huangfen can create any opportunities, he hopes, but he doesn't hold out hope.

Next, there is only a fight to the death.

It's a pity... there is not even a tombstone, and he is about to die in the stomach of a monster.

Li Chunfeng stroked the mahogany sword in his hand, and suddenly he laughed.

He is the same as before.

But there are some memories of when they were in Baizhan City.

I still remember the words in front of the restaurant...

Tao Li Chunfeng has a glass of wine, the lights of the rivers and lakes night rain for ten years.

Li Chunfeng took another two gulps, and then sprayed it on the mahogany sword.


time flies.

Li Chunfeng just stroked the mahogany sword in his hand quietly.

Suddenly, his ears moved.

He looked at the dark place behind him.

In the distance, there are several white dots approaching quickly.


With a roar, Li Chunfeng dragged Lin Huang's body, and rushed into the diseased place of the monster behind him. Holding a blood-stained spear, he inserted all his strength into the blood vessel of the monster from the lesion, and then threw Lin Huang in. .

"Brother, I'm going to perform!"

Li Chunfeng roared with red eyes, and then rushed out of the black mist with the mahogany sword in one hand, heading towards the white spot in the void.

Those are not white spots, but people from the Sky Spirit Tribe.


Two Great Emperors, one Divine Realm!

At this moment, Li Chunfeng's whole body was polluted by the diseased black air. He looked crazy, and the breath in his body surged crazily.

The mahogany sword in his hand glowed with a bright sword light, cutting across the void, and with only a roar, a crack was opened in the void.

Li Chunfeng's body was like thunder, and he was about to leave this space directly along the crack.

The two great emperors of the Heavenly Spirit Clan couldn't react in time, and they were even more afraid of the power of the mahogany sword, so they avoided it directly.

But that god looked indifferent and pressed down with a palm.


Li Chunfeng crossed half of the crack, but was directly cut off.

The god leisurely slapped it again, and the voice of the soul resounded throughout the space, "Human ants, heh..."

Li Chunfeng's eyes were blood-red, and at this moment, his killing intent was shocking, and breaths surged out of his body, causing the four directions to gather wind and clouds out of thin air.

He retrogrades his qi and blood, burns his origin, and forcibly steps into the realm of the great emperor.

Take another step on the Great Emperor Realm and approach the demigod!

"Under the gods, they are all ants!"

The god was not afraid, and the force of the falling palm was even stronger.

The coercion was overwhelming, and before the palm of his hand touched Li Chunfeng, he spit blood from his mouth and sprayed the sky.


The blood fell into the void, but turned into little peach blossoms...

The sky is full of emptiness, and the peach forest is young.

Li Chunfeng was shrouded in divine light, his expression was dull, but his eyes were firm, "I can only show you the Tibetan swordsmanship that our human race once propagated to its peak!"

In the next instant, a hundred thousand brilliance erupted from Li Chunfeng's body.

A sword came out of his body.

It was a peach blossom branch.

"If I were the Qing Emperor in his age..."

Li Chunfeng's eyes were shining with white light. He had already lost his wits, but his strength became stronger and stronger.

Accompanied by his voice, the peach blossom branch swayed and glowed in the void.

"Report to bloom in the peach blossom!"

Li Chunfeng roared.


His body turned into a sea of ​​peach blossoms.

That section of peach blossom branch suddenly took root, and in the blink of an eye, it became a giant tree reaching the sky, and thousands of peach blossoms flew back to the giant peach blossom tree.

A thought blooms!

An illusory figure emerged from the giant tree whose branches and leaves spread throughout the space.

Dressed in Tsing Yi.

Look soft.

A sword in hand.

Fly out.


Thousands of sword qi cut across the void.

The mighty palm of the gods shattered directly.

In the distance, the two Great Emperors of the Heavenly Spirit Race were cut into fine powder by thousands of peach leaves.

Even for that god, the facial lines are full of surprise... and then fear...

The vast sword intent pierced through his physical body.

He is a god!

It cannot be killed by the emperor.

But... his divine power is being wiped out.


A pile of minced meat from the god fell from the sky, and then began to fuse and condense rapidly.

And the towering peach tree suddenly rose from the ground, turned into Li Chunfeng, and flew towards the exit of the space until it disappeared.

Behind him, the Spirit Race god whimpered and cursed, and the moment his body was condensed, he chased him out.

He's crazy.

He was seriously injured by a great emperor, and he fell into a demigod.


That's not even a great emperor, but a forced entry into the realm of a great emperor.

This is not reasonable.

He's going to tear that little human thief into pieces!


The monster is silent.

The space is silent.

No one knows what kind of killings are happening in that monster space.

Lu Han may be dead.

Situ Huangfen may also be dead.

Li Chunfeng...

Forcibly entering the Great Emperor's Realm, retrograde Qi and blood, and used two methods, which are undoubtedly the art of offering sacrifices to Taoism.

He didn't have to be chased and killed by the spirit race gods that day, and he would die soon.

Otherwise... that Emperor Tianshu should have died under Li Chunfeng's sword long ago...


Li Chunfeng still made a mistake.

In just a few breaths, the god turned back and went straight to the lesion surrounded by black air.

He did not succeed in luring away the people from the Sky Spirit Race.

The wounded god coughed and entered the thick black mist...

Not long after, the man came out.

Facial lines and shadows.

While leaping, he chased after Li Chunfeng again!


At this moment, the bloody clothes appeared above the space.

Li Chunfeng actually came back, he was as fast as lightning, and the timing of his appearance surprised the gods of the Tianling tribe.

Before he could react, he was stabbed into the chest and abdomen by Li Chunfeng, and then hugged by Li Chunfeng, he slammed his head into the diseased ground again.

"I don't believe that gods are physically invincible, and gods are also divided into levels. I don't believe that you won't be polluted if you stay here for a long time!"

Li Chunfeng vomited blood and roared.

That day, the facial expressions of the spirit clan gods changed slightly, and they suddenly tried to leave this place with force.

Li Chunfeng did not back down at all, and bit the god's arm brutally... He had already been polluted by black air.

In this way, the gods may be polluted faster.

That day, the gods of the Spirit Race really condensed their facial lines, and their shoulders shook, causing them to cut off their own arms.

At the same time, Li Chunfeng was directly kicked by the god, tearing his body.

He laughed loudly, and his whole body was contaminated by lesions, gradually turning black.However, he smiled brightly.

"Brother, today I want the emperor to kill the gods, just watch!"

Li Chunfeng staggered to his feet.


Li Chunfeng vomited blood and provoked the god, "Are you gods all amazing? You look like a goddamn god!"

"I have been in martial arts for many years, but I only practiced one move!"

"But it hasn't been used for a long time!"

"You have to be careful, I have practiced this sword thousands of times, it is even better than my hidden sword technique!"

"The person who killed you is called Li Chunfeng! The Li Chunfeng of Tao Li Chunfeng!"

next moment.

The mahogany sword is suspended in the void.

Li Chunfeng has disappeared.

The move of martyrdom.

Sacrifice swords with people!

Man and sword unite!

A sword.

...crack the sky.

Instantly penetrate the broken body of the gods of the Sky Spirit Race.


The gods of the Sky Spirit Clan collapsed.

The mahogany sword also broke at the sound, and was quickly polluted by the black air...rotten...until it turned into dust!

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