
Chapter 364 1 pole

Chapter 364 A Pole

"Punishment Temple?"

Jiang Licheng was slightly stunned, apparently he had never heard of this force.Not only him, but everyone present did not understand.After all, you are in the East Spirit Realm, how can you know how big the world is.

Even among those big domains, few people know about this super power.

"No matter where you come from, if you stand in the way of this Marquis, there is only one word of death. Even if you are a young arrogance, you are not the opponent of this Marquis. Since you want to die yourself, this Marquis will send you on your way!"

Jiang Licheng sneered, and an extremely terrifying aura was set off around him. The long sword in his hand emitted a torrent of blood, and he slashed towards Jun Qingcheng with a whistling roar.

"The ban of years!"

With a wave of Jun Qingcheng's jade hand, it made the void freeze for an instant.

At this moment, Jun Qingcheng was wearing the sword of killing, and killed Jiang Licheng.Lin Cangxue also drew his sword, like a rainbow hitting the moon, and with endless sword energy, he charged towards Jiang Licheng.


Jiang Licheng raised his hand, breaking the shackles of time.Looking at the two men who came to kill him, his expression became more and more conceited, and as he waved the blood sword in his hand, like the blood-colored moonlight, he beheaded the two men.


In the void, there was another loud noise.

Tens of thousands of people in the imperial city looked up, and under the moon-like sword light of Jiang Licheng, two stunning figures flew upside down, making it difficult to get close to the middle-aged man in white.

Jiang Licheng, after all, is the second on the list of Marquis Wu!

Above the sky, Jiang Licheng stepped forward, looking down at Lin Cangxue and Jun Qingcheng who flew upside down, with a smile of admiration on his face, "If you can rise a few realms, maybe you can really kill Benhou, just It's a pity that you can't be the opponent of this Marquis after all!"

While Jiang Licheng was speaking, he approached Jun Qingcheng like lightning, beheading the latter with a whistling sword energy.

"Scanning the sky with one sword!"

Jun Qingcheng let out a low cry, and the long sword burst into endless light, illuminating the entire night sky.The dazzling blue sword light actually made Jiang Licheng pause in his steps, feeling a little danger.

Jiang Licheng thought for a while, and his eyes showed excitement and desire. The sword that Jun Qingcheng just made must be a martial art of the earth level, or even an existence beyond the earth level.

"As expected of a mysterious girl, she has such terrifying martial arts!"

Jiang Licheng laughed and pressed Jun Qingcheng step by step.

At this moment, a violent scolding sound suddenly sounded in the void, and Bai Xiaopang stood up from the void, with a towering and tall body, and roared angrily:
"Old dog, let me die!"

Jiang Licheng turned his head and stared fiercely at the towering figure that appeared behind him, only to see that the latter was running wildly, as if fleeing for his life.

In Wuhou Tiangang, Bai Pojun was extremely ashamed seeing this scene.I just feel that my face has been lost by this little bastard.

Seeing this, Jiang Licheng turned his head in satisfaction, and scanned the sky up and down, as if he was inspecting his prey, "Benhou wants to see today, who else in the East Spirit Realm can stop this Marquis from killing! "

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Licheng turned into a beam of blood and rushed towards Jun Qingcheng.

In the void, the battle broke out.

Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue drew their swords against the enemy, fighting Jiang Licheng like a mayfly shaking a tree.In Wuhou Tiangang, after a little hesitation, Bai Pojun plundered out of it and headed towards Jiang Licheng.

At the same time, Bai Xiaopang, who was running away, finally rode a big white cat into the battlefield.

In the blink of an eye, the four people in the void fought with Jiang Licheng, making the void turbulent, and countless sword lights shining through the void.

Dao Dao's sweeping aura made it difficult for the people in the imperial city to breathe, and their faces showed horror, as if they saw a battle between immortals.

"Kill Lin Beichen for this Marquis!"

During the battle, Jiang Licheng commanded hundreds of men in black robes.Before the words were finished, hundreds of black-robed men who were suspended in the void plundered towards Wuhou Tiangang left behind by Bai Pojun.

Lin Cangxue frowned, and then slashed out with a sword, heading towards Wuhou Tiangang.

Jiang Licheng sneered, and one arm stuck into the void, like a steel backbone, blocking Lin Cangxue's way.The latter is ranked second in the Marquis of Wu list, even if the four of them fight alone, it is like looking at flowers in the garden, looking extremely leisurely and indifferent.

Boom boom boom.

In the sky, a man in black robe shot and bombarded Wuhou Tiangang, making a vibrating booming sound, causing the golden Tiangang, which was already on the verge of shattering, to vibrate continuously, and it would shatter at any time.

In Wuhou Tiangang, Lin Beichen faced the attacking digital black robes with a calm and bloody expression, as if he had returned to the years of fighting on the battlefield.

The latter unsheathed the blade, waiting for Wuhou Tiangang to shatter.

Even though he is too old to be able to carry a gun and mount a horse, he is still the former God of War in the Great Xia. No matter what kind of predicament he faces, he will fight until the last drop of blood is shed.

In the sky, Lin Cangxue's expression became more and more anxious. Looking at the Wuhou Tiangang that was gradually breaking apart, she wanted to rush over several times, but was intercepted by Jiang Licheng.

"Want to save Lin Beichen? Beg me on your knees!"

Jiang Licheng's long sword criss-crossed, trapping several people leisurely.In the face of Jun Qingcheng's endless means, it is difficult for him to kill a few people quickly, but it is easy to trap these people.


At this moment, the golden Wuhou Tiangang in the void made a crisp sound and exploded immediately.And at the moment when Wuhou Tiangang shattered, Lin Beichen suddenly let out a long roar, and rushed towards the surrounding warriors with flying white hair.


Before Lin Beichen got close, he was blown away by the terrifying air wave from the man in black. The old figure was like a kite with a broken string, and it was difficult to control his own life and death.

On the battlefield, Lin Cangxue's eyes were about to split open, with fierce murderous intent in her eyes, and she was wearing the Phoenix Martial Spirit and headed towards Lin Beichen again.

Jiang Licheng sneered, and while his figure was shaking, he appeared in front of Lin Cangxue again, and punched the latter.Jun Qingcheng stabbed out with a sword, blocking Jiang Licheng's way and saving Lin Cangxue at the same time.

Lin Cangxue's eyes were piercing, and she came out with her sword again...

On the other side, the digital black robe that broke Wuhou Tiangang had already reached Lin Beichen, and within a punch, smashed Lin Beichen's saber.

Then another black robe shot and smashed at Lin Beichen.

In the void, Lin Beichen looked old and his white hair was rustling.But he was not afraid of death. The latter looked at Lin Cangxue in white in the distance with a pair of dim eyes, with a happy smile on his face, and then slowly closed his eyes.


Lin Cangxue exclaimed, and once again killed in Lin Beichen's direction with tearing eyes.

Whoa whoa whoa...

At this moment, a nondescript dragon chant suddenly sounded in the void, which shocked everyone's expressions.Just turning his head, he saw a three-foot-long black loach suddenly appearing around Lin Beichen.

The whole body of the black loach is pitch black, with shiny scales and armor, and the corners of the head are just exposed.

I saw the black loach let out a roar, and swung its body violently, sweeping across like a great steel wall, cutting off and killing all the black-robed lazy waists around Lin Beichen.

Then, Black Loach crossed his body and supported Lin Beichen.

In the void, several black robes frowned, looking at the black python that suddenly appeared, showing hesitation.In the pure eyes of the black python, they actually felt the will of death covering their whole bodies.

On the battlefield, Jiang Licheng frowned when he saw this scene.While waving the long sleeve, it turned into a bloody light, and committed suicide to Lin Beichen himself.

Lin Cangxue and others changed their colors, and rushed towards Lin Beichen's direction.


In the void, the black loach also seemed to feel the strength of Jiang Licheng, and after a dumbfounded cry, it fled in the void with Lin Beichen on its back.

Jiang Licheng sneered, and as he waved his robe, he appeared in front of the black python, reaching out with one hand to kill the black python.

However, before Jiang Licheng's arm was fully extended, a pole suddenly appeared in the void and hit Jiang Licheng's arm.

Jiang Licheng immediately withdrew his arms, feeling the murderous intent surrounding his body, retreated rapidly, and his expression became extremely dignified.Lin Cangxue and the others also stopped, looking at a place in the void.

In front of the black python and Lin Beichen, where the shoulder pole fell, a figure suddenly appeared.

When Jiang Licheng raised his head and looked at the figure in front of him repelling him with a pole, his expression changed suddenly, and his face revealed an inconceivable expression...

(End of this chapter)

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