
Chapter 2139 Acting

"Di Tianshu and Lin Huang?"

Lin Huang frowned and turned his head to look at Mei Zhu, with curiosity in his eyes.

"Lin Huang... this name sounds familiar, but I can't remember it clearly. As for Di Tianshu, I have never heard of it!"

Lin Huang said.

The smile on Mei Zhu's face gradually disappeared, "In the past few days, Luan Gu Territory has become very unstable, much more irritable than before!"

Lin Huang's expression remained normal, his left hand reached into his sleeves, and his right hand put down the teacup in his hand, "What do you mean?"

Mei Zhu lowered her head and spoke to herself, "Di Tianshu, has been confirmed to be a member of Luan Xing Sect. In recent days, he has killed seven people from our Dayan Sect and five people from Luan Gulou! "

"You can take a look. On the Dayan Sect's mission list, his points value has reached [-] points!"

"Huh? What kind of strength? The points seem to be higher than mine!"

Lin Huang's spiritual consciousness entered the mortal token.

Mission: Hunt down the first-level god of the Chaos Star Sect, Emperor Tianshu, and get [-] points!

"First level god?"

Lin Huang frowned slightly, "Killing twelve people is worth [-] points?"

There seemed to be some disbelief in Lin Huang's words.

"Just last night, he killed two three-level gods!"

Meizhu said, she was very well-informed and knew a lot that Lin Huang didn't know.

"The first level kills the third level?!"

Lin Huang suddenly frowned, "He is from that race, with such strength... he must not be an ordinary person!"

"do not know!"

Meizhu shook her head, "It looks like an abyssal demon, also like a silver, and also like a human... The shot is too strange!"

"The first level can kill three levels, and it's worth [-] points, so there's no problem!"

Lin Huang picked up the teacup and took a sip, "The people who hunted and killed Dayan Sect and Taikoo Building have already left the territory of Chaos Star Sect?"


Mei Zhu shook her head, "Still in the territory of Luan Xing Sect..."


Lin Huang shook his head regretfully, "I would like to meet this genius for a while, the power of the three realms... I wonder what the legendary genius is like!"

"There will be a chance!"

Mei Zhu said, "The whereabouts of this person are still unclear. If found out, Mei Zhu will definitely inform Lord Rama! But when the time comes, he may have to cross the Southern Territory and go to the territory of Luan Xing Sect. By then... Lord Rama may be left alone!"

Lin Huang waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, I'm not alone!"

Between the words, Lin Huang already understood that Mei Zhu came here to encourage him to hunt and kill Emperor Tianshu.

"However, among the Luanxing Sect, there must also be people from my Dayan Sect. Why..."

Lin Huang asked out the doubts in his heart.

Mei Zhu hesitated for a moment, then smiled, "Because I extradited these adults into the Hongchen Palace, so I'll be happy if they are kind to you!"

The latter was very vague, but Lin Huang understood it.

He smiled, took a sip of tea, and said nothing.

"[-]'s a piece of fat, Miss Meizhu has to keep an eye on it..."

Lin Huang reminded Meizhu.

Mei Zhu smiled lightly, "Sometimes, you still need some luck. I will strive for it, but I won't force it!"

Lin Huang smiled and nodded.

"Who is Lin Huang?"

Lin Huang then spoke, "I always feel that this name is very familiar, but I can't remember it for a while!"

"Just last night, two gods of the fourth realm died in Taigu Tower, three gods of the fourth realm died in the Luanxing Sect, and one of our Dayan Sect... also died!" There was a trace of rareness in Mei Zhu's soft eyes. The sharpness.

Lin Huang stood up, "Is that what Lin Huang did?"

"Lord Rama, you should remember that not long ago, the human race Qin Zheng and Emperor Jin Tian planned to hunt down eleven half-step nine realms! And the cause of the whole thing at that time was the Forest Desolation Conferred God!"

"It's him?!"

Lin Huang suddenly looked enlightened.

"There was a rumor in the Chaotic Ancient Territory that the number one genius of the human race followed the Great Wilderness Lord and Zhou Tianshen into it. Could it be Linhuang?"

Lin Huang showed off his powerful deduction ability, "Could it be that...the eight gods of the Four Realms who died in succession last night were all the work of this one?"

Mei Zhu nodded slightly.

"'s impossible!"

Lin Huang suddenly waved his hand, "Traveling across the three realms in one night, hunting down six gods of the four realms... And how long has Lin Huang been a god for?"

"In such a short period of time, he may not even be able to break through to the second level!"

"Could it be possible that he can still kill the four realms at the initial stage?"

Lin Huang was full of disbelief.

"Meizhu has been digesting this matter for a long time!"

Mei Zhu raised her head, with a look of helplessness on her face, "But this news comes from Dayan Sect, not from Hongchen Palace, can it be false?"

"It's really that forest wasteland, killing the four realms in the first stage?"

Mei Zhu nodded firmly, "It is indeed Lin Huang, but he has already entered the second realm, so he will kill the fourth realm with the second realm!"

"Are those four realm gods genuine?"

Lin Huang still asked in disbelief.

"Of course, two of them also have considerable combat power among the gods of the four realms!"

Mei Zhu said.

"Two realms kill four realms... Two realms kill four realms... Is there really such a powerful Tianjiao in this world?"

Lin Huang murmured in a low voice, his face was a little pale, and he seemed to be a little unstable.After all, he killed Rama in the second realm and the third realm, and slaughtered the eight gods of Taishang in one night, which was enough to shock everyone.But he didn't expect that there would be someone stronger than him.

"Miss Mei Zhu..."

Lin Huang suddenly realized, he shook his head, "I don't dare to take this thunder... Since he is the genius of the human race, if he kills the fourth realm with his pure combat power, then with his hidden methods, even if my three brothers attack at the same time, It's also very risky!"

"Moreover, the Great Wilderness Lord and Zhou Tianshen are in the Chaos Ancient Territory. Once the human race's genius dies suddenly, not only will our three brothers die, but the entire Dayan Sect will not be able to withstand the anger of the human race!"

After Lin Huang woke up, there was a trace of anger on his face.

It seems that Mei Zhu wants him to die.

"Lord Rama is worrying too much!"

Mei Zhu gently shook her hand, "The genius of the human race is actually so easy to kill... How many times did Qin Zheng and Emperor Jin Tian encounter interceptions and kills, didn't they all succeed?"

"Some things, if they don't happen like lightning, there will be no chance again!"

"If you want to kill a human genius, even a high-level god would be hard-pressed to do it. After all, the Great Wilderness Lord and Zhou Tianshen are still there!"

Lin Huang's expression softened slightly, "It seems that I misunderstood Miss Meizhu!"

"Meizhu is just reminding Lord Rama to be very careful when completing the task! According to analysis, the human Lin Huang specially targeted and killed some gods who were in the spotlight!"

"Otherwise, he could have killed more by staying at Tai Koo Tower last night instead of spending a lot of time killing across three major regions!"

Lin Huang nodded, and then shook his head, "I will pay attention, but it seems that there is no need to worry too much. The human Lin Huang is a god in the four realms as soon as he makes a move, and I... am still far behind. With Tianjiao's ability You Ao, you should still look down on me!"

"Lord Rama, there is no need to underestimate yourself. The strength of your three brothers is one of the best in the Hall of Red Dust!"

Mei Zhu smiled, "But..."

"But what?"

"If given the chance, I wonder if the three Rama brothers would have the guts to participate in a feast where a genius has fallen?"

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