
Chapter 2142 Waiting and Training

In the Chaotic Ancient Territory, demons, demons, and snakes all rushed in.


Suddenly he fell into a kind of calm again.

Except for the high-profile human race, there are no other major races.

Of course, when night falls, the number one genius of the human race still travels across the three realms, killing the powerful gods.

Lin Huang is also working hard to complete the task.

There is also Emperor Tianshu.

However, Lin Huang couldn't compare with that fake. After all, if he could kill the strong men of the four realms, it would be too much.

Then all eyes may be tilted towards him.

So Lin Huang simply... borrowed Lu Han's token.

One night, three gods of the four realms were killed in anger!

However, this did not cause any trouble. Compared with the human race's genius who killed eight and four realms in one night, Lu Han's three realms and four realms were not so outstanding.

The only one who can pay attention to is Meizhu.

Looking at the moving task list, she felt so excited.She almost started to doubt whether those two clumsy guys were really good at it, or else they could be so pretentious as to get themselves hurt?
But it was soon proven.

Killing four realms in three realms has exceeded her expectations.

And she believed that it was really Lu Han himself who took action. After all, it was impossible for Ramatian to kill the fourth realm with two realms.

However, Mei Zhu did not appear in the restaurant this time. She went there too frequently, which made these three people too important.

This will inevitably lead to arrogance.

The next time she goes to the restaurant, it should be when the feast is about to begin.

But strangely enough, the genius of the human race had been killing for several nights, and the total number of dead gods from the four realms was almost 30.

Luan Gu Territory is still calm.


Lin Huang was in a restaurant, knocking on the table and looking at the streets and alleys outside, his expression rather deep.

The calm before the storm.

Once those races take action, it will definitely be a thunderous strike.The target was not only Qin Changsheng, but also the Great Wilderness Lord and Zhou Tianshen.

But he still couldn't predict whether this feast hunting would be outside Yehai City or inside Yehai City.

In the past few days, Situ Huangfen and Lu Han have continued to hone their skills and have been able to kill demi-god realm experts in a relatively stable manner.

This is simply impossible in such a short time in the Sky Continent.

Not only because the spiritual energy outside the Cangqiong Continent was richer and more pure, but also because of the pressure... the huge pressure, so that the two of them had to go all out regardless of sleep or food.

Moreover, outside they can see more about Wanjie martial arts, and their understanding of martial arts will be deeper.

The higher the level of martial arts, the more you need to learn from others and gain insights.

Once you see the vastness of the world, your state of mind will change, and your martial arts realm will also change accordingly.

This is especially obvious with Lu Han.

After all, he practiced very hard... but it didn't look like he was working very hard, because those who cultivate the mind waste their brains.

"How about... trying to hunt the gods tonight?"

Lin Huang looked at the two of them and said with a smile.

Situ Huangfen and Lu Han's eyes narrowed slightly, and even their breathing became a little short...

The situation now is different from when I was in Ramatian's belly. At that time, I was forced to have no choice but to survive!

But now, they are the ones taking the initiative to hunt.

One is the short-term potential inspired by the pressure of life and death, and the other is the active pursuit of tempering the path and heart of martial arts.

"it is good!"

After the two looked at each other, Situ Huangfen spoke. "Do you want to hunt together or alone?"

Lin Huang looked at the two people with a smile.



Situ Huangfen and Lu Han actually spoke at the same time, as if they disliked each other.

Lin Huang was silent for a moment, then nodded, "I am isolated and unable to meet each other after separation, but it is indeed possible to stimulate the potential of life and death... but it is not correct enough!"

"Evil has its own way!"

Situ Huangfen said, "Besides... being with you, life and death battles are inevitable in the future!"

Lin Huang smiled and nodded.

"Situ, it's midnight, Lu Han, it's midnight!"

Lin Huang said.

"No need, just put yourself to death and live again!"

Lu Han shook his head. He understood what Lin Huang meant by making such an arrangement. The two of them hunted at different times, and Lin Huang was able to plunder the formation from the side.

If two people hunt at the same time, Lin Huang may be able to save only one person at the same time.

Lin Huang frowned slightly and looked at Situ Huang's grave.

“When all escape routes are cut off, real progress begins!”

Situ Huangfen said firmly.

Lin Huang said indifferently, "You are amazing, you are's better not to cry and shout for help when the time comes!"

The two of them smiled carelessly, drank a few sips of wine, and looked at the sun that was gradually setting towards the west. Their eyes were dim and they began to cultivate their fighting spirit!
Lin Huang shook his head and stood up, returning to his room.

Situ Huangfen and Lu Han felt tremendous pressure, and so did he.

He and Qin Changsheng were as close as brothers, but this did not mean that Lin Huang would be willing to fall behind Qin Changsheng and could only barely compete with him.

What he wants is to walk side by side!

The latter has been in the second realm of gods for too long, while he is still in the first realm.If some time passes, maybe Qin Changsheng will reach the third realm.

Although he can kill the four realms, he is just a newcomer to the four realms.

Those four realms that have been famous for a long time are completely different.Even among gods of the same realm, the differences may far outweigh the differences between humans and dogs.

But if he could step into the second realm of gods, it would be different.


Lin Huang had a vague feeling... This time the human race's target might not be the Tomb of Ten Thousand Ghosts!But those strong men from all races.

What Lin Huang couldn't figure out was that the Great Wilderness Lord and Zhou Tianshen really had the strength to hunt down the powerful men of all races?
No matter what the situation is, no matter how talented he is, he will still be cannon fodder if he lacks hard power.

Stepping into the second realm, at least you have some ability to protect yourself!
Lin Huanghun entered the world of the sea of ​​consciousness, crushing the soul with the heavenly gate like a millstone, constantly challenging his own limits.

During this process, Lin Huang used his soul to observe the ancient stele that buried the God King.

There are nine ancient monuments.

But there is only one that Lin Huang can actually observe...and Lin Huang can only sacrifice his own energy and blood now. Forcibly using this ancient monument is not a true realization.

"The vastness of heaven and earth contains thousands of qi! The origin of thousands of things lies in one qi. One qi is born and nourished by the earth, and cannot be stolen and peeked! One qi is misty and has no accumulation! So one qi transforms into five shapes, giving rise to mountains and rivers, grass and trees, emperors and queens of earth, and fierceness. Yang Yongye..."

"The great road reaches the sky, and those who realize the ultimate state can reach the sky! Once a form appears..."

As Lin Huang looked at the blood-stained ancient monument, countless scattered voices appeared in his mind. Under the torture of the Mopan Tianmen, Lin Huang suffered extremely.

"All dharmas in the heaven and earth are shapeless and formless, and all dharmas are tangible! The intangible is realized, cultivate the mind and spirit, and visualize all things in the world and all living things; the tangible is cultivated, the years are like hammers, and the body is like a boat! The higher the realm, the more intangible it is. It is an arm, and its form is a finger! If an arm uses a finger, it can reach the creation of heaven and earth!"

"Heaven and earth, living beings, all things, and time, all undergo reincarnation!"

"Reincarnation, destruction and rebirth are repeated..."

"The beginning of destruction lies in the way of gold!"

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