
Chapter 2111 The Great Desolate Ancient God Falcon

Hearing what Situ Huang said, Lin Huang raised his eyebrows.

However, he still took Situ Huang's tomb and leaped in the monster's body, looking for Lu Han's figure.

"In the head of the monster, there is a restriction planted by the Sky Spirit Race, even people from the Sky Spirit Race cannot enter!"

"This kind of monster is called the Ancient God Falcon!"

Lin Huang turned to look at the latter, "It seems that he knows a lot!"

"These are what I heard in white clothes, they are the gossip of the Tianling people!"

"now what?"

Lin Huang opened his mouth and said, he believed that with the degree of one breath, even if Situ in white was separated from him by a world, he could still sense Situ in white's message.

"Naturally, he was arrested, and it seems that there will be a public trial!"

Lin Huang frowned, "Just you? Are you going to be tried publicly?"

Situ Huangfen's face darkened, and he felt insulted.

"It seems that the Tianling clan is not at peace. There are many foreign races mixed in, and the public trial of me is probably just a warning to the monkeys!"

"It's not bad that the emperor can make a chicken!"

Lin Huang continued.

Situ Huang's face turned even darker.

"Among the Celestial Clan, there seems to be Yehou from our human race, hiding in the upper echelons!"

Situ Huangfen released a big news.

"You know all this?"

Lin Huang was a little surprised.

A prisoner of Situ Huang's tomb unexpectedly knew such a secret.

"This is not a secret among the Tianling clan. It's just that the Tianling clan has no way to tell who is the Yehou of the human race!"

Lin Huang frowned.

"It seems that the Tianling clan is also in a state of division, and there may be Yehou of other races! If there are more such existences, they will definitely not go all out to investigate!"

Forest Road.


Situ Huang's grave is also unclear.

"However, in this way, the act of the Heavenly Spirit Clan coming to wipe out the Sky Continent may no longer be a secret. It's just that the other big clans are not interested, so it didn't attract too much movement. After all, it's just a small world of the Human Race!"

Lin Huang began to analyze on his own.

"Can you find Lord Yehou from the human race?"

Lin Huang asked.

"I'm just a prisoner!"

Situ Huang said with a cold face.

Lin Huang spread his hands, a little helpless.To be able to become a high-ranking person in the Sky Spirit Clan, then what is planned must not be a trivial matter.

For an existence like Situ Huangfen, I am afraid that there is no way to attract the latter's attention.

Not to mention that the latter can save Situ Huang's grave.

"You lack two physical bodies, how long will it take to recover!"

As soon as Lin Huang said this, he was not going to save the grave of Situ Huang in white.Anyway, Situ Huangfen did not die.

Situ Huangfen also understood this truth.

"Using one breath to transform the three cleans is not a simple avatar, it involves the root of my way, and I will definitely fall into the quasi-emperor!"

Situ Huang said to the grave, "As for rebuilding it, I'm afraid it will be possible one day to break through and step into the realm of gods!"

"It seems that your white clone is quite important!"

Forest Road.

"Is there any more news about the Ancient God Falcon?"

Lin Huang asked.

Situ Huangfen shook his head, "I'm still learning the language of the Celestial Clan, so I don't know much, but I can vaguely sense that this ancient god falcon is not dead yet!"

Lin Huang suddenly became interested.

"You mean to say that even though the soul of the Ancient God Falcon was sealed by the ban, it still exists?"

Situ Huangfen nodded.

"It seems that the people of the Tianling tribe will strengthen the restriction every thousand years. Maybe this ancient god falcon has a strong self-awareness!"

Speaking of this, Situ Huang's grave was a little discouraged, "But the restriction is too strong, we can't break it!"

"There may be no way!"

Lin Huang said.

Situ Huangfen turned to look at Lin Huang.

"Follow the blood vessels of the ancient god falcon and enter its brain. Maybe this way can bypass the restriction!"

Lin Huang thought about it.

"Can you enter your soul world through your blood vessels?"

Situ Huang looked at Lin Huang.

Lin Huang was embarrassed.

"You have to try it, don't you... The brain itself is the foundation for constructing the world of spirits and souls. If you really can't get in, smash your head, and the Taihuang Ancient God Falcon will be completely useless!"

Lin Huang said forcefully.

Situ Huangfen nodded, thinking it made sense.

"Then you go now?"

Situ Huang's grave.

"Find Lu Han first!"

Lin Huang managed to distinguish between priorities.

"I'll go find him, you try to enter the latter's brain!"

Situ Huang's grave.

Lin Huang nodded, and patted the latter's shoulder, "If the soul of the Taihuang Ancient God Falcon is really immortal, Chunfeng or Lu Han, even if they die, they still have a glimmer of life. Their karma still remains in the monster's body !"

"It's okay, I don't care about them, as long as my body in black can come back to life!"

Situ Huang was serious and ruthless.

"Oh, right……"

Situ Huangfen suddenly spoke.

"All the exits of the monsters should have been blocked by the Sky Spirit Clan, and restrictions have also been placed outside, so if we want to go out, it must be a problem!"

Lin Huang shook his hand, indicating that he knew, and then disappeared.


Lin Huang once again entered the blood vessel and swam along the torrential river of blood.

He closed his eyes, and the space structure diagram of the monster appeared in his mind, and then he could deduce his approximate position according to his own trajectory.

The blood vessels of monsters are like rivers on the mountains and continents, with thousands of tributaries, but mighty and mighty.

The river of blood is galloping at the speed of a thousand miles.

If this were to be placed in the Sky Continent, it would be a catastrophe.

Even if Lin Huang is a god, he has to sigh for it at this moment, but in the eyes of the monster, the seemingly ordinary energy and blood circulation, the power exuded may be a disaster for the whole family.

He shuttled through countless tributaries, moving himself step by step towards the brain space of the monster.


Lin Huang was stunned.

He didn't even feel the existence of the restriction at all.

He was very sure that he had entered the brain space of the monster.

And he was still running in the blood river in his brain.

But at what point, he couldn't tell.After all, the brain of the ancient god falcon is not the same as that of the human race.

A knife rolled up the long river and churned.

A gap suddenly appeared on the long river.

Lin Huang jumped out of the bloody river and appeared in the brain of the monster. His spirit spread slightly, and he could clearly feel the restriction of the space he was in at the moment.

Extremely tyrannical prohibition.

It didn't lock the flesh and blood of the ancient god falcon, but locked the latter's soul.


Not only is it locked, but its consciousness can be manipulated.

Lin Huang looked up, only to find that in the entire brain space, there were countless mountain ranges across the void, shining with the light of thunder and lightning.

A series of ancient breaths are entangled, permeating the whole world, making people feel like in the ancient years, the gods and birds roamed the world and killed the powerful men of the heavens.


That breath is ancient.

Do not……

is corrupt.

In the mighty light of thunder and lightning, there was a hint of grayness.

Countless cracks appeared on the huge mountain that stretched across the void.

It seems that everything has decayed.

Coming to the end of life. (end of this chapter)

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