
Chapter 359 Chasing and Killing Jiang Licheng

Chapter 359 Chasing and Killing Jiang Licheng

out of the pagoda.

Looking at the pagoda.

Walk among the forest of three thousand steles.

After leaving the Wuzen Temple.

Looking back at the Qingshan Ancient Temple.

Lin Huang smiled silently, feeling a little sour in his heart.The grievances and friendship in this world are indeed the most complicated.

Xuanyuan Wuxiang is gone, and Mo Wulei is gone in the world.

In the 200 years of Qingshan Ancient Temple, Ye Wuchan is no longer the Ye Wuchan of the past, but he is still the same Ye Wuchan of the past, but the latter has been guarding the East Spirit Realm for more than two hundred years, and he is finally tired.

This time I entered Wuchan Temple, although I knew about the 200 years of grievances, why Lin Changtian came here, and how to crack the eight-armed Shura cauldron.

But Lin Huang couldn't be happy after all.

It's not that the world is peaceful as usual, it's just that some people are moving forward with heavy burdens.

Now that the Yin Yang Valley is born, a catastrophe is coming.I don't know how many people died for this, whether it was the Xuanyuan Tibing, or the Tiandi Xuanhuang Four-character Battalion.

Or Yanzangfeng?

Lin Huang took Jun Qingcheng's little hand and walked side by side with Lin Cangxue.For the first time in my heart, I really thought about what is the morality and strength of a warrior.

"Go back to Xuanyuan City!"

After leaving the Wuchan Temple for hundreds of miles, Lin Huang just opened his mouth, his face revealed a confident and firm demeanor, young and energetic, why should he be sentimental.

In this vast world, becoming a strong man is king!

Only becoming stronger is the eternal truth.

Yin Yang Gu is about to be born, he must get the relic of the Buddha God in the eight-armed Shura cauldron as soon as possible, and enter the realm of Marquis Wu as soon as possible, in order to protect himself.

In the continuous mountain range, the four of them moved forward rapidly, heading towards Xuanyuan City...

Half a day later, not long after the four of them left the Qinglong Mountains, Lin Cangxue suddenly stopped.

"what happened?"

Lin Huang turned around and asked suspiciously, only to see Lin Cangxue raising the token of the thirteen kills in his hand, and then said: "Feng Wanli has a message that the seventh kill is chasing and killing Jiang Licheng!"

Lin Huang paused, showing surprise.

Not only was he surprised that Jiang Licheng showed up again, but he was also surprised that the seventh kill was chasing the latter.

That Jiang Licheng disappeared from the tomb of King Wu, and the whole family disappeared without a trace. The seventh kill actually dug out this hidden poisonous snake.

Moreover, although Jiang Licheng's strength was far behind Xuanyuan Tibing's, he was also ranked second in the Marquis Wu list, and his strength was no small feat.

The seventh kill was able to hunt down the latter?
Afterwards, Lin Huang's mind sank into the thirteen killing tokens. Looking at the news delivered by Feng Wanli, his expression changed, and he felt rather bad.

Eleven kills: Jiang Licheng fled eastward along the Qinglong Mountains, past the Wind and Snow Dynasty!

"go home!"

Lin Huang held the token tightly, and his figure disappeared in place, heading towards the direction of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Jiang Licheng fled to the east and passed the Fengxue Dynasty.According to Lin Huang's calculations, with the latter's frightening speed, it would not take seven days to appear in the Great Xia Dynasty.

On the official road, the big white cat has already become three feet in size, showing its ferocious appearance.With four people on their backs, they headed towards the Daxia Dynasty in a hurry.

"Boss Lin, I don't want to go home!"

Bai Xiaopang muttered, the latter seemed to be fascinated by the colorful world outside, so he didn't want to go back to the Great Xia Dynasty.

Lin Huang turned a deaf ear to it, and didn't care about Bai Xiaopang's awkward posture.He even really wanted to kick the latter down so that the big white cat could run faster.

" I want to go too..."

Jun Qingcheng raised her head, staring at Lin Huang with a shy look, pinching the corner of her clothes with her small hands, looking a little nervous.

Lin Huang suddenly smiled, causing Jun Qingcheng to be furious.

After a long time, Lin Huang said: "Jiang Licheng ranks second on the list of Marquis Wu, and with the strength of the seventh kill, I'm afraid he won't be able to kill Jiang Licheng!"

Lin Cangxue raised her eyebrows, staring at Lin Huang suspiciously.

"Jiang Licheng was able to appear in the Daxia Dynasty in seven days, and I killed his two sons in King Wu's tomb. Maybe Jiang Licheng already knew about it!"

Lin Cangxue's face suddenly turned cold. In the Great Xia Dynasty, there were only a handful of warriors in the realm of Tianyuan.If Jiang Licheng really rushed to the Divine General's Mansion, a hundred thousand troops would not be able to stop the latter.

Bai Xiaopang muttered silently, thinking of the majestic and rascal old man at home, he couldn't help but look sad, and furtively tugged at the corner of Jun Qingcheng's clothes, shamelessly said: "Sister-in-law, lend me some money!"

Jun Qingcheng's face turned red immediately, but then she nodded with a smile as if she had eaten honey.


Bai Xiaopang was kicked down by Lin Huang...

five days.

The four of them rode a big white cat and traveled [-] miles, and finally arrived at Yongxue Pass.

At the beginning, when the Linhuang Daxia Dynasty went to Piaoxue Palace and followed Jia Wanjin's caravan, it was here that they encountered the interception and killing by Fengyulou and Tianleizong.

It was also here that Lin Huang discovered Jia Wanjin's terrifying strength.

With the snow closed, Lin Huang could not help but look more dignified through the collapsed snowdrift in front of him and the powerful sword intent that had not dissipated in the void.

Not long ago, this place obviously experienced a major war.

Except for Jiang Licheng, it is difficult for anyone in the East Spirit Realm to have such a powerful sword intent.

Five days have passed, and at the speed of the big white cat, it will take at least five more days from here to the Great Xia Dynasty.And it only takes two days for Jiang Licheng to reach the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Jiang Licheng has disappeared!"

Lin Cangxue held the thirteen killing token in her hand and said with a restless expression.

"The fifth kill, the seventh kill, the eighth kill, and the No. 11 kill are all chasing and killing Jiang Licheng, and the others are also coming!"

Lin Cangxue continued.

"Anyway, let's go back to the Great Xia Dynasty first!"

Lin Huang spoke calmly, clenched his fists and disappeared into the wind and snow.Lin Cangxue, on the other hand, sent the other people who had been killed by Thirteen directly to the Great Xia Dynasty.


Great Xia Dynasty.

The fiery red light pierced through the dark clouds and enveloped the tall and heavy palaces.Under the twilight and the setting sun, the massive and majestic mansion seemed somewhat peaceful and silent.

In a small courtyard of the mansion, the old man was lying in a rocking chair of an old locust tree, with gray hair, eyes closed and meditating.

On the stone table beside the old man, there are three glasses of wine and a cup of tea.

The heat in the tea cup dissipated, and no one could drink it.

Of the three wine glasses, only one was empty.

Although the courtyard where the old man lived was spotless, it lacked a few traces of freshness. It seemed that no one had lived in it for a long time.Only when the old man is free and lonely, will he come and see it.

The old man was lying on the rocking chair, looking at the rusty spear on the branch of the locust tree above his head, he couldn't help laughing hoarsely, the wrinkles on his face were squeezed together.

That spear was the weapon he used before he was 30 years old, and it had been enshrined in the Buddhist scripture pavilion.But more than 30 years ago, it was stolen by Lin Changtian and hid in the old locust tree.

It's just that the weapons have rusted. The young man who spent a lot of money, drunkenly whipped famous horses, ran amok in dynasties, and acted like a dandy, has been away for 18 years.

Not only the young man in memory left.

Together with the little girl who was as cute as a porcelain baby when they first met, and called her grandpa crisply.As well as the baby who was coughing constantly when he was still swaddled, all left for several years.

He was the only old man with white hair guarding an old locust tree in the huge mansion of the general.

The former God of War in Great Xia is also old after all.

Fearless of the rain of guns and arrows, the indomitable famous general on the battlefield finally understands what it means to be afraid.I don't know if I will still see that little brat and my grandchildren in my lifetime...

(End of this chapter)

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