
Chapter 330

Chapter 330

The three went down the mountain, led by Yan Zangfeng, followed by Lin Huang and Jun Qingcheng.Wherever his figure went, no one dared to speak, and silently gave way to a passage.

The tens of thousands of warriors looked at the three people who were walking forward slowly, and the shock in their hearts could not be calmed down for a long time.

The person at the front is Yan Zangfeng.

The myth of martial arts more than 70 years ago has not been really shot for many years.But this time, everyone finally saw it and understood the meaning of the words "Martial Arts Myth".

One arm.

A person.

Unexpectedly, within half a quarter of an hour, he suppressed and killed dozens of Wuhou powerhouses from various major forces, with no blood stained on his body, how powerful he must be, to be able to do so easily and freely.

Over the past 70 years, the so-called hero's twilight seems to have never appeared in the body of Yan Zangfeng.

With him here alone, the entire sky of Piaoxue Palace could be supported.

Looking at the one-armed middle-aged man in blue, everyone couldn't help wondering, wondering if this Yanzangfeng is stronger or weaker than Xuanyuan Tibing in today's world?
And behind Yan Zangfeng, the blood-stained figure in white clothes is even more impossible for everyone to ignore.

A few days ago, when Dong Ling was shocked by a letter of war, there was only one result that everyone thought of, that is, Lin Huang was beheaded by Han Qingtian.

After all, he is a calf who has just entered the rivers and lakes, so how can he be compared with the master of a sect.

The so-called gauntlet was originally a joke.

They came here to watch the battle, more because of curiosity, to see how arrogant and arrogant the guy who killed all directions in the Great War of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties, ran for his life and death in the Qinglong Mountains, and became a demon at a single thought in the Land of Locking Dragons .

And how should it fall, the name of legend is gone.

But they never thought that the battle on the top of Wuya Peak was far beyond their expectations, and it could even be said that they shocked the entire ground.

The chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace tried his best to suppress and kill Han Qingtian.

Tian Yuan kills Marquis Wu!

At this moment, everyone looked not far away, the boneless corpse kneeling down to Wuya Peak, and still couldn't believe it.The newborn calf in their eyes powerfully killed the mighty dragon of Tianlei Sect.

In the name of a new generation of legends, you can fight Marquis Wu, and you can also kill him!
The disciples of Tianlei Sect were not far away, looking at Lin Huang's figure, their eyes were full of hatred, wishing to cut Lin Huang into pieces and eat his flesh raw.

They felt the gazes of countless warriors, and felt their faces were hot, and they were extremely humiliated.

The majestic suzerain of Tianlei Sect was actually defeated by the disciples of Piaoxue Palace.

What a shame!
Lin Huang looked calm, Han Qingtian was destined to only be his stepping stone.Looking at the Sky Continent, the Eastern Spirit Realm is just a backwater. If even Han Qingtian can't kill him, how can he compete with the people from the Great Territory?

His martial arts path will advance with singing because of Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue.

But will not stop because of anyone!
Among the crowd, Lin Huang squeezed Jun Qingcheng's little hand, and when he looked at Lin Cangxue not far ahead, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.Han Qingtian is dead, and the block in the latter's heart is also gone.

Lin Cangxue was dressed in white, and looked at the oncoming Lin Huang. She didn't have any previous worries, nor did she hear the anger of the Wuya Peak battle. Her snow-white face was full of bright smiles, like the first snow, turning into a beautiful landscape.

In the past, the young man who had just entered Piaoxue Palace and was still a little green, now he can kill the strong Marquis Wu!

In the direction of Piaoxue Palace, Yan Nangui came out and saluted Yan Zangfeng, "I have seen the ancestor!"

Yan Zangfeng nodded, and ordered: "After you go back, recall all the disciples from Piaoxue Palace, stop everything, and order all the Supreme Elders to go out and prepare for the battle in Yinyang Valley!"

Yan Nangui's expression froze, revealing a look of shock, and then nodded solemnly.

Afterwards, Yan Zangfeng led the crowd, left Wuya Peak, and headed towards Xuanyuan City...

A battle of Wuya Peak shocked the East Spirit Realm.

Only on the night when the war ended, the news spread all over the sky, shocking countless people in the Eastern Spirit Realm.

The name of Lin Huang gradually has the momentum of Xuanyuan Tibing back then.

And Yan Zangfeng's complete comeback undoubtedly gave everyone a head-on blow. He single-handedly killed dozens of Marquis Wu, which is still the martial arts myth of the year.

Three days later.

On a green hill outside Xuanyuan City, Lin Huang and Yan Zangfeng stood side by side, looking at the two tombs in front of them with depressed expressions.

"On this mountain, there used to be a dilapidated small temple. After many years, the small temple is gone!"

Yan Zangfeng opened his mouth suddenly, his serious face could not keep calm, and his expression seemed a little desolate.

"More than 70 years ago, when I eloped with Nuan'er, I escaped to this small temple!"

"It was raining heavily that day, and Nuan'er was also about to give birth. Even though we knew that there were people from Qianyingu behind us, we really couldn't go any further!"

Yan Zangfeng calmly recounted the past, but his expression was very sad. He stretched out his hand to caress the inscription on the tomb in front of him, showing a rather sad expression.

"It's here that my son was born, but Nuan'er is gone. You can't imagine that a weak woman, just after giving birth to Lin'er, climbed out of the bed with all her strength and blocked the knife for me. !"

Yan Zangfeng's eyes were rosy, his rough hands stroked the cold inscription, his burly body was trembling a little.

"In the afternoon, our son also died!"

Yan Zangfeng said suddenly.

Lin Huang's expression was shocked, and his face revealed an incredulous expression.When I looked at the inscription again, I realized that there were three words Yan Xiaonuan on it, very tender but very warm.

Looking at Yan Zangfeng who was sitting in front of the tomb with his head buried in the ground, Lin Huang couldn't help feeling oppressed and saddened by it.

It turned out that Su Nuan'er was not the only one who died back then, and both of their sons also died young.Thinking about it, the child that Yan Zangfeng walked into Qianyin Valley later was only his adopted son.


Yan Zangfeng suddenly raised his head, and there were tears on his calm face, he touched his empty sleeve and said with a smile: "This arm of mine was cut off by myself!"

Lin Huang stared at Yan Zangfeng in shock, and saw a warm smile on the latter's face:

"At that time, I was full of sadness and hatred. I didn't want their mother and child to sleep in the cold loess without anyone to guard them. So I cut off my arm, hoping to hold Nuan'er and Xiao Nuan forever!"

Lin Huang squatted down, patted Yan Zangfeng's shoulder, and did not speak.

Yan Zangfeng suddenly raised his head, stared solemnly at Lin Huang, and said with a calm smile, "If one day I, Yan Zangfeng, die in battle, I hope you can bury me with Nuaner!"

Lin Huang nodded without the slightest hesitation.

Yan Zangfeng smiled hoarsely, pointed to a nearby tomb, grinned and recalled: "Afterwards, every year I would spend three days alone in this small temple, until that day more than ten years ago, I met Qing Hou!"

"At that time, he was still a little beggar with a bruised nose and a bruised face. He sneaked into the small temple alone and wanted to steal my food!"

The smile on Yan Zangfeng's face became more and more brilliant, but it was even more heart-rending, "But he looks very delicate, like a little girl, but there is light in his eyes, like stars in the dark night, pure and clear There is no trace of impurities!"

"Later, shortly after he became a teacher, he went to the Blood Spirit Palace!"

On the green hill, Lin Huang looked at the tombstone in front of him, trembling fingers, stroking the cold inscription, feeling lost in his heart, feeling that he had lost a very precious thing in his life.

Xie Qinghou's Tomb!
The five cold characters are the scribbled burial of Xie Qinghou's life.

Lin Huang still remembers that when he first met Xie Qinghou, he was shocked by his appearance.I still remember my anger in Fulongling, and my murderous intent towards Xie Qinghou.

At this time, looking at the new grave in front of him, he felt regretful in his heart.

"He has been in the Blood Spirit Palace for ten years. He is like a mouse hiding in the shadows, not daring to walk in the sun. He kills people like hemp, and he has committed many crimes. Not long ago, he finally became a blood child. Entered the core of the Blood Spirit Hall and got the list!"

Lin Huang's arms stopped, even though he knew it in his heart, but when Yan Zangfeng said it at this moment, it was a different kind of heartache and awe.

Since the beginning of acquaintance, Xie Qinghou gave him a feeling of calmness, as if few things could make him feel bored and painful.It wasn't until this moment that Lin Huang realized that the latter didn't know how much fear and loneliness was hidden in his heart.

Before Xie Qinghou's tomb, Yan Zangfeng wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, with a stiff smile on his face, he murmured:
"The last time I saw Qinghou, he cried and told me that he ate human flesh, swallowed blood, and turned into a monster. Those dark and bright eyes no longer had the clarity and purity of ten years ago, but Full of loneliness and panic, he is like an orphan abandoned by the world, helpless!"

"He didn't tell me until he was dying that he still owes a woman three bowls of porridge!"

Yan Zangfeng lowered his head and lowered his voice, "I've seen that woman before, she is very delicate, and she is also very quiet. I think Qinghou must like her very much, that's why he won't pay for it!"

Lin Huang smiled bitterly, and handed Yan Zangfeng a jug of wine, another jug ​​was spilled in front of Xie Qinghou's grave, and Lin Huang poured down the other jug ​​with his head up.

The strong wine was like a knife, stabbing Lin Huang's throat, but it made him feel better.

"I owe him an apology!"

Lin Huang laughed hoarsely, and touched Xie Qinghou's flagon.

"He won't care!"

Yan Zangfeng smiled and said: "The dead are gone. Whether it is the love, family affection, or friendship, we should engrave it in our hearts. The so-called repaying kindness with kindness and revenge with hatred, those of us who survived should inherit their will and love." Hope, forge ahead!"

Lin Huang nodded silently, and poured another jug ​​of wine on Xie Qinghou's grave.

"Go down the mountain!"

Yan Zangfeng glanced longingly at the old and new tombs, stood up calmly, and then went down the mountain without looking back, but the burly one-armed figure was a bit desolate after all.

When the two of them walked down the green hill, Yan Zangfeng narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance. In his calm voice, there was a biting murderous intent, "Yin Yang Valley is about to appear again!"

(End of this chapter)

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