
Chapter 2120

Chapter 2120

Listening to Luo Motian's words, Lin Huang smiled and nodded.

"Boy, if you come here, you are not from the original world of the human race, right?"

Ramotian suddenly said, "If you are really the proud son of the original world, you shouldn't be so ignorant of the heavens and worlds!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows.

"Why, does it have to be from the original world?"

Forest Road.

"It's better if it's not the original world... The human race is willing to spend money to shape the strong, so some arrogances are not very good, and they didn't grow up by fighting. If they grow up in the small world of the human race, they will have more gold!"

"The reason why the Tianling tribe crossed the heavens and worlds this time is to attack our small world!"

Lin Huang didn't have any hidden openings.

"No wonder... no wonder you appear here. It seems... that Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng are all fake?"

Ramon frowned slightly.

"Since you are out of trouble, you naturally know what happened during the time you were under control. It will be clear if you investigate and investigate!"

Lin Huang didn't explain it, and Ramotian's answer from other people's mouths would be more real.

"That is to say, you came here... to intercept the Sky Spirit Clan, and you came into my stomach. You must have had no good intentions at first?"

Luo Motian turned his head and stared at Lin Huang sharply.

"If it doesn't enter your brain, those small lesions in your body will be transferred by me continuously!"

Lin Huang was outspoken.

Ramotian snorted coldly, and didn't say anything. Among the heavens and all races, there is no goodwill for no reason at all.

Our Lady cannot survive.

"Although you are the pride of the human race, how could your small world send you out? You have good talent, but your real strength is still far behind when it comes to wrestling with the Tianling clan!"

Ramotian was a little puzzled. In his understanding, at least four or even five realms were required.Although Tianjiao needs experience, but this kind of narrow escape mode is a bit indulgent.

If it wasn't for a coincidence that he came here, it would be foolish to rely on Lin Huang alone to intercept the Tianling clan.

"I am the strongest!"

Lin Huang laughed.

Ramon was stunned.

"You are the strongest?"

"A big world, you can't be the only god, right?"

"It's all like this. You don't ask for help from the original world, but instead go deep alone? You don't have a brain problem, do you?"

Ramotian's face was full of disbelief.

In his understanding, even if he didn't ask for help, he should run away with his tail between his legs. This kid has a very clear mind.

"Isn't luck also part of strength?"

Lin Huang looked at Ramo and said, "There will always be a chance, as long as the business is done well, there may not be no chance!"

"You are really Biao!"

Luo Motian didn't bother to talk nonsense with Lin Huang, he just felt incredible in his heart, it's impossible to have Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng in front of him.

Now another one.

Hard to understand.

While the two were chatting, the entire broken Sky Spirit Clan was enveloped in a mysterious aura, and the stars shone brightly on the entire Taixu.

Luo Motian turned his head, "The one from the Sky Spirit Clan has fully recovered!"


Lin Huang asked.

"Among the heavens and all races, there are very few people who can become the gods of the Middle Realm. Don't think that you have seen a lot, so you just walk around like a strong man!"

"However, the Tianling Clan and the Fate Clan are inextricably linked. This person's strength... Even at my peak state, it is difficult to suppress him!"



On the world of the Sky Spirit Clan, thousands of divine lights condensed into a majestic figure, which towered into the sky, comparable in size to the Taihuang Ancient God Falcon.

The divine light disappeared, replaced by a stalwart figure.

The facial lines alone are as big as the Sky Continent.Mysterious light flows on the facial lines, giving birth to thousands of galaxy catalogs.

The condensed eyes are like two big suns, shining on the sky and the earth.

When he waved his sleeves, it caused the breath of the world to vibrate, and the void was unstable.

The staff in his hand, which looked like a giant pillar of the sky, shook into the sky, and in an instant, on the nine-day sky, there appeared hundreds of huge magic circles of gods.

In just half a breath, hundreds of divine lights exploded in the nine heavens, and corpses of gods emerged in the sky, forming an array in the void, full of ancient aura.

The coercion of the majestic breath made it difficult for Lin Huang to stand up, so he had to hide in Ramotian's body.

He was shocked.


This is what a race should have.

The hundreds of corpses of the gods lined up like an ancient army, each with five-level strength.

Too terrifying and powerful.





The Ancient Falcons of Taihuang roared. Seeing this, their fighting spirit became more and more intense, and blood-black rays of light radiated from their bodies, like long rivers dragging in the Taixu universe.

In the next moment, the four ancient god falcons of the Great Desolation fought towards the gods of the Heavenly Spirit Clan.

The aftermath shook and swept through Taixu, so that Ramatian, who had not yet recovered at this moment, had to retreat to avoid being affected.

Above the vast sky, gods are fighting, countless laws of the great way are intertwined and colliding, and every thought is the blood of the gods swaying the world.

"Boy, you owe me a big favor!"

Looking at the center of the battlefield, Ramotian sighed threateningly to those fellow clansmen who were quickly injured.

"Senior, this is expressing the block in his heart. It has something to do with me, but not much!"

Lin Huang snorted coldly twice.

Luo Motian shook his head, "Do you want me to take action personally... Although the foundation of the Sky Spirit Clan cannot be destroyed, it is not impossible for the Dead Clan to destroy the clan!"

"Need not!"

Lin Huang immediately shook his head, "You killed them all, how will my clan grow through experience?"

" don't understand! Among all the clans in the heavens, one person is really invincible and can destroy all clans. As long as you are strong enough, it doesn't matter if your clansmen are a bunch of trash? They need to grow and experience, so it can only mean that you are still invincible. Not strong enough, young need to find the reason more from yourself!"

In Ramotian's body, Lin Huang was dumbfounded when he heard the latter's words.

Well fucking makes sense.


Talking nonsense again.

"What the seniors said is true, so the alien race of the ancient gods in the wilderness is not considered withered. It is enough for a senior to lift up the world alone and fight ten thousand races!"

Lin Huang laughed.

Ramotian shook his head, "The road to the gods is destined to be lonely. When you go to the end, there will be no one to accompany you. Everything you cherish will disappear one by one under the power of time! If you If you don’t understand this, you won’t be able to reach the pinnacle of martial arts!”

"But senior understands this, so he didn't step on it either!"

Lin Huang said heart-wrenching words with a smile on his face, "But no matter how far a person travels, when he turns around, even if no one is with him, he still has roots, doesn't he?"

"not understand!"

Ramotian shook his head, "You humans always have an extremely deep obsession with the past, and you are unwilling to let go. Maybe... this is the reason why you have survived so many calamities, or maybe this is the reason why you can rise every time! "

(End of this chapter)

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