
Chapter 328 Battle of Tianjiao

Chapter 328 Battle of Tianjiao
On the mountainside, Lin Huang was slightly stunned.

Although Jun Qingcheng was smiling, there was determination and stubbornness on his face, as if he had made up his mind to make a move.

Lin Huang pondered for a while, then touched the latter's head, and said warmly, "Be careful!"

Jun Qingcheng immediately nodded with a smile like a flower, and when he turned his head, the sword energy all over his body roared, all pointing at Liu Cangsheng.

"Oh, I think you have a lot of backbone, but it turns out that you are just a softie standing behind a woman!"

Liu Cangsheng laughed, his eyes were full of contempt.

"I don't even have the confidence to fight this young master head-on, and I am worthy of practicing martial arts. Even a dog dares to fight this young master, but you dare not!"

In the arena, Lin Huang was slightly angry in his heart, but his expression was as calm as ever, he just smiled and said:
"none of your business!"

Back then in the Land of Suolong, Lin Huang became a demon at a thought, and his realm went straight to the Fourth Heaven of Marquis Wu.With the addition of martial soul possession, the power of eight-armed Shura, the fourth-level formation, and the power of Abi Dao, Liu Cangsheng was beheaded just now, so it can be seen that the latter is only terrifying.

But at the age of 20, he forcibly comprehended the way of swordsmanship, which is a gift from heaven.

With Lin Huang's current state, if it weren't for Shura's possession, it would be impossible to defeat Liu Cangsheng.

And asura possessing a body means becoming enchanted.

Lin Huang can recover his life once after becoming enchanted, but he cannot recover his life every time.Moreover, it is not under the control of Lin Huang's subjective will whether he is possessed or not.

At the beginning, seeing Liu Cangsheng killing all directions, smashing Bai Xiaopang with one punch, and knocking Lu Han and others into the air, Lin Huang was so angry that he was possessed by a single thought!
Part of the reason for Jun Qingcheng's move was naturally to protect the forest.

And Lin Huang also understood that under the girl's inexpressible appearance, after meeting Liu Cangsheng, there was a backlog of anger and murderous intentions in her heart.

In the battle of Suolongdi, Liu Cangsheng killed all directions, Bai Xiaopang, Lin Cangxue and others were not Liu Cangsheng's one-shot enemies.And Jun Qingcheng was also seriously injured at that time, unable to stop Liu Cangsheng's pace.

The girl's soft heart also has her own pride.

She also came from a great domain, and her family's influence is not weaker than that of the Eastern Heavenly God Sect. She is also the favored child of the heavens, how can Liu Cangsheng be so high and bossy!

What's more, the person Liu Cangsheng bosses around is Lin Huang.

The night sky is long.

Keng Keng Jian Yin.

Lin Huang stepped back a few feet, looking at Jun Qingcheng and Liu Cangsheng on the mountainside with deep eyes.

"Tell this young master who you are, and I can spare you!"

Liu Cangsheng stared at the red-clothed girl in front of him. Although she was wearing a snow-white veil, the look between her eyebrows was shocking enough, "After all, this young master can't do such a tricky thing!"

"As I said when we met for the first time, hand over the dragon yuan in your hand, and I will grant you a lifetime of glory!"

Liu Cangsheng smiled conceitedly, even if the girl in front of him has realized the way of killing swords.But he is the young master of the Eastern Heaven Sect, and the background contained in him is immeasurable, and how can the girl in front of him be comparable.

But it's nothing more than a peerless appearance.

In the arena, Jun Qingcheng didn't speak a word, as if the latter didn't deserve her to say a word.As soon as the long sword was raised, it killed Liu Cangsheng.

On the mountainside, the battle suddenly broke out.

Jun Qingcheng was wearing the sword of killing, and turned into an afterimage and submerged into the sword of common people.As the plain hand waved, the void froze for a breath of time.

Liu Cangsheng roared, and broke free from the frozen time and space, and a long sword with condensed wings appeared behind him, turning into a rainbow and charging towards Jun Qingcheng.

The sword is amazing!

On the mountainside, there was a terrifying sound of sword qi colliding violently, stirring up countless smoke and dust.

The two figures criss-crossed, so fast that everyone couldn't catch them, countless sword slaves rushed to kill, and the sky was filled with sword energy.

The moonlight shone on Wuya Peak, making the two figures astonishing as immortals.

Liu Cangsheng wrapped himself in a river of swords, his body turned into a sword, and he swung all the way of Cangsheng's sword towards Jun Qingcheng.Jun Qingcheng slashed across both ends of the battlefield with one sword, as fast as lightning and a long rainbow.

Rocks flew across the void, countless cracks appeared on Wuya Peak, and the entire mountainside was almost hollowed out by the two of them.

In just half a quarter of an hour, the two fought for 130 eight rounds, with thousands of stabs of sword energy, which shocked tens of thousands of warriors.

clang clang...

The battle went on and on, Liu Cangsheng and Jun Qingcheng fought equally, tried every means, but they couldn't suppress and kill each other.

The more Liu Cangsheng fought, the more frightened he became. The method of this startled girl made him feel great pressure. Even in the big domain, he had never seen such a difficult opponent.

"Scanning the sky with one sword!"

Suddenly, Jun Qingcheng's coquettish voice suddenly sounded in the field.

I saw Jun Qingcheng's figure suddenly disappeared, only a sword suddenly appeared in the whole battlefield, like a swimming dragon turning in the way of the common people's sword, in line with the power of the killing sword, it killed one-third of the sword slaves.

"You are from Xingtian Temple!"

Liu Cangsheng looked at the sword that surveyed the sky, and exclaimed, his eyes were full of shock.

On the mainland, there is the Xingtian Temple, which stands side by side with the Eastern God Sect.There is a sky surveyor in the temple to patrol the sky continent, wherever the sun and moon shine, the sky surveyor is everywhere!
There is a sword in the Xuntian Division, named Yijian Xuntian.

In the battlefield, Jun Qingcheng remained silent, causing Liu Cangsheng's complexion to freeze, revealing an angry look. Just as he waved his arms, the sword slaves in Cangsheng's swordsmanship merged into one, condensing into a tens of feet high avatar.

"Dong Tian Slash!"

Liu Cangsheng shouted loudly, and as soon as the words fell, the incomparably huge incarnation of the sword slave roared fiercely, revealing a monstrous sword intent, and killed Junqing Town.

Jun Qingcheng's pretty face was slightly pale, but she never had the slightest fear. The peerless figure in red rushed into the sky fiercely, and the long sword in her hand was magnified at this moment, forming a huge sword across the sky.

The giant sword trembled, exuding the power of peerless killing.

Jun Qingcheng's eyes were as bright as a bright moon, and while the red clothes were flying, the huge sword in front of him was heading towards the sword slave incarnation.

"Sword of Judgment!"

The giant sword fell, revealing a sword intent as vast as the sea, like the backbone of the world, suppressing all the evil spirits in this world.

In the blink of an eye, the giant sword suddenly pierced through the incarnation of the sword slave who was killing Jun Qingcheng with an invincible style.

A click.

At this moment, Liu Cangsheng's Cangsheng swordsmanship suddenly broke, and the latter raised his eyes and stared at the girl in the void in disbelief.

The moonlight was reflected behind the girl, her crimson dress fluttered, her expression was cold and unattainable, just like a fairy walking out of the moon palace, revealing a brilliance that is not stained by the world.

"The Sword of Judgment..."

Liu Cangsheng murmured in a low voice, "I didn't expect you to even learn the killing technique of the Tribunal Division!"

There are three divisions in Xingtian Temple, Sky Survey, Law Enforcement, and Judgment!
The Sky Surveyor is in charge of patrolling the common people, the Law Enforcement Division has the responsibility of enforcing the law on behalf of the sky, and the Judgment Division has the power to kill all warriors in the world.

As for the red-clothed girl in front of her, with the power of years of detention in her palm, and the killing skills of both the sky survey and the judgment department, there is only one person Liu Cangsheng can think of.

In Xingtian Temple, the little princess who has been hidden in the snow for many years and has never been revealed!

At this moment, Liu Cangsheng felt extremely troublesome.He never thought that he would meet this peerless genius who only knew his name but never saw him in the edge corner of the continent called East Spirit Realm.

In the sky, Jun Qingcheng looks like a fairy, staring at Liu Cangsheng coldly, the long sword in his hand is still shining brightly, and his voice is calm but unattainable:
"If you only have the way of swordsmanship, then I, Jun Qingcheng, will send you on your way!"

(End of this chapter)

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