
Chapter 2118 The Great War


Seeing Luo Motian's angry look, Lin Huang said firmly: "Absolutely impossible!"

"What I am looking for is a strong man who can walk side by side with me and conquer all races in the world. How could it be a mount!"

Lin Huang spoke with certainty.

"You human race, you really have [-] minds!"

Luo Motian seems to have an indelible memory, so he doesn't believe a word of what Lin Huang said.

"The ancient god falcon of the wilderness, does not associate with any race!"

Luo Motian looked at Lin Huang and spoke admonishingly.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, then nodded.

It seems that those small thoughts in my heart are impossible.

"Unless you can stand at the pinnacle of the heavens and all races!"

Ramon added.

Lin Huang waved his sleeves, as if he didn't care about Luo Motian's addition.

If he could really stand at the peak of all races, at that time, would he really think highly of an ancient god falcon?

If you can't share adversity, you can't share wealth!

Luo Motian seemed to see through Lin Huang's mind, and he didn't say anything. Lin Huang had Lin Huang's thoughts, and he also had his stand.

His ancient god falcon clan, which is too remote, is now withered, and he doesn't have the capital to gamble.

It is already not easy to continue in the heavens and all races.


In the void, the battle is endless.

The charge of the three ancient god falcons has already shattered the entire world of the Celestial Clan.Even though the Sky Spirit Clan still has many defensive formations.

However, the enemies they faced were three monsters with ancient blood.

If it hadn't been for the fact that Ramotian was seriously injured and imprisoned back then, with the abilities of the Sky Spirit Clan, they wouldn't have easily provoked such an ancient relic.

Outside the world, the most powerful spirit clan was seriously injured that day. He wanted to return for help many times, but was blocked again and again.

He wanted to catch Ramotian, who was fighting on the surface, but he was constantly intercepted.

He was furious, but was swollen like a pig's head.



Suddenly, the world of the Spirit Race suddenly shook that day.

Countless earths were cracked, and in the cracked abyss cracks, azure blue rays of light like stars swept out.

A series of light curtains reached the sky, stirring up the stars above the nine heavens.

A mysterious and powerful aura is sweeping out from under those cracks.

Ramon frowned suddenly.

"I didn't expect that the Sky Spirit Clan would have such a hole card!"

Ramotian spoke in a low voice, his expression becoming serious.

Lin Huang didn't know it, he could only feel that it was very powerful, which made him unbelievably powerful.

——Seven realms!
It must be the gods of the seven realms to have such a terrifying breath and power.

Lin Huang was terrified in his heart.

Unexpectedly, there are still seven gods in the spirit clan on this day.

There are seven realms sitting in town, no matter how they have a place among the heavens and ten thousand clans, and they are backed by the fate clan.With such a great prestige from your Heavenly Spirit Clan, there must be something wrong with your brain, so you will cross the world and annex the Sky Continent.

Lin Huang couldn't figure it out.

Fortunately, there were Ramotian and the Taihuang Ancient God Falcon clan, who played the hole card of the Tianling clan.


Before I wanted to use the Sky Continent to fight and kill the Sky Spirit Race, I'm afraid it was too far-fetched!
"Senior, how about we make another deal?"

Lin Huang said.

"I don't really like making deals with humans!"

Raman wasn't very interested.

"You will take advantage of it!"

"Then I won't do it!"

Ramon was very cautious.

"Would you like to listen first?"

"I don't listen to bastards chanting scriptures!"

"Help me kill all the gods above the five realms of the Tianling Clan, I, Lin Huang, owe you a big favor!"

Lin Huang showed extremely sincere eyes.

"You really don't want face, how much is your favor worth?"

Ramatian snorted coldly.

I didn't expect this brat to want to whore for nothing.

The human race is really shameless.

"Senior, you can let me go out now!"

"You want to die?"

"Not always!"

"It has nothing to do with me that you are looking for death!"

Ramotian shook his head, "Why, do you want to use the power of time to fight against the upper realm, so that this god can see your value? So as to help you kill all the five realms above?"

"But what you don't know is that I have never seen a god who practiced the Forbidden Art of Time step to the top!"

Luo Motian wanted to directly dispel the idea of ​​Lin Huang's performance.

"Don't you know if you try it?"

Lin Huang grinned.

"That's it!"

Luo Motian shook his head, he opened his mouth to spit out Lin Huang.

In an instant, Lin Huang headed towards the world of the Sky Spirit Clan like lightning.

Ramon narrowed his eyes.

Under the chaotic war between heaven and earth, the people of the Tianling clan didn't pay attention to the forest shortage at all.He arced across the sky and entered the broken world of the Celestial Race.

In the world, the breath of the seven realms is still recovering, as if it has been sleeping for too long.

And those three ancient god falcons were accelerating their destruction.

Their speed is not comparable to that of the gods of the same realm, and there are no three of them in the same realm in the Tianling tribe.

That day, the defense world of the Eldar clan collapsed, and those gods had no choice but to escape for their lives.


They couldn't even capture the figure of the ancient god falcon.

Under the chaos, Lin Huang drove straight in, holding the Tathagata magic knife, and directly killed a god of the four realms.

Ramotian's eyelids twitched.

On the broken mountains and rivers, the gods in the red clothes suddenly sensed the danger, and their bodies suddenly curled up and moved...

He was horrified and puzzled in his heart, how could I be targeted by the Taihuang Ancient God Falcon in a small four realm.

However, the breath is much weaker.

Before he had time to think too much, above the mountains and rivers, the Dafeng Qingtian Ancient Great Wall fell from the sky, directly blocking his way.

The gods of the four realms turned their heads, their eyes shrank sharply, and there was an instant murderous thunderbolt!
He wondered why human gods appeared.

But it is not important.

A first-level also wants to kill him four-level.

Wanting to fish in troubled waters is tantamount to courting death.

When he raised his hand, there was a large array covering the sky blocking Lin Huang's way.Then the gods of the four realms waved their sleeves calmly, and the stars flickered in the sky, and the corpses of gods descended from the sky, besieging and killing Lin Huang.

Those four realms were at the time of fleeing for their lives, and they didn't hold back at all, "The blood-colored curse fell from the sky, drowning in the forest!"

But at this moment, Lin Huang had already drawn his sword.

The magic knife is out of its sheath!

Heroes dominate the world.

Sorrows of the night!
The Sword of Dawn.

The sky and the earth are rising to the sun.

The heavens are forever!

Five sabers in a row traverse Taixu.




In all directions, there was a shocking sound.

Xiong Ba Tian Xia came out and smashed the defensive shield in front of Lin Huang.

The Sorrow of the Night came out again, cutting off the blood curse all over Lin Huang's body.

Immediately following the Sword of Dawn, it illuminated the mountains and rivers of the dead, just like the sun shining on the world of mortals, sweeping across the sky and covering the earth, directly imprisoning the corpses of the gods around them.

One more strike, the sky and the earth will rise to the sun!
All the corpses of the gods exploded.

With the last blow, the heavens are as long as the sky, like a white rainbow penetrating the sun, piercing through the void, and crushing the defenses of the gods of the four realms directly with one blow.

In an instant, Lin Huang followed closely behind Zhu Tian Changjue, approaching the gods of the four realms.

The face of the god of the four realms was shocked, but he calmed down instantly. After all, he was a god of the four realms, how could he be shaken by the first realm, and he would definitely die if he played his trump card.

However, at this moment, Lin Huang's scolding sound suddenly sounded, and he put the knife into its sheath, and took out an ancient tablet from his body as a sword:
"Eternal Spring and Autumn Hidden a Sword!"

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