
Chapter 2122 Chaotic Ancient Domain

Chapter 2122 Chaotic Ancient Domain

In the void, Lin Huang brought Lu Han and Situ Huang's tombs into his inner world, crossed for more than three days, and then stopped.

The two came out of the inner world.

In front of the three of them was a majestic city.

Do not……

Xiongcheng can no longer be used to describe it.

In front of the three of them, there were two huge sacred mountains that towered into the clouds. The mountains were hundreds of thousands of feet high, and they were covered in pitch black, full of powerful deterrent force.

Between the two mountains, there is a city with a height of [-] zhang. Every brick in the city is like a giant gate in the world.

Every piece of city brick is full of mottled colors, giving people an ancient atmosphere from the pavement.

And in the center of the city wall, there is a huge bronze gate as high as ten thousand feet.

The huge door was wide open in antiquity, and it was still covered with rust.

In front of the huge city is a moat.It should be more appropriate to describe it as a piece of sea.


The three of them only felt that they were incomparably small.

Immediately, Lin Huang manifested his dharma body, reaching a height of thousands of feet.The same is true for Lu Han and Situ Huangfen, so that others can see clearly.

At this moment, above the sky, there is an ancient giant eagle soaring, wanting to fly over the city and enter it.


The city shook slightly, like an ancient bell being rung, but a terrifying aura swept out, directly sending Lu Han and Situ Huang's graves flying.

And the soaring ancient giant hit the barrier, fell from the sky, and fell into the moat.

Immediately, the three of them heard the scream of the giant eagle.

After a few breaths, when the big eagle jumped out of the moat, most of the feathers on its body had been corroded.

Lu Han and Situ Huangfen looked at the surging moat in surprise, and their hearts were shocked.

But a moat can corrupt the gods.

If he jumped in, wouldn't he be turned into a puddle of blood in an instant?
Lin Huang was better. After all, he also followed Qin Zheng to travel across the world, although Qin Zheng threw him away halfway.

But there is always some knowledge.

"Such an ancient male city, I don't know whose clan it is?"

Lu Han asked from the side.

The three of them looked up and saw a few large characters painted with iron and silver hooks on the majestic city. In just a moment, Lu Han and Situ Huangfen closed their eyes.

Chaotic ancient domain!
The three words were accompanied by wild murderous intent, even if Lin Huang glanced at it, he could only feel the blood boiling in his body, and there was a faint breath that could not be suppressed.

"This is the world of the heavens and all races!"

Lin Huang murmured.

Only when you feel your own insignificance can you perceive the vastness and mystery of the heavens and worlds.

"Chaotic Ancient Domain, what kind of place is this?"

Lu Han and Situ Huang looked at Lin Huang curiously.

Here, only Lin Huang knows so much.

"This one……"

Lin Huang frowned slightly, and began to recall the records in the classics given to him by Qin Zheng when he traveled around the world with Qin Zheng.

"Chaotic Ancient Realm...the world left over from the ancient times..."

"There is a power within it that makes it difficult for all races to compete, and it will not be subdued by any race. This large domain is floating in the heavens and worlds. Because of the ancient legacy, it attracts the gods of all races!"

Lin Huang began to endorse, and then said: "The Chaotic Ancient Domain should be a chaotic place where gods from all races gather!"

"The realm of chaos... that is, there is no master? That's okay. According to some of your previous statements, it seems that the human race is not very popular among the ten thousand races!"

Situ Huang's grave.

"After all, my human race is too good, Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng!"

Lin Huang snorted coldly twice.

"It seems that they are still not good enough, otherwise...others can't even afford to be jealous, they are only worthy of looking up to!"

Lu Han said from the side.

Lin Huang glanced at the two of them, led them to fly across the moat, and appeared in front of the city gate.

Before the huge city gate, there were no soldiers guarding the city.

After all... this chaotic ancient domain does not belong to any race.

But although the city gate was wide open, there was an ancient magic circle at the entrance, and the ancient aura flowed from it, coupled with the overturned and unbreakable formation pattern, Lin Huang had no intention of trying to break the formation at all.

He just flew a drop of blood into the formation just like the giant eagle before.

Afterwards, Lin Huang directly intercepted the blood from Lu Han and Situ Huang's graves, and flew two more drops of blood into the formation.

"This is some blood from the Sky Spirit Race that was killed before!"

Lin Huang was on guard and was unwilling to touch the formation with his own blood. After all, every place of the heavens and all races was full of danger.

Then Lin Huang each gave the two of them a ball of blood, "When passing through the magic circle, cover the whole body with the power of qi and blood... Remember to cover the whole body, I will try it first, this magic circle may not be easy to fool !"

With that said, Lin Huang took the lead towards the formation.

In the next moment, microwaves rippled on the formation, and Gu Sui's runes appeared crookedly, in the shape of the three characters Tianlingzu.

Under the racial information, there is also a realm, the second realm of gods!
And below the realm, there is still a blank line, which seems to be waiting for Lin Huang's inscription.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, and after a little thought, he wrote down a name:
- Ramadan!

Afterwards, the formation surged with the power of the vortex, directly sucking Lin Huang into it.

Lu Han and Situ Huang knew each other well.

Write down your own name.

Lu Han Ramadi.

Situ Huang tomb the Ramas!
The three of them entered the city smoothly, and each had an ancient bronze token in their hands, dotted with ancient patterns around them, which Lin Huang and the other three had never seen before.

There is race and name on the front, and realm on the back!

"There is something wrong with this chaotic ancient domain, and there are evil intentions!"

As soon as he entered the chaotic ancient domain, Lu Han opened his mouth and said.

Situ Huangfen also nodded, "The existence of ordinary formations is mostly offensive, defensive or controlling, but this formation in the chaotic ancient domain can identify the blood of thousands of races, and even leave their names!"

"They come, the security!"

When Lin Huang opened his mouth, he naturally understood what the two of them said, "If you can't solve the problem, don't think too much about it!"

"What is Li Chunfeng's name after his resurrection?"

Situ Huang asked derailed.

"Since the Chaotic Ancient Territory has this formation to monitor the creatures, I'm afraid that Li Chunfeng will be rejected by the Chaotic Ancient Territory once he recovers!"

Lin Huang was actually thinking about this question seriously.

"Then what if a child is born in the chaotic ancient domain?"

Lu Han spoke.

Now Lin Huang and Situ Huang are embarrassed.

"Next... the old rules, find a tavern to inquire about news?"

Situ Huang's tomb brought the set of Sky Continent to the heavens and worlds.

Lu Han nodded in agreement.

"no need!"

Lin Huang shook his head, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked towards the void.

"Your Excellency has been peeping for a long time, it's time to take a break!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth to scold, and his voice shook all directions.

Lu Han and Situ Huang's face changed, and they were on guard.

In the next instant, the void fluctuated.

A voluptuous figure in red clothes descends from the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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