
Chapter 2145 Who is the son and who is the master?

Chapter 2145 Who is the son and who is the master?

the next day.

Situ Huangfen woke up.

It wasn't that his self-healing ability was too strong, but that Lin Huang took action and accelerated the latter's self-healing process.

Situ Huangfen was coughing, and there were gray cracks all over his body. He had a sense of decline, but Lin Huang could feel that the latter's body was full of energy and blood.

Stand behind!

The physical body is so powerful that it reaches an extremely inexplicable state.

The so-called inexplicable thing is that at this moment in Situ Huang's grave, it gives people a strong feeling of death.It was as if he had really crawled out of a barren grave.

"What kind of way are you?"

Lu Han's body seemed to be sewn together with human skin, which made Situ Huangfen stunned for a moment.

"do not know!"

Situ Huangfen shook his head, "Live towards death, keep your obsession alive, and gain a powerful awakening of power!"

Lu Han looked at Lin Huang.

"The Way of Death!"

Lin Huang said, "It's not the ultimate killing, but the source of death!"

"Can't understand!"

Situ Huangfen and Lu Han said at the same time.

"I don't understand either!"

Lin Huang laughed, "But all the people in the world begin with birth and end with death! Even the most powerful gods will one day be exhausted!"

"The way of death...may be very strong, but I can't understand it either!"

Lin Huang could only speak of his superficial understanding.

He could sense that there were certain similarities between Situ Huangfen's method of death and his own technique of annihilation.

The end is all death!

But the difference is that the path to annihilation is from birth to death.The way of death is the guide to death.

There seems to be no difference, but the mystery of Tao lies here.

"This Tao matches your name very well... Qianli Barren Grave..."

Lin Huang shook his head and smiled.

"Is it dangerous? I won't become a person in the underworld in the future? Why do I feel a little uncomfortable?"

Situ Huang's grave.

"My human race is most particular about yin and yang. The other side of the way of the way of life!"

"When you understand one way, another way may not be far away! There is some truth in the saying that loneliness does not last long. But if you can understand another way, there should be no problem!"

Lin Huang explained.

Situ Huangfen nodded thoughtfully, "My body feels very heavy, like a mountain... just like..."

Situ Huangfen frowned, unable to explain the mysterious feeling.

"Carrying the souls of billions of creatures on your body?"

Forest Road.


Situ Huangfen nodded quickly.

"I'm not too sure about this. After meeting Zhou Tianshen, I can ask him to clarify my doubts!"

Lin Huang shook his head to express his ignorance, "But if you go by my guess, maybe your vitality is no longer able to withstand the powerful physical body..."

Situ Huangfen was at a loss.

"If this is the case, you can start thinking about stepping into the realm of gods and completing a gorgeous transformation!"

"But others become gods for the sublimation of their souls, and most of them abandon their physical bodies! If you say... you shouldn't be able to abandon your physical body, he is more powerful than the body of a god!"


Situ Huangfen was a little confused.

"It's just my guess... The body is comparable to a god, but the soul is no more than a demigod. If you hit the realm of a god, it will be an extremely powerful challenge for you... But with your way of death, it's hard to say, maybe you can deceive the way of heaven. There’s no telling whether disaster will come or whether it will be weakened!”

Lin Huang continued. "Lin Huang, I feel like you don't understand very well. Wouldn't you take me into the ditch?"

Situ Huangfen's frustrated eyes were full of disbelief!

Lin Huang spread his hands and slapped Situ Huangfen's head, "You seem to think you can do it again?"

Situ Huang snorted coldly, but a smile appeared on his face.

He felt like he really could do it!
After all, he killed the gods.


Situ Huangfen suddenly sat up, and his clone appeared in the room at the same time, "What's going on with this guy? Why is it still the same as before?"

Lin Huang looked at the clone in Situ Huang's grave and was stunned on the spot.


After a long time, Lin Huang spoke, with a look of regret on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Situ Huangfen and Lu Han had puzzled faces.

"This clone of yours should be able to cultivate the second path, and then hit the realm of gods alone!"

Forest Road.

He regretted... When he first entered the realm of gods, he forgot to leave his clone behind, and he was not proficient enough in the cultivation of one qi to transform into three pure beings!
It is impossible for the three clones to become gods respectively.

In this way, he lost two times of divine enlightenment.

Although his clones are now in the realm of gods, they are just two separate branches of a big tree, not three independent big trees!

But Situ Huangfen is okay.

"Don't be in a hurry to reach the realm of gods. Wait until you have re-cultivated the third clone... One Qi will transform the three pure beings into gods, and then the three pure beings will merge into one!"

Lin Huang looked at Situ Huang's grave and felt that this guy would have great fortunes in the future.

Situ Huangfen also seemed to notice that Lin Huang was envious of him, and immediately grinned, and at the same time glanced provocatively at Lu Han, who was covered in needlework.

Lu Han stared at Situ Huang's grave coldly, not envious!
"What's going on with him? His posture seems to be irrecoverable and he's been traumatized by the rules?"

Situ Huangfen was satisfied and began to spare some energy to care about Lu Han.

When you step into the realm of the Great Emperor, you have the ability to grow flesh from bones. Even if your head falls off, it can grow a new one.

Of course, if you are traumatized by the rules of the Tao and damage the Tao Yun, it will be difficult to deal with it.

"He's the opposite of you!"

Lin Huang said, "Your physical body is too strong and the energy in your body cannot bear it; his mental strength is too strong and his physical body cannot bear it!"

"It sounds powerful, but it also sounds pitiful?"

Situ Huang's grave.

"He is not pitiful!"

Lin Huang patted Lu Han's shoulder, and with one careful step, the skin and flesh split open again, and he quickly sewed it up using his vitality as a thread.

"He is completely untouchable now!"

Situ Huangfen's eyes widened.

"Why did you touch him?"

Lin Huang was puzzled!

"Speak the truth!"

"When you step into the realm of gods, you can reshape your physical body! It's not a big deal for his body to be broken now. Moreover, the calamity of gods targets the soul, and Lu Han's spiritual power happens to be very powerful!"

"So, Lu Han's matter of becoming a god may be much easier than yours!"

After Lin Huang finished speaking, Lu Hanhan snorted and stared at Situ Huang's grave with a slight arrogance.

"The more difficult things are, the higher the heights reached. I would rather the Tribulation of Gods is difficult!"

Situ Huangfen refused to admit defeat.

"Then you can have a fight!"

Lin Huang clapped his hands and laughed, "One controls the way of death...the other has an eternal thought and is almost immortal!"

"Look who of you is the son and who is the master!"

(End of this chapter)

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